Saturday, April 15

i had a tiff with the Mother. she like, channels all her energy into correcting my speech or something! i was saying something like, "where got like that!" and she was all, "what are you talking!" like i was speaking in some tribal tongue. anyway, of course i tried to defend myself and started talking back. i got all huffy and said "so you think my english is very bad ah? FINE, keep thinking that! you always think my grammar is very bad! (its true, she probably thinks i suck at everything) this is conversational english what, then you expect me to speak in proper english all the time MEH??"

correct me if im wrong, but its only natural to get worked up and raise your voice so much so that you appear to be disrespectful. this thus provoked a strong reaction from the Father, who then got huffier than i did earlier on, and asked rhetorically, "how can you speak so rudely to us?" should i have answered? i was PROVOKED, godammit. my mom thrives on picking out every little morsel of error in my speech and then over-amplifying the magnitude of its relevance in my life.

HEYYYY!! my friends are distracting me from completing this entry!!!!!!! its all their fault there's so little read today. haha. dicky thinks blogs are a waste of time. i think he thinks almost everything is a waste of time la! =p oh yeah, we went to the other dicky's house yesterday to prepare the stuff for family day next saturday! its fun decorating plain white mugs.

oh, not to defame a certain brand of paint markers or anything, but i think painty markers are the best!! they're tops! go out and buy a painty marker today! everyone needs a painty marker. haha. i painted hearts and stars and fishies and thick luscious lips! tee hee. dont we all love luscious lips? uh, yes, they all looked girly but perhaps it would appeal to the more effeminate males as well. haha. jessica is SUCH as artist! she was in a catty mood yesterday and drew lots of cats on lots of plates. haha.. her art is really good. she's well-deserving of the smacking big A1 she got for art in olevels =D i have to go now. toodles!

excuse me :X
9:44 AM

Friday, April 7

MUST he call me that???? MUST HE??! it was highly embarrassing. and where on earth he first heard it, i have not the slightest inkling. only people i like can call me that! not that i despise him or anything, dont get me wrong. but he's starting to get a little annoying at times now. of course i try not to show it, because it IS rude, after all. it's tactless and insensitive and im against those nasty traits. haha. i think its callous of people to avoid him like the plague. i mean, sure, you dont like the guy, but hey, at least show some manners. that said, do you ever wonder what makes him tick to a different tune from the rest of us?

i wish i had a fully equipped gym in my room! and a personal trainer wouldnt hurt either. haha..that would be totally cool. dont you feel fat after eating? im amazed at how people can eat snacks in between meals and not feel guilty about it. maybe its just me. im thirsty!

hey! dicky's the first person i know who watches boston legal and grey's anatomy too! haha. shocking realisation. cool..ive been asking around but nobody seems to watch the shows i watch! not even chee yao! who's like this bad influence =p he's like some ardent TV supporter. haha!

my glasses has this accursed scratch on it now, a result of an accident with the rifle. haha..i was cocking the thing and it slipped on the chair and whacked the left lens of my glasses against my eye, so that there was an imprint of my eyelashes on the lens =p i was so afraid i would have a blackeye the netx day. thankfully my eye remained in its socket, still relatively attached to the uh, dunno-what muscle. shit! what muscle is it? erectus? no, thats the hair muscle. whatever. haha. i hope its not jinxed or anything, as fioni suggested, cuz.. the same thing happened to weiling!the rifle hit her head though =p why is it retaliating?! have i not been kind to it?? so i dont oil it anymore, so what! no matter. i must go and make amends with it on monday. haha. there's this irritating little blur speck on my glasses now! i tried using brasso to rub it off, it being an abrasive and all, but alas, it was to no avail. =(

im REALLY thirsty now. im drying up and my skin is flaking off by the metre.

dont you just LOATHE it when you ask people a question and then they go like, ___lah! that one word, that seemingly innocent one tiny little word changes the whole tone of the answer. it makes the answerer sound all-knowing and smart and you, inferior and stupid and a total dumbass. its just so lip-bitingly, fist-clenchingly ANNOYING. you notice i find many things annoying these days. haha.

