Wednesday, November 30

hah! im blogging this in the office now. all the Adults are out for lunch. haha..today's like muscle-ache day! woke up with a terrible arm and shoulder strain. i just realised we didnt do warmups yesterday! oh man, this morning was TOTALLY boring. im SO sick of KI already! at least PW was something we know about, unlike this alien subject. haha. i hope the Adults dont come back anytime soon. im not done typing this yet. and they might think im carrying out a slacking activity. we're supposed to work on a report for tml about KI. but SERIOUSLY, i dont really have much to say about KI! ate a curry potato cheese bun for lunch. haha..sounds weird doesnt it? but i liked it. i like buns. haha. the edible kinds, anyway. buns of flour.

oh RIGHT, saw this woman walking out of the mrt station this morning. she was totally swinging her butt like crazy, sashaying out of everybody's way. im like, oh PUH-LEEZ, chio then chio lah! no need to swing until like that right! maybe guys would find it attractive and sexy and whatnot, but to me, it just looks stupid and a silly way to put your ATP to use.

oh gosh. i hear the Adults. i dont know if im even allowed to use this. they're afraid we might oh i dont know, gain access to some secret examination files or the blueprint of the Earth Destructor 3000 or whatever. better publish this thing now! i see gabriel playing minesweeper. haha.

haha..i was mistaken. those are the Adults from the other department. the english dept people are still out lunching. working here seems quite fun, from the looks of it. they're always hanging around each other's cubicles/WORKSTATIONS, laughing and joking and talking about the chicken little song. you know, the annoying one! the one which has been turned into some gross chinese pop song or something. haha.

oh YAY i read winnie's email yesterday and HE'S giong to organise the class outing. good job, winnie! *applauds and hoots wildly* what a great bear. bloody hell im trying to play some game on miniclip but the stupid thing is blank. haha..i hope there isnt some secret room with little screens where the security guards gather and check on what we're doing. they might come and snatch the game from me. oh gabriels asleep at the desk now. haha. wonder what ihui is doing.

i saw ong eng wen this morning! i couldnt recognise him cuz he wasnt wearing his glasses and stuff! i was walking behind him and well, he sorrrrrrrrrrta looked familiar from the back and so i took a chance and yelled "MR ONG!" haha. slowly he turned around. i bet he wished i didnt call him that cuz before i turned in to the MOE building, he said something like "im not your teacher anymore" or was it "dont call me mr ong". haha somewhere along those lines.

i see lots of uni people in the train. cuz NUS and NTU are both on the same line! *ahem* they probably think im one of them. you know, given how mature i appear and my tall uni-like height. ha-ha.

SHIT i have been sitting in this position for far too long. now my shoulder ache is acting up again. they're going to the gym later. but i cant do anything besides run seeing as i cant lift anything. shit theyre back.

excuse me :X
9:24 PM

Tuesday, November 29

hey! just came back from the clay target shooting lesson. haha..it was really cool..got to go to the national shooting centre at choa chu kang and had to pass so many cemeteries and crematoriums on the way there. =p shotgun is really cool..its so unlike rifle. and im such a weakling!! my left arm was already trembling after holding the thing for about 3 rounds. and its not like rifle where you can rest your elbow on your hip, cuz you gotta support the shotgun with just your left hand and arm. he said shotguns are about 3kg only, which makes them lighter than air rifles, but i couldnt support the thing for long though. haha..why's my left arm so bloody weak?!

anyway, shotguns recoil! and now my right shoulder/arm junction is totally red and bruised. well, its more on the bruisey side than red. it was totally red during the session. if i had fired anymore, i think the area would start bleeding. heheh. i might as well have no skin at all.

the recoil part was quite a shock at first! like, after you fire the thing, whoa! you feel the impact. and my left arm is totally suanned-out now, i couldnt even wash my hair properly! i was spreading the shampoo and then wahhhhhhh so suaaaaan so in the end, i only used my right hand to shampoo. haha..dont worry, im still clean, so its safe to come near me! and after the bath i tried to tie my hair, but i had to lean to the left cuz my left arm was suan and i couldnt really hold it up to my head for long. haha.

