Sunday, March 19

eye mo tastes better than optodexine.

haha..not that i've intentionally drunk eye mo. you could say that ive had the misfortune of experiencing the aftertaste of optodexine in my throat. i went to the doctor this morning cuz my eyes were all itchy and i rubbed them and they turned red, but the itching wouldnt stop. anyway, turns out that it was an eye infection!! haha. cool. NOT. he gave me eye drops and by golly they are but miracle eye drops. a drop in each eye and voila! redness-be-gone! it was totally cool, i should have observed the transition of the redness subsiding! haha. but i had to type out my gp essay instead. at least i can go to school not looking like a freak tomorrow. i mean, they were REALLY red. it was like i had been deprived of sleep for centuries. oh, but here's the catch. the optodexine worked wonders for my eye, but it left a DISGUSTINGLY BITTER aftertaste in my throat!! some of it must have sneaked down my lachrymal ducts into my nose and then subsequently into my throat. euuuugh. xP i nearly died from all the gagging. i ate a sour plum candy to distract myself from the vileness of the thing. yes and needless to say, i regretted eating it.

i really like the music globe he gave me =D imagine a snow globe, but with three glass horses on a merry go round inside with a dial at the base to wind up to play music. i think there's something very magical about merry-go-rounds and circus tents. it sorta gives you that occasional burst of childishness, and that whole incredulous feeling of being in a childhood fantasy world, with a circus in the background and a ferris wheel with little flags flapping about on it. and the music makes it all so dainty and sweet and sugar-plum-fairy-ish and it just screams 'princess'. haha. there are also snowflakes on the base of the globe, which just adds on to that whole magical experience- the idea of snow falling in the winter time, during christmas..i mean, kudos to the packaging team. haha.

i spent 2 hours writing my gp essay just now! and i dont want to even think about what grade ill get for it. probably what i deserve, which is like, 0. touch wood. haha. the topics SUCKED! they're like the kind i would cross out immediately if they appeared in the exam. but sighhhhhh what to do? its not like they gave equal topic choices. freedom of choice my foot. haha. my just-ironed uniform is hanging on the door, staring at me sinisterly, with that malicious, sadistic snigger as if to say "whatcha gonna do huh? u have SCHOOL tomorrow. AH-HAHAHAH!!!" ah, school. =(

all 6 NAPFA items on tuesday!! not even a million bananas will save me this time.

excuse me :X
7:34 AM

Sunday, March 12

missed me?

haha. yes, after a million-year hiatus, im back. for those of you who consider me as your friend, you would already have known that..my bday was yesterday!! ha ha. it was totally cool. but then again, my bdays are always cool =D i wish i was born everyday. anyway, i went to taka and bought shoes! its one of those sandal thingies which are hard to describe, but when u seem them, you go ohhhhhhh so THATS the sandal thingy she was jabbering about. there were these 2 girls beside me trying on the same kind of sandal thingies and one of them was SO annoying. she went like, zhe ge hen sweet HOR? hen sweet LEH! hen sweeeeet! im like, oh PUKE! need we get all mushy and smushy and swoon over a pair of sandal thingies?? well, no doubt it was sweet and pink with a silver buckle and oozed sweetness appeal, but to go on and on and on about it is disgustingly gross. they didnt have my size so i couldnt buy it =( SHE didnt buy it either cuz like, 39 was too big and 38 was too small. HA.

minnie and huilin treated me to haagen daz yesterday! we ate chocolate fondue. its a fun dish to eat. haha. u get to dip stuff into the chocolate and strawberry dips and eat em. there was ice cream (14 mini balls), cookies, fruit, chocolate love-letters, pound cake (sara lee, probably). of course, i pushed the ice cream tray away immediately. haha. i mean, 14 balls? thats like Xtrim's sworn enemy. and boy was it expensive!!! but i was treated, so its okay =p thanks minnie and huilin for burning your pockets for me =D

joan, huey eng, ivan and i will be going to the gym next week. =p NAPFA is during first week of term 2!! shocking, really. how cruel can they be! and its not like my whole week is free to go to the gym regularly! monday, econ seminar, tues training, wed tuition, thurs some workshop thingy, friday..free!! teehee. for now. talking to winnie now! i havent been online in such a long time. (a million years, i think i mentioned that somewhere above) yay! i got a new room phone which looks like one of those antique phones with the giganormous receiver and copper coloured body. i love it. i hope more people call me from now on so that i can use it more =D

oh thank you class people for giving me the cutlery set! haha. if u must know, i used it immediately when i got home, for dinner =) and even though i dont eat with chopsticks, i will from now on! haha. ill ask mom to cook noodles more often.

and thanks J for the music box, i totally totally love it! its so pretty! with the little horsies inside. plus, the music is so pretty too! hee hee. dont you just love pretty things?

thanks fioni and pussy for the candy machine! haha. its so cute in all its miniature-ness.

i hope i havent left out anyone in my thanks. and THANK YOU everyone else for rememebering my bday and wishing me. thanks a lot! its friends like you who make birthdays so memorable =D

excuse me :X
1:25 AM

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