Saturday, January 28

i dont like eating. it makes me fat. everything i eat makes me fat. i dont like to eat. and whats worse, when my parents are home, i HAVE to eat my meals. they wont take "im not hungry" for an excuse. and it sucks. its not that im not grateful that i have food to eat, unlike the starving poor in africa. i appreciate that there's food on the table should i be happen to want it, but 9 out of 10 times, i DONT want it. it makes me fat. i have a disgusting fat tummy after eating. even after drinking. its only me, right? nobody else gets a stupid tummy after eating or DRINKING, for that matter. why must they make me eat? i reckon i can survive splendidly on my stored material. they should just let me eat when im hungry. whats so wrong about that??? yeah yeah regular meals whatever. people shouldnt eat when they're not hungry. and they shouldnt be made to eat either. this is an outrage! i must lodge a complaint to the Dieter's Association and grieve about my plight along with fellow dieters. ah shit there's like AQ to do before thursday. plus, there's chem test!! silly ol teachers. they have no regard for tradition!! the book of chinese tradition states that Homework Shall not be Given to be due Less Than a Week After Chinese New Year. they fail to recognise and appreciate the full value of a festival regarded as the most important in chinese culture. how dare they! and oh please, its not like my organic chem rocks. i have to memorise all that crap. saying that bio needs far more memory work is NOT a counter argument. org chem is just like memorising this list of temperatures and reagents and conditions and whatnot. and he doesnt like me. actually, i think he doesnt like us. nobody does!! a certain teacher practically ignores the back row people. she cant even hear me when i speak! or perhaps she refuses to listen. my own teacher!! ZL is such an enigma. haha. im going to gain weight during CNY. i just KNOW it. FFFFFFFFFF. im never going to eat lunch in school anymore. scratch that. im never going to eat ANYTHING in school anymore.

excuse me :X
7:59 AM

Thursday, January 19

WOO! i feel refreshed after PE =p we ran 10 rounds today! haha..well, ACTUALLY it was 2 rounds warm up and then 8 rounds. and its all thanks to that banana i ate for lunch! otherwise i highly doubt i would have been able to last out there. bananas are sorely underrated, seemingly insignificant fruit, but as of today, i strongly advocate eating a banana before running! haha. and thats precisely what im gonna do for monday's PE. banana for breakfast, anyone?

I LOVE BANANAS! OOH AH AH AH OOH AH AH AH. then again, maybe the fruits stall aunty spiked the banana with ecstacy. they were having this fruits stall sale in school. buy 2 fruits and get 1 free =D its part of Health Week, in a fervent bid to encourage the healthy habit of fruit gormandising. haha.

they also pasted all these health facts like the amount of calories and fat and whatnot around the school. i must say, i have emerged from this past week a more informed health fanatic. =p and by golly, there's only one day left in health week!

some nike and aasics supplier came to sell sports stuff for SUPER discounted prices!! i bought a pink nike bottle. heehee. everyday, i gaze, enchanted by the beauty of my bottle, speechless, enthralled by my astute colour sense. the sports bras were also heavily discounted. and they were so colourful too!! i think they slashed the prices by at least 20 bucks. 50 to 30. go on, girls, drop your jaws in envy and disbelief! haha. and you dont even get to choose from such a nice, colourful selection in those nike stores! i didnt buy any though. haha. i mean, its not like i get to admire it all the time, it being inside my clothes. which is not the case for my bottle. =D

i really really need to work on IPU. stupid thing. and why does the napfa always have to be after my birthday =( its SO unfair, not like people born in december are any weaker than i am!! the only difference is standing broad jump, and for 17 year olds, its 190 and NOT 193. hmmph.

did you watch american idol?? haha..some of them were so bizarre! like the statue of liberty guy and the other dude whose grandmother decided to stand up for him and confront simon. like THAT would help improve his voice quality. my nose-o-meter tells me that dinner should be arriving very soon. ciaO!

excuse me :X
2:59 AM

Saturday, January 14

HAHA. i have just demarcated the 193cm spot on the hall floor with nice yellow ribbon which is pleasing to the eye. you guessed it! its for STANDING BROAD JUMP. and im gonna practise! i got a stupid B last year cuz i kept losing my stupid balance. but it seems pretty daunting, 193. i know i know, there are lotsa girls out there who can clear the 200cm mark and they're all probably like, geez, what's a hundred and ninety-three lousy centimetres? haha.

oh and like, they increased the criteria to get A for 2.4 by 30 seconds! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy NAPFA association people. i dont think my guess deviates far from the truth when i say that the committee is probably made up of depressed souls who have been deprived of physical education in their youth. and now they're all like, "i want future generations to be srtonger! and fitter! more macho! like bulls, not cows! like men, not mice! so i shall raise the standard of each station to an extremely high one to make people fret about getting their As! *cue evil, gleeful cackle*"

good gracious, i think i shall execute my first Practice Jump tomorrow. (and thereafter feel ashamed of my pathetic attempt.) i marked out 187, 190 and 193. i HOPE i dont have to mark out anything lower. but then, 193 is like a bordeline A. it's risky!! oh what the hell, dunno if i can even make it there. =(

i hate chem practical now!! darn crystals thingy. i was heating my whatchamightcallit..um um..oh right, conical flask on the hot plate on the teacher's bench, and then when my back was turned, the lab technician came in and threw it all away!!!!!!!!!! and my weighing was a perfect 2.5g too! arrrgh to the highest degree.