we did 3 kinds of shooting. Trap, skeet and double trap. in trap, the clay target comes flying vertically up from a distance. in skeet, there are 2 types. the first is where the target flies kinda like in your direction, from the opposite. i mean, of course its not directly at you lah. haha.. yeah so you have to 'track' the thing, which is to follow it with the gun and then shoot it a bit in front of and below the target, kinda like in the south-west direction. and theres another type of skeet, where the target flies from behind you instead of from the opposite direction. i dunno why, but that one's more difficult. to me, at least. haha..maybe its just me.

double trap is something like trap but 2 targets come vertically out at same time, side by side and you have shoot one after the other. and the coolest thing is, every time you want the target to fly out, as in, when ure ready to shoot, u have to say 'pull' into the mike! and its all like voice-activated and the system will respond by making the target(s) fly out from their lairs. haha. I think its cool! actually you dont have to say pull, just any one-word command, but thats sorta like the standard =p chris said 'fly' though. haha. there are different directions in which the target can fly. we also tried one where it was flying in the north-west direction instead of vertical.

oh and its really loud too! he gave us ear plugs to shove into our ears and that REALLY helps a lot. chris forgot to wear his when the guy was shooting and ha ha ha..well, you know what happened. the ammo was cool! there are like, 300 pellets in each um, thingy. what do you call those? the pellet house??? haha..theyre quite big, like a C-sized battery. the gunfire is cool too! i think everything was cooL! the gunfire, the loud 'boom!', the recoil, the earplugs..and even the bruises. haha..cuz its the first time i did something so..real. i mean, they use these to go crow-hunting. you need a license for that, though =p i forgot which is the one which can kill humans from 300m away! damn.

i skipped work attachment today to go for this! im glad i did, cuz it'll probably be something i wont get to do anymore! taking it up as a hobby is REALLY expensive, like $90 a day, for 2 boxes of ammo. i mean, i dont know about you, but i dont have that kind of money to splurge on shooting flying clay targets regularly =p

we saw some guys shooting with pistols too, and it was cool, cuz there are different steps when shooting different guns, and for pistol, the target card is huge! haha..cuz its like a one-hand thing. but the bullets are cooL! i mean, they're like the kinds you see in movies where the golden bullet holders or whatever come flying out from the back of the pistol and drop to the ground after they've been fired. haha..

i thought shotgun was really cool cuz you get to see gunfire and experience the recoil! but air rifle training is starting soon..should switch back to the AR mode already. haha.

excuse me :X
11:58 PM

Monday, November 28

today was so boring!! we were given these KI resources and were supposed to look through them and like, critique them and stuff. and believe me, KI is SUPER chim! its something like philosophy, you get to study about the theory of knowledge, how knowledge comes about and stuff. seems interesting huh? but you should see the questions. it makes GP look like a piece of blackforest cake. its very philosphical. they even make reference to plato and aristotle and the socrates method of questioning (or something like that. this mountain tortoise is too ignorant to be in possession of such high level thinking anwyay.)

oh yes, back to the boring-ness of today's activities. as expected, it got rather boring reading stuff that we're not very familiar with. haha..so after reading for a short period of time (this is debatable, however), i was lured into playing computer hearts by well, the computer. contrary to popular belief, the computer is not simply an inanimate object with a programmed mind. i must admit, it has superb persuasion skills. haha..anwyay,

the computer, aware of the ease of influencing my mind, said "come play hearts with me. you know you want to."

"oh shut up, you box of chips, im trying to familiarise myself with all this advanced KI stuff which is so not my turf."

"but im lonely and i need a companion. someone like YOU."

and then my heart melts at this seemingly sincere compliment.

and the rest is history.

ihui was playing civilisation 4 or something..and gabriel was reading. haha..and i played about a bazillion rounds of hearts. if this keeps up, my hearts-ing skills will improve drastically.

oh, then he let me play world of warcraft. heehee. ive never played warcraft before. but the laptop was quite laggy and like, the character kept jerking forward. haha. like a Jerk. i always pick the ugliest, most grotesque one, for some reason. its an innate inclination.

i was in the train this morning and there was this woman sleeping with her mouth open. haha..not a very flattering position either. for the whole journey, i couldnt help staring at her. well actually, not to be mean or anything, but i was sorta anticipating a sliver of drool to trickle down her chin. haha. thankfully, it didnt.

so here's a tip: never sleep on public transport unless

1 before your head lolls back involuntarily, be ABSOLUTELY certain that you've positioned yourself in a flattering, camera-friendly sleep-sitting position. this will ensure that candid shots of an unconscious you might well be worth millions should they be circulated on the net.

