Friday, December 30

The dummies' guide to Ways to Tell You've Been Sunburnt:

1. a bunch of bearded fishermen with huge nets start chasing you yelling "GIANT LOBSTER! IT'S GETTING AWAY!"

2. you get mobbed at the Ice Cream Fair because people mistake you for a walking, tri-coloured, metropolitan flavoured ice cream. (red, brown and white)

3. you would rather be caught wearing your jammies in orchard road than wear strappy items of clothing like say for example, a brassiere, because they cut into your red, sore skin.

4. bath time becomes a complete torment because you cringe everytime you towel dry.

5. you seem to disappear in a strawberry farm.

i cant believe im actually talking to menghee now. haha. its been YEARS since i last talked to him online. the last time was when he called me FAT and then we stopped talking. haha. he's my primary school classmate anyway. he was an index number behind me =p saw him at the 6D gathering that day! haha. he says i havent changed much since then in that im still 'quite talkative'. i guess im selectively talkative. i didnt say much at the air rifle outing yesterday.............i bet they think im some introvert. haha.

my mom has to go for this minor operation thing. she says its not serious and shit. but I DONT BELIEVE HER. im gonna force her to go for the op, and ill threaten not to eat lunch in school until she does. i swear ill do it. thats one of her greatest concerns you know? me not eating. HAH. well, that'll make her reconsider her decision.

as u may have already firgured out, i've been fried by the sun. my shoulders and back have never been so red before!! uh, maybe thats because i didnt wear halter tops to the beach in the past. haha. anwyay, my shuolders are BLOODY SORE!! and bloody red too. like the pun? haha. although my neck's turned brown since yesterday. u can see the shape of the top i wore! the covered parts are stark white and the exposed parts are crimson. i think i would scream bloody murder if anyone so much as tapped my shoulder. my arm's sore too! from playing captain's ball in the water =p

excuse me :X
8:21 AM

Thursday, December 29


When I was 7
They said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was OK
They said you're more beautiful
And that's the way they show that they wish
They had your smile
So my confidence was up for a while
I got real comfortable with my own style
I knew that they were only jealous cos

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed
Cos I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realises how it affects somebody
And you bet it won't be forgotten
Envy is the only thing it could be

Cos people are all the same(The same, the same)
And we only get judged by what we do(What we do, yeah, yeah)
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then(Yeah, you)
So are you
So are you

People are all the same(Oh, oh, oh)
And we only get judged by what we do(What we do, yeah)
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then(Yeah, so are you)
So are you
So are you

excuse me :X
8:01 AM

Friday, December 23


MY THROAT IS DYING. correction: MY THROAT HAS DIED. it hurts like hell now cuz of all the coughing activities ive been engaging in since yesterday. the poor thing! i bet its all red and bloody and gross now. i bet its craving for a strepsil. but im too lazy to reach over to get it.

hee went out with the 6D '00 people yesterday!! i LURRVE them all! 6D rocks!! it was just so cool meeting up with everyone =) apparently, most of the 6D pp are in SR now. cool!

haha oh god this is hilarious. brandee asked me if i was spending christmas with my boyfriend. im like, DUUUDE! im super single like a bedsheet. haha.

I DONT FEEL LIKE BLOGGING TODAY. maybe after christmas, then i can write about what i got and WHO i got stuff from. *hint*

excuse me :X
7:55 AM

Wednesday, December 21

ebase is really smart. ebase is run by geniuses!! have you noticed how the lighting is particularly dim in the ebase shop? BECAUSE WE LOOK BETTER IN DIM LIGHTING! and that encourages us to purchase their products cuz we THINK we look good in them, when actually its cuz of the flattering light=big bucks rolling in=revenue maximisation=inevitably means profit maximisation=wealthy proprietors.

6D gathering tml!! woohoO! haha..thats my primary school class, anyway =) we have a gathering every YEAR! more specifically, at the end of every year. yayyy. haha. going to marina bay again, though =p under other circumstances, i would say that marina bay is losing its excitement value, but i guess its the company that matters most. =D

ooh went to the gym today again! haha. this gym thing, i could get used to. and NO, not because there are any eye candy around or whatever. i hate that phrase. 'eye candy'. its getting SO overused. i weighed myself, and i gained weight from last week! about 500g. !!!!!!!!!!!! so i ate salad for lunch just now. surprisingly, the BK chicken salad portion is quite large! but there was MAYO. fat alert. i actually swore on not eating, but then, a salad sounded pretty harmless. i hope. oh my god STEAMBOAT tml!! lunch would best be taken skipped.