she flushed my potential fruits of labour down the sink, and away into the sewer, to where lurks the unknown. why dont these lab sessions ever work out for me?!!! i was the only loser who without a packet of crystals.

bio lab was fun though, we got to make our own little beads. u had to use this glass rod and dip it into yeast-alginate solution, and then drip it into calcium chloride, where each droplet will solidify into a bead. they were so cute! like those little IQ balls that you find in deserts. anwyay, i brought them home in a tiny bag, but sad to say, now, they exist only in the form of a painful memory. haha.. they got squashed and flattened when i put the tiny bag in my file and so i chucked them in the bin. =p my poor poor pearly beads. they could have been such great company.

i dont like shopping =( for clothes, anyway. nothing ever seems to look good on me. hmmm..i vaguely remember that i have once lamented about this very same issue. haha. but like, i tried on all this stuff and like, they just dont look nice on me! and then i got sick of trying stuff on cuz i got sick of having to keep removing my clothes just so i can stand in front of a full length mirror in new ones and cringe at the reflection.

i did the multiplier questions in the econ MCQ today and it was pretty fun. tee hee.

excuse me :X
8:04 AM

Wednesday, January 11

To develop Singapore’s economy in its early years, Singapore relied heavily on multinational corporations which invested millions to produce goods and services in the country. However, the onset of globalisation, coupled with the rapid emergence of bigger economic players like India and china, could threaten to erode Singapore’s competitive advantage in the manufacturing industry, particularly for the low-end market.

Given India and china’s vast population, the two countries abound with human capital, and what’s more, it is available at a cheaper rate. This is one of the major pull factors which encourages many labour-intensive manufacturing firms to set up there instead of Singapore, where labour costs are comparatively higher.

Long considered an overpopulated, repressive, backward country, China has in the last decade entered the small circle of advanced industrial nations. The rising trend of such occurrences would mean that fewer companies are willing to invest in Singapore, all this despite her world-class infrastructure, cutting edge technology and human expertise. It could prove to be one challenge which Singapore may find hard to overcome in order to uphold her reputation as an international, investor-friendly, business hub.

To tackle this burgeoning problem, Singapore can focus more on cultivating a highly skilled and competent workforce by providing training for the future workforce, and also train our existing workforce. This constant renewal of skills and abilities must become part of the work culture. This is one way in which Singapore can hold her own in the world, and minimize the impact which cheap labour in other countries has on the employment opportunities and economic advancement in Singapore.

Globalisation could worsen income distribution in Singapore. Companies can shift their manufacturing operations to less developed countries like china and Indonesia in order to take advantage of the lower labour and land costs there. This makes unskilled workers in Singapore easily substitutable. This would also mean that lower-skilled Singaporeans could be faced with job losses and fewer job opportunities when these companies start shifting their operations to less developed countries where labour costs are much lower. They may also have to accept lower wages in order to keep their jobs in the company.

On the other hand, the wages of skilled personnel in Singapore will remain relatively stable as most of them would be working in knowledge-based industries, where human expertise and a high level of education are valued greatly. These individuals will be considered as more valuable assets to the company and are less likely to be retrenched should the company decide to outsource or shift operations. This leads to the gradually widening income gap between the higher and lower income groups in Singapore and the difference in income between the wealthy and the less well off becomes more marked. Income distribution is worsened. This could lead to an inaccurate representation of GNP per capita, as the bulk of the national income would be generated mainly by the rich.

A less equal income distribution could also lead to segregation between the rich and the poor in the country, giving rise to social problems such as decreased understanding and unity between all the citizens. This would pose a great problem to Singapore as unity and harmony among the residents are of utmost importance to this miniscule nation. Singapore must be wary not to allow the rich-poor divide to disrupt unity and togetherness in the nation.

Globalisation can pose a number of challenges, especially to small open economies like Singapore. The Asian crisis is one incident which has shown that financial integration acts like a magnifying glass on the domestic economy-multiplying the benefits of good policies but also increasing the costs of bas ones. We need to recognise that the forces driving globsalisation are irreversible and Singapore cannot afford to turn away from global market integration. The challenge for Singapore is therefore to maximise the benefits and minimize the costs of globalisation.

Globalisation blurs national boundaries and may potentially dilute our sense of identity. The dilution of our sense of national identity cannot be left unchecked, as it is the glue that holds the jigsaw of Singapore together. We have to ensure that Singaporeans remain engaged and interested in national issues. Singapore also needs to cultivate a core group of active citizens, young and old, passionate about making a difference to our community, whether through volunteer work or causes that excite them and bring social benefit.

excuse me :X
5:45 AM

Wednesday, January 4

im peeling! this is disgusting. im filling my entire room with dead skin cells. u know how when u peel ur dried sunburnt skin off, theres this tearing sound? its just GROSS!! haha. i cant wear sleeveless anymore. but thats okay! i am metamorphosising into a beautiful butterfly. shedding the old, embracing the new! a new skin, a new me, for a new year! haha. ill blog tml.

excuse me :X
7:58 AM

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