2 you seal your lips with tape, glue or quick-drying cement.

2.1 alternatively, if you're on a budget and have a sweet tooth, kill two birds with one stone and use peanut butter in place of the aforementioned self-adhesive items.

3 you order the driver to seal the eyes of all boarding passengers and make no exception, except for perhaps the occasional blind passenger. To do so, see points 2-2.1.

4 you are a supermodel and do not have any unflattering angles.

5 you wear a bag over your head to save yourself the humiliation of being recognised/spotted by a plastic surgery company to pose for the 'before surgery' picture. (note: you might want to cut little holes in said bag to be certain that you do not fall into morpheus' arms forever)

Don't say you weren't warned.

excuse me :X
3:02 AM

Friday, November 25


oh please please please be reading this before 12mn on the 25th.

today was more fun than yesterday! i went there at 9 on the dot and gabriel and i-hui hadnt arrived yet and like, i was just sitting at the work station stoning till they came and the air con might as well have been spoilt because it was SWELTERING in there!! i like how i-hui's name is spelt! kinda cool. =p it was really QUITE boring, writing the proposal. haha..but the guys were cool, so its okay. yesterday, i didnt really know them well yet, so it was quite weird and stuff. but today, its better. =)

we walked to holland V to eat again! and this time, at crystal jade! heheh. well, of COURSE it wasnt the restaurant one. the sun had already burned my brain out, it is not necessary that a similar hole should appear in my pocket. me and gabriel ate the la mian in sichuan style and it just tasted totally like peanut!!!!! in the picture, they just had this like, small lump of peanut paste on the lump of noodles, but when we mixed the thing in, the peanut was simply OVERWHELMING. i mean, WHAT sichuan??! i-hui treated us to the xiao long baos too! i ate 3 of them. =D

and after lunch we went to this party shop thingy which was AWESOME!! they had all these quaint party material! including those put in the water and watch them expand kinda toys and lollipops with worms frozen inside! and all these cool wigs and children's costumes. there was this winnie the pooh suit!! heehee. alex pooh, should have bought for you. =p but then again, i guess it already IS your birthday suit, no pun intended.

we got back to the office like, late. haha. william was like, you all a bit late hor? =p heh. i hope he isnt like, annoyed with us or anything. its only the second day!! oh and it turns out,ong eng wen was his student!! he was in charge of ELDDS back when he was taching in AJ. did i mention how most of the teachers there are associated with AJ somehow? either taught there or were from there! and william also said that there were lots of AJcians who joined the education industry. *majestically* it is only natural for the good people of AJC to join noble professions such as teaching.

i also realised that some office people are still SOOOO childishly girly! there's this lady, from i dont know which department, who's TOTALLY flirty in a girly way. as in, not the bitchy kind of flirty of course, the super girly kind. the link arms with other female colleagues kind. =p

WAS ANYONE LISTENING AT ALL to 987 say with it music with young last night? cuzzzzz i requested a song again and he played it and i love him! haha. but he didnt have 'life got cold' by girls aloud. bummer!! he played me sound of the underground. double bummer. i dont really like that song! i suppose they all have for the 'if they like song X from artist X, they'll probably like other songs from artist X' way of thinking.

fioni takes pictures of cats kissing!

like my nice coloured emphasised words? haha.