mom is outright gross!!!! i bought this halter top thingamajig, and she was like, why did you buy this kind of top?! what if someone pulls it from behind? sickened by the thought that she actually mentioned it, i said, DONT BE GROSS LA! gosh. the things mothers worry about. i need longer hair though. but then again, there'd be no point in wearing one.

jing is going tml! jing, the greatest baker on earth! and also the most generous one, cuz i get freebies!! heehee. the last piece of confectionery she made was cheesecake, of which i was most fortunate to receive a slice. a slice of her efforts. a slice of her sweat! a slice of her friendly love!! haha.

excuse me :X
8:15 AM

Monday, December 19

today SO sucked! i give it a 2/10. i woke up feeling a little dizzy and so i took an unusually long time in the bathroom (bathing, of course) and like, i had 5 minutes left to eat and change before going to air rifle. how ridiculous! so anyway, i rushed off to school, feeling 1/2 dizzy. and then i thought, how stupid is this?! how can i possibly aim properly when the world around me is in constant motion?! i did, anyway. and well, of course the card turned out sucky. which therefore made the day quite sucky.

conclusion: dont attempt to shoot if ure feeling dizzy.

i mean, it just doesnt work. dizziness--> masks ability to balance--> off focus--> ugly card. i might as well have been aiming while trying to skateboard. luckily the coach didnt ask me for the card. and its stupid how i felt better AFTER the training! what the hell for right?!

anyway, we had a mass copying session at the library. haha! the source of reference being wenhui's work. oh my god copied math like siao la. it got totally boring and sian! even though my brain was having a holiday.

oh and OH MY GOD there was this couple sitting behind us who were practically making out. on behalf of everyone, THE GENERAL PUBLIC DO NOT CONDONE PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION, DAMMIT. for gods sake! we could HEAR THEM kissing. like, WTF man!! go to a secluded alley or something.

i could see the reflection in the window in front. haha.. although i must say, such behaviour does provide entertainment and a good laugh or two. i know, its rude to watch other people get all touchy feely. but oh come ON. they should have chosen a spot where they would have been less noticeable.

then again, the state should fund the construction of public 'making out areas'. i shall write to the president! haha..what with their fervent emphasis on expanding the population. oh, but then again, they'd have to beef up their campaign on using protection........so, nevermind.

do mushroom buns contain lotsa cholesterol? cuz like, that would NOT be good news. i had it for lunch. and THREE chipsmore biscuits. or is it chips ahoy? why cant these biscuit companies use more distinctive names?! sheesh. i SUPPOSE you could say but i didnt have breakfast. but the biscuits more than make up for it, dont they? argh. oh whatever.

i hope the air rifle outing is at the beach! christeeee said calvin wanted dinner only. but but but..cant we go beach first then dinner! i mean, you DO need to eat after a day at the beach right? i havent been to the beach in a long time. heheh.

i feel that im getting fairer. am i?????? im getting fairer and fairer. haha..its okay, i guess. i used to LOATHE being fair, and then there was a phase where i loathed being dark, but seriously, i couldnt give 2 hoots about it now! after all, BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP. =p haha..

i like malcolm's nick. it says
'pretty heart, pretty face, each sold separately'

i guess thats pretty much true for most of us huh? haha..my apologies if u represent the exceptional minority.

excuse me :X
2:24 AM

Saturday, December 17

ahhh shiiit. i feel so bloody fat. can people gain weight in 2 days? we went to the gym on thursday. me, huey eng, joanie, jessica stone and ivan. haha. i didnt dare weigh myself cuz the scale was digital, and we all know how grossly accurate digital scales can be. got decimal place somemore! but anyway, THE TRUTH IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE FEARED.

anyway, i lost weight. like, ????!!!!!!!!!! so happy that i lost weight! yayyyyy. haha..YAYYYYYYYYYYY!! but then yesterday i ate ICE CREAM. the culprit of all culprits, the demon of all demons, the primary cause of weight gain in people who lead sedentary lifestyles and who have depressingly slow metabolic rates.