we sent in a sample to the tshirt man, finally =D i hope it turns out nice, even though the material is kinda scratchy and hot. haha. see, people DO place more importance on looks than comfort. the supplier who supplies the soft material shirt supposedly has sucky embroidery =p and we'd much rather compromise on the scratchiness of the shirt than on the ugliness. haha.

shit! im sorry, ZL, u called when i was watching tv =p thats like, the third missed call ive had from him. haha. im uncontactable most of the time, sorry =p

i thought of being a marriage counsellor. haha. there's a certain satisfaction in seeing couples ending up happy together, or at least working things out when they're going through a rough patch. relationships need effort, for the most part, especially if you've been together for well, long enough. haha. now, im no love guru here, but its just a little observation i made. =p i feel really sad when couples break up you know? perhaps my emotional quotient is too high. like, when u hear of people dedicating songs to their exes on the radio, saying how they really miss them and whatnot, i get sad along with them. im a walking bag of empathy. haha.

sigh..my dearest didi, terence, thinks he will probably be retained cuz he skips school like, once a week. he's in ITE anyway. he says he doesnt like the place..sometimes u just really want to make people see the folly of their thoughts, but u dont know how. i want to convince him not to hate his school, just like how i want to convince people in my school not to think lowly of AJ. (some people are constantly putting it down. yes, you guessed it. it adds to the List of Things which Annoy Vanda.)

johnny let me hear the sample he's going to be playing with his band for AJ idol, and his guitar is not bad, really =) i really hope he makes it through the audtions!! so i will someone to cheer for. haha. its sad that i dont get to see johnny, hinho, yingyee and weiling during training anymore, cuz we train on different days. why dont the nasty people let us book more than 5 lanes!! =( it impedes bonding. at least i get to see weiling in class. sigh..

i feel lonely tonight. you know that song by elvis? "are you lonesome tonight?" Damn right i am.

excuse me :X
9:23 AM

Saturday, April 1

strawberry swiss roll is COOL.

hi5 is coming to singapore!! haha..well, chee yao said so! i bet he watches it religiously everyday at 530. =p

i just had dinner at 11pm! after tuition. haha. i feel totally random today. pretty much like how winnie feels everyday. he's a random little bear, that pooh. haha..oh oh joan and i were being all silly yesterday and we sent the same message to winnie during econ lecture. haha. we told him that somebody was in love with him =p it IS true, in a very 0.00001% kinda way. cuz someone wrote "i love pooh" on the back of the bus 13 seat which we took to j8 that day =p haha..it was stupid, sending the exact same message to him. but hey, thats what happens when econs lectures fail to evoke sufficient interest to render us rapt with attention. haha..actually it gets pretty interesting now, learning about trade and money and stuff =D we wanted to tell him that bobby was his secret admirer and all that, but sadly, he figured it out and said that it wasnt funny =p i hope he at least got a little curious. haha.

we didnt have any lessons yesterday! it was Innovation and Enterprise day!! it was pretty fun =p i mean, seriously, what can beat not having lessons for an ENTIRE day? =D especially when there was supposed to be practical. skill A somemore! so anyway, booths were set up all around school, sorta of like this carnival thing, only without the happening atmosphere. its supposed to illustrate how learning can take place outside the classroom and stuff. yes yes! i love learning outside the classroom!! haha. i am an ardent fan of I&E day! the principal is COOL to organise/approve of such cool stuff! she must like strawberry swiss roll too. haha.

oh me oh my! i saw mily that day!! i heard a "VANDA!" from across the road, turned, looked and holy cow! was it a friend? was it a foe? it was MILY!! lovely ol' mily =p i always picture mily singing..haha..i recognised her from her bag! yeah, the grey one =D its a good thing she was carrying it. i couldnt really see from acorss the road. =p isnt it great to run into old friends? theres this like, rush of familiarity and nostalgia.

its ZHILIANG'S birthday today! lets organise a party on this blog! haha. shucks, im really thirsty. i need water. Happy Birthday Zhiliang =D hey, remember when we called you barbie and sleazebag? haha..we TOTALLY have to meet up one day and exchange prezzies =p

i have so much more to say but ive just been stopped by the MPS-Mom Patrol Squad. playtime's over! haha.. its 130 now, goodnight!! =)

excuse me :X
8:31 AM

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