excuse me :X
6:24 AM

Thursday, November 24

i saw kevin today!! at some food court in holland V =p he had an attachment with biopolis, same as jing!! cooool. but they dont know each other. haha..he's grown more hair since the last time i saw him! and when was that? oh, only about 8 MONTHS AGO!! he used to be in my math group! and we would do this stupid celine-ee kent thing. well, back THEN. =p he'd go i say celine you say ee! then i would say kent! haha. so its kinda like I SAY CELINE YOU SAY EE! (KENT!) EE! (KENT!) haha.. so stupid. and then we would high five! so fun. i loved math last time!! especially with jolly ol' mr wee =p

oh right..work attachment today! i underestimated my walking speed, so i got to the outram station super early. haha i waited for 4 mrts to pass before taking the 5th one, but i was still at MOE the earliest. =p what is WITH these mrts? they come every 2 or 3 seconds. i SUPPOSE that's good news for the bulk of the working population who commute by the east-west line, but to people of my kind, its just horrid. haha. oh yeah! there was this really big sized guy who came to sit down beside me and was like,

"uh hello!"
"so whats your name?"
"June." haha i was trying to pick a fako name fast, and i instantly thought of judith but then, oh nvm, so chim. so i said June. haha.
and he asked where i was going and stuff.
"can i be your friend?"
"sure!" HONESTLY, what could i say? oh shove off, ure creepy?
"can i have your number?"
"but we're friends"
"you dont need my number, we're talking now"
"are u attached?"
"thats a sin."
"to be unattached? WHY??!"
"-----" (bleeped out to save you from barfing)
"can i be your temporary boyfriend?"
"of course not!"
"just kidding just kidding ha ha ha ha"

(cue to board train)

WELL that was fun. =D i like talking to strangers. you're never gonna see them again. (hopefully not this one.)

the other 2 were CJ guys and they're in J2 this year, just finished exams yesterday. they take lit and i must say, their english is damn zhuai. haha. talk about articulate. actually, this was what i had been dreading all along, if the other 2 knew each other, id be sticking out like a sore pinky. but thankfully, they're both really nice. =) they're very outspoken. and we've all been to pre u sem! they went last year though. AND! they know claudio! =D theirs was at NUS and they said the hostels were really nice and stuff!! haha uhhhh nope, nobody's exactly complaining about the NTU hostels =p

mr wee, the guy to whom we were sorta attached to, said the minister comes quite often! but he has a separate lift to take, not the Commoner's Lift, i suppose. =p haha. they're all so jolly and jovial and friendly. it almost seems a joy working with one another there. they even have a gym, library, pool table and a foozball table there! haha..cool huh? oh and the lift is kinda cool too =p the security is SO tight there. well, i guess thats only logical, since people may sneak in to take a peek at exam papers. =D saw the woman who is responsible for the changes in PW!!!! PW may just be scrapped in the future. think 20 million years down the road. haha..

excuse me :X
2:55 AM

Monday, November 21

oh myyy..went to toa payoh yesterday and i saw this guy, and i thought he looked quite shuai-ish and stuff. he was carrying this paddle and his shirt revealed that he was from NYJC dragonboat. cool huh? and then he turned around and i gasped like ive never gasped before, because it was jia jun!! haha..i hope i didnt pass out from astonishment. at least, i hope i wasnt gaping or staring at him like an bloomin idiot. and if i was, i hope he didnt see. haha. i couldnt believe it was jiajun. okay, dont get me wrong, im not suggesting that i what i thought of him before deviates greatly from what i saw yesterday. its probably cuz i havent seen him for so long. these shock-the-daylights-out-of-you things happen, you know.

i keep thinking qiaoru is in dragonboat! when in fact, she's pushing her thoracic cavity to its limits, singing her lungs out and charming the world with her heanvenly vocals in choir! =D hey! she should record a song to serenade me with. haha.

what a BORING day. we were supposed to go out today, but who knew suddenly everyone had stuff cropping up unexpectedly. hmmph. minyi isnt free till thursday, which coincidentally, happens to be the day the work attachment starts. so that effectively means ill never get to meet them in the day until 2 weeks later.

i did a bit of ecology tut today, though. =p celine asked yesterday when she, bobby and i could meet up for the bio peer-meeting-crappy thing. im saying its crappy only because..how am i supposed to peer tutor them?! i dont think they even NEED it. i think they should be the ones tutoring me. and besides, three wrongs dont make a right. on top of that, how do u tutor people for bio?? its gonna be more like a discussion. which suits me fine. =p and anyway, the holidays have stimulated my laze glands to secrete slacker glycerate, so i honestly, i dont really feel like going out to do work. hey! no offence, bobs =p blame it on the glands. haha i dont think we'd get any work done at meetings anyway, so i dont mind meeting you all. haha. so tell me when ure free/in the mood okie? oh heck..i dont think ure even reading this!!