AHHHHHHHHHHH. ITS ALL HUILIN'S FAULT!! she offered me a ya kun ice cream toast thingy, which piqued the curiosity of my sugar-starved tastebuds. and then we had another round of ice cream at swensons, celebrating gerladine's 117th birthday. the sin of all sins. im so sorry, thighs and waist. time and again, i let you down. =(

my tummy gets bigger after eating! WHY?! its not normal, is it?? i see other people maintaining their bloody flat abs even after stuffing themselves silly. this is so unfair. i must write a letter of complaint to the Tummy Association and demand some sort of compensation to make up for the irreparable damage the have subjected mine to. i feel guilty after eating a proper meal. seriously.

i have been such a sickie today. in the words of mr sanuse. haha. or is it mr sanusi? whatever. i woke up this morning with a monsterous body ache and a terrible sore throat. flu right! but i had no fever, Thus, it wasnt the flu. mom gave me some painkiller thingamajigs and i felt instantly better after taking em. but she still made me eat lunch. which thereafter inspired me to contemplate the pros and cons of puking. the con outweighed the pro though, it being that the aftertaste of puke is not something remotely pleasant.

here's an observation i've made:

1. most singaporean females above the age of 20 look alike. (long, rebonded hair etc) i guess most people think its SAFER to keep long hair, even though practically 90% of the female population have it.

2. "all i want for christmas is my two front teeth' is grammatically wrong. i mean, maybe im slow on this one and maybe the whole world has already known this since the first time they heard it.

i borrowed Philosophy for Dummies =p cool huh. its so intriguing and insightful and intellectually stimulating. i wish we could study philosophy from a young age. it makes you question things in life that might otherwise and, very commonly so, be taken for granted. oh and DID YOU KNOW?? socrates was sentenced to death by being made to consume poison.

"Many of the young people in Athens were impressed with socrates' razor-sharp intellect and often followed him about, imitating his probing style of conversation and offending even more people. in fact, by the age of 70, socrates and his follwers had angered so many rominent citizens in Athens that he was accused and tried on the two trumped-up charges of corrupting the youth and of not believing in the gods of the city but following other gods instead."

haha..i love philosophy. i love Philosophy. its so much more worth reading and studying in great detail than say, math. no offence to all you math geniuses out there.

The unexamined life is not worth living- Socrates. SO. Do not be washed along the sea of life blindly, or believe in things Just Because, or reduce the rhythm of life to a dull, pathetic monotone. Life should be colourful, meaningful, enriching and FUN. Do things for a reason, and believe in things because you have reason to. That's basically what i got out of reading 35 pages of Philosophy for Dummies. there's more to come, so stay tuned to this blog for more bitesized snippets of Philosophy. haha.

excuse me :X
6:46 AM

Tuesday, December 13

the 'new coach' didnt come today! she was supposed to, but apparently she was bogged down with matters of the loo. haha..lets just say she had a continuous bout of defecation. we've been coachless for 2 sessions already! i wonder what happened to the older dude, he's such a granfather figure =D he's funny too. haha.

i was kinda thinking about what i was gonna blog about after training, and then i considered something like 'i hate shooting' cuz really, the first card SUCKED. i immediately disposed of it, too ashamed to even glance at it. but anyway, i changed my mind later on cuz the 4th card was quite cool. quite nice la..haha..we had this like mini competition thingy, girls against guys, but there were only 3 girls so chris joined us =p and..we won both times! ha ha! the guys were supposed to give a TREAT, and sakae sushi sounded good. but sadly, they didnt. VERY gentlemanly, hor? =p

oh god my ear has been itching like crazy these days! and its not even the new hole! its the old one. i think its jealous because my priorities have been diverted to the new one and i havent been lavishing as much attention on it as i should be. it gets all pus-sy and sticky and stuff! and i have to keep wiping all the goo away with tissue. but it STILL KEEPS COMING BACK TO HAUNT ME. will it never stop? even blood stops spewing out after a while! what is this! maybe i dont have platelets. haha.

went out with him yesterday..well..to study la..but i thought..that it was really nice. yeaH..heh..but i guess..it was only for a day..

oh cooooooL..adrienne is gonna shoot in the next SEA games!! cool..she didnt go this year cuz they had alevels and stuff..waaaaaaaasted la..haha, i would have loved to see her on TV. i heard some HCI girl/guy got 2nd in SEA games, beaten by thailand. haha. SEA games seems so last century already.

Gosh..a million tissue boxes later, things are still the same. The individual's perception, anyway.

oh, might i make a recommendation for the next song you download? this song below is a really awesome track! its sentimental and stuff, and well, if you read it, it sounds really sad too. but i guess thats the whole beauty of Songs which Depress the Soul. anyway, listen to it, if you havent. plus, its all piano. really slow and well..i guess you could call it romantic, if the words werent so miserably depressing. haha. i think im gonna request for it on radio soon! on young's show. my favy fave! he always reads out my dedications! heh.