ive watched harry potter!! it was cool =) i forgot the storyline anyway, so i cant really compare between the book and the movie. what i did pick up is the cedric diggory looks totally hot! haha. OH and i also made another fascinating discovery besides the jiajun incident. lord voldemort said "13 years it's been" and he pronounced the "been" like how it should be, with the double-e sound. and not how WE usually say it, like how have you BIN. welllllll, what can i say? some remnants of the Miss Ow instinct kicked in at that point. haha.

did i tell you about when i saw miss ow and her boyfriend? and she totally DAOED me! i mean, that was definitely a dao of the highest calibre. she SO did not acknowledge me =p mingfen said the same thing happened to emily. IS IT TRUE, EMILY? you KNOW, we can always get back at her..... *evil laughter* haha.

i HATE trying on clothes. for some obscure reason which even einstein will not be able to fathom, i look DIGUSTING in everything i try on. i mean, REALLY. and i seriously doubt its due to the defective mirrors. like, hey, this top looks pretty cool when displayed on a hanger, perhaps it would look nice on me too. i shall proceed to the fitting room to try it on, and thereafter stare wide-eyed in awe and admiration of my own reflection (NOT). and then i realise that "blown away" is right. but to put it more aptly, blown away with horror and repugnance. haha. and thats why i hate trying stuff on. please dont tag about this.

i cant stay at home the whole day! i'll starve of boredom and die a terrible death. a death so tragic, shakespeare would have paid me a fortune to write a play about it. i NEED fresh air. i suppose i could open the window and sit precariously on the ledge while inhaling large amounts of fresh, unpolluted (yeah right) 11th-floor-air. but that will only serve to tillilate the scent receptors in my nose and leave me begging for more. the cruel, deceptive promise of pure oxygen.

there's chocolate cake in the fridge, in the form of a sara lee pound cake. but everytime the thought of relishing a slice so much as strays across my barren mind, the picture of a fitting room immediately takes its place. haha. mental games-the leading, agonising cause of insanity in easily influenced individuals.

hey! did u read the sunday papers? the article about the apec summit in korea? how cute is THAT! the caption says that the male leaders were given a choice of brown, gold, green or blue traditional korean uhh costumes and that the females had to choose between pink and purple. haha! i find it extremely amusing. guess what, gloria arroyo chose the pink one. haha. what impeccable taste!

excuse me :X
12:02 AM

Wednesday, November 16

HEYYYYYYYYY i finished functions tutorial today! WoOhOo!!! *does the happy dance while holding pom poms* F to the U to the N to the C to the T to the I, O, N, S! *cartwheels to the moon* wonder if i can still do a cartwheel!

you know, barney IS cool. everyone who agrees, dont tag. i watched him on tv today, and he was juggling! now, that is one talented purple dinosaur =p i remember kelvin soh used to juggle stuff in class! hahaha. pimple update: they are still there! ='( maybe i should spray some mortein into my face. it kills flies, so it should kill pimples too! worth a shot =p ooh ooh calfornia is on radio now. =D i miss O.C, dont you?

has anyone noticed that the fringey trend, the cover-your-forehead kind is out? haha i know its been out for quite a while now, about a few months i think, but i never really got to writing it down =p it was like a total in thing last year, but now its not so highly sought after. haha. i think side-swept long fringe is having its turn at the limelight. so everyone should look like miss ow! haha i cant remember her having any other kind of hairstyle.

we're gonna do service learning tml! at gravehaven. then..class outing! =p i wonder what itll be like. i hope the kids are at least manageable. as in, i hope they dont turn out to be some kind of little monsters you just want to slap and strangle and whip simultaneously. haha. oh NO what if they make fun of my pimpleS and pluck them out and throw them at me? or worse still, force-feed me with em, complete with pus oozing deliciously out. haha. this is gross. IM gross. must be barney's fault!! all that propoganda about using your imagination! why, the sneaky little dinosaur.

a smile does go a long way! saw candy and chiew ching in school yesterday and waved at them and then i saw dong hong riding his bike, on the way home and he waved at me. well, I was on the way home and HE was on the way out. haha. yeah anyway, its nice to be acknowledged and smiled at. =p i never really said hi and stuff to him before this year, even though we've been living in the same block since god knows when AND went to the same math tuition. =p

oh maaaan got this headache thing going on. its like driving a stake into my head and sawing ferociously to get it open. amanda said i looked like i was positively roasting, after the kite-flying thing at pre u se =p i thought it was cute. like a chicken on those rotating skewers or whatever, being cooked by heat transmitted by radiation. haha. imagine me, piping hot from the oven, baked to a crisp golden brown, ready to be served. tee hee.

hey joan! we have a new cheer for fioni! it goes like this: (to the rhythm of winnie lulu spastic pooh or north south east west)

FIONI! *clap clap clap clap*
BALONEY! *clap clap clap clap*
LEE! *clap clap clap clap*
PEE PEE! *clap clap clap clap*

haha winnie the alex pooh, ure no longer the subject of our cheers! :p

ooh justice league is at 530. half an hour more, must find something to entertain myself with for now!

excuse me :X
1:09 AM

Monday, November 14

yipee!! ive just finished numerical methods!! its not so bad after all =p i thought i would hate it at first, what with all those graphs and stuff, but HEY! its sorta okay-ish i guess. tee-hee. i feel a great sense of satisfaction. wanna get all my homework as quickly as possible so that i can enjoy the remainder of the holidays in bliss. 15 minutes more to spongebob!! =D awww we're not going out tml anymore *pouts* got fioni baloney's message last night. haha..ill check if huilin they all are free tml. =)

anyway, today isnt just about good news and overwhelming senses of satisfaction. woke up to an innocent morning only to realise that TO MY HORROR, a new pimple had appeared! and now the 3 of them have formed a row on my forehead =( childhood chums, i bet. WELL now there are 5 pimply lumps on my poor poor forehead, and forming only 2 separate congregations. can u imagine how big and red and glaring one congregtion must look like? yeah well, thats my face, folks. haha.

whats more, my skin is starting to peel quite horribly these days. its really dry and flaky now and pretty soon, every inch of skin on my face will flake off and i will have no face left. =O AHHHH i have to go to school tml! and the Pimple Congregation still refuses to budge! 3 of them in a row! is this a bad omen? haha. timecheck: 5 minutes to spongebob =D watched sesame street just now, its such a feelgood show!

elmo: hey everyone! gather round! i have something to tell you guys! (or somewhere along these lines)
everyone: what is it, elmo?
elmo: i just wanted to say that i love you guys and i love sesame street
everyone: awwwwww we love you too, elmo

moral of story: Do not hesitate to express your love and appreciation to everyone you love and appreciate.

pretty sweet, huh? heehee. now why cant the world take a leaf from elmo's book?

oh and then they all started singing this happy, feelgood song like one big happy family. =p i think i teared at one point. hahaha..watched gilmore girls yesterday and i was tearing like a loon cuz the mother and her boyfriend luke broke up. bloody lachrymal glands.

oh!! i had this dream yesterday! and he was in it. hahaha.. i think i was still in 4E1 or something, but the weird (and sad) thing was he talked to everyone BUT me. haha..oh well. i cant remember who else was in the dream. =p

saw emily on saturday =D

ONE MINUTE TO SPONGEBOB!! must go now, sponges wait for no man.

excuse me :X
1:38 AM

Friday, November 11

what!!! i just got the email from TYY and she says i cant wear t shirts, polo tees and jeans to the work attachment thingy. GREAT! what am i supposed to wear then?! i dont own officewear or stuff like that! and she reminded me for the SECOND time to dress decently and she explicitly said not to wear 'skimpily'. PUH-LEEZ!! im not some slut!! sorry, no offence to those of you who dress skimpily. i hope she doesnt go aruond reading blogs. haha. aiya simplest is wear sch u. =p i HOPE its an ENJOYABLE experience to make up for the absence at the chalet. HMMPH. cannot go wild wild wet with them. BLOODY HELL.