James Blunt-Goodbye my lover

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,I
am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry,
I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby,
I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

excuse me :X
10:07 PM

Friday, December 9

i pierced my ear today!

heehee. and whats more, i went with Mother. who would have thought this situation would be possible in reality? anyway, i asked "can i pierce my ear?" well, of course, i just asked out of politness and nothing more, because i would have got it pierced ANYWAY. sometimes, its good to let your parents think they can control you. haha. she went all "another one?" but i clarified matters with her and told her i would pierce the right instead of the the left, which has already reached full population. is there a word for it? ummm optimal capacity or some crap like that? haha. so NOW, its a 4left, 3right. i SWEAR its gonna be the last one i pierce. i saw this picture of an ear and it had 9 freaky piercings on it. and it was SO freakish and gross and ewwwww and blehhh and..do i look like THAT?! 4 isnt a lot right? RIGHT? its normal to have 4. lotsa people have 4. and they're normal too.

i was kinda looking at the big picture today and thinking, everything seems so small scale, come to think of it. i mean, how the world works and stuff. like, people build homes for other people to live in. people organise competitions to see whos the best at doing whatever. even international and national competitions seem so..made up. like, everything is just for us to enjoy and make the most out of life. it seems like this game, where u spend all the time thats alloted to you and then you leave, never to return. ITS LIKE THIS GAME. but then its not a game because people have feelings and they develop relationships with other people and staying in the game is really important to them. and OH CRAP. i am a nonsensical nonsense machine. i bet none of this makes sense to you. nono, not that u people are dumbasses or anything, dont get me wrong. haha.

oh my gosh we are finally going to the gym next week! goodbye fat! haha. i asked ivan if guys normally make a beeline for the weights section or something, and he said he didnt want bulging, he wanted toned. haha. i asked jessica already, but then she said she had some camp, but i BET she's just laaaaaaaaazy. haha. oh my god! i bet she has plans to stone! her stoning acitivities take precedence over everything else, the traitor! haha. YES. we shall go back to school toned, bronzed and maybe for ivan, rippling with a 100-pack. haha. yesterday's class outing was an astounding failure. only 5 people turned up!! huey eng, joan, ivan, kevin and me! haha. but it was fun, we went to marina square and ate cafe cartel and played arcade. i love the drum set thingy! i love the music, anyway. its all so cute. the fuzzy wuzzy widdle machine.

SHIT. i just realised something bad. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT.

excuse me :X
7:55 AM

Tuesday, December 6

last day of work attachment!! oh my gosh, im probably never going to see gabriel and ihui again. today, william treated us to lunch at some chicken rice stall. i hate departures, dont you? 4E1 chalet ended today too..so its like a double goodbye. feeling pretty/kinda/sorta/a lil bit/actually very sad now. the nanyang people like, see each other all the time and stuff. absence..makes the heart grow fonder.

and i barely talked to him. no, scratch that. i didnt get to talk to him at all. well i did say hello at the bbq but that was it. like, really. one pathetic hello. sometimes i envy other people for being able to talk to him like..like friends at least. now it just feels like we're strangers. its just really really really sad. you know. i know. i am pathetic. im just some freaking pathetic bloody emotional..freak. dont tag about this please.

anyway, i had lots of fun with the girls. =) i was kinda disappointed when mf said she was going home, cuz then the rest would go home too and there's be virtually be no more girls left there. im so thankful they decided to stay. i love them all. tee hee. me and geraldine and sharon learnt the entire barney song from huishan. haha! it was so cool, we were singing it on the way to tampines last night.

we turned out the lights when zl was in the bathroom. haha. i swear its been a long time since i laughed so hard. we were planning to rap on the door and tell him that his time was up, and then turn off the lights. but we never got to doing that cuz he came out and went to the other bathroom. haha..and he locked the room door and told junwei not to open it or something. so spoiler. haha.

zhiliang ure so mean. u dao me one.

thanks MF!! for bringing my bag there. ure incredibly kind. =D it was so funny teaching karen mahjong. she had these long decorated-with-flower-stickers fingernails and like, she had to be careful when handling the tiles, so she looked like a taitai playing, with her fingers spread out, like she was afraid of breaking a nail. i cant believe im actually laughing now.

Barney is a dinosaur
from our imagination
And when he's big
he's what we call a dinosaur sensation

Barney's friends are big and small
They come from lotsa places
And after school they meet to play
And sing with happy faces

Barney teaches lotsa things
Like how to play pretend
ABCs and 123s
And how to be a friend

Barney comes to play with us
Whenever we may need him
Barney can be your friend too
If you just make believe him

learn this stuff by heart. because..

Barney Rocks!

excuse me :X
11:50 PM

Ye Olde fart
19 for now
Bitter and morbid

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