went to celebrate huilin's birthday today!! haha went to the bay by the espplanade to cut cake and stuff =D sorta reminded me of the time i went there with him.. it was cool, i played the sadistic scissors paper stone game with them so now my left hand is battered beyond recognition =p surprisingly, minyi hits really softly!! heehee =p no, of COURSE its not because she's a weakling! its cuz she's too compassionate and tender-hearted to bear hurting me. huilin on the other hand sees no reason to spare my hand from the stinging pain. i didnt spare anyone's either. HAH! =p anyway, there are like bruises now. all the burst blood vessels are having a party! its not as bad as the last time in sec 3 though! i counted 20 mini bruises on my left hand alone =D i mean, cool or COOOOOOL. haha..these seemingly sadistic games are usually the most fun =p im totally immune to it now! ha ha minyi!! ive since learnt to keep a straight face even though the impact may stimulate every single pain receptor underneath the skin of my left hand. EMBRACE the pain, welcome it with open arms so that it becomes more bearable. *sagely* its all in the mind, you see.

went for some communication skills workshop this morning. dont you just hate it when the speaker starts talking endlessly about his credentials?? i mean, OKAY i get it, ure really good at what you do, uve won many accolades, u receive a five figure salary a month, and ur life is a bed of roses fullstop. but is it REALLY necessary to go on and on about it?! everything should be taken in moderation, including others' self praise. i liked his workshop though! its so true you know..intelligence cant be measured solely by the grades you get and that kind of crap, but how effectively you can connect with people and communicate with them.

yet another solemn entry. happy birthday huilin!! =D i hope you like your present =) even though i know ure not reading this!! heehee..

excuse me :X
8:20 AM

Monday, November 7

i..dont know what to say anymore. i mean, how unlucky can one person get? first, she tells me the attachment will only last 2 weeks. do you know how happy i was at that point? cuz according to my calculations, if it started on the 21st, it'll end on the 2nd, which means i can go to the chalet on the 5th. well, ha-ha. what a joke. after that she told me that because of dunno which stupid ass, they're now postponing it to start on the 24th and itll end on the 7th which is the same day the chalet ends. what a rosy picture. and in front of TYY i had to fake it and act like everything was peachy. have you ever witnessed such perfect timing? theres bad luck and then theres BAD LUCK. this is undoubtedly a case of the latter.

i was so fricking pissed today but there was OP rehearsal with my PW mateys so i couldnt very well sulk and look glum when everyone came back to school specially for this. and to think i have to plaster on a fake smile and pretend to be happy tml during the real OP. it is a not a pretty feeling realising how down on your luck you are when the OP exam is tml. i mean, come ON. what did i do? break a mirror in my sleep? unknowingly walk under a ladder? cross paths with a black cat at midnight or whatever? stepped on a four-leaf clover? sheesh. i cant believe it. and its not as if buona vista is a stones throw away from pasir ris either. for gods sake, its like an hour away. its right at the other end of the stupid east west line. try 10 million stones.

ever watched a series of unfortunate events? well, if the boudelaires think THEY'RE unlucky, wait till they hear my story.

she asked meAGAIN if i was still ups et over my promo results. !! i didnt know what to say so i said uhhhh okay lah. i think she took it to mean that i wasnt. honestly,i was okay with it until she asked me that day. as in, maybe she's expecting me to get better or whatever. to hell with expectations. i can NEVER live up to them so people like my mother should just stop setting them.

zhiliang is very practical.

im playing the xi shua shua song again but even THAT proves futile in changing the mood. thank you huishan for trying to cheer me up. ure right, of course its not the end of the world. but i guess im not one to live and let live easily. i wish i had a garden so i could grow some four leaf clover plants and carry a fresh one in my pocket everyday. haha. im trying to think of at least one good thing which has happened to me recently.

oh and i think this means i have to give the clay target shooting course a miss too. isnt this wonderful? practically everything is happening simultaneously! i have never had a better holiday!! woo-hoo. its on the 30th. i dont want to miss it! i shall ask to be excused. SHIT why the hell cant everything be spread out nicely instead of happening at the same time and putting me in situations like this.

and why cant i have one of those clocks hermione has to turn back time?! i think hey arnold is on now. i bet HE'S having a great holiday. HMMPHHHHHHHH. any effort made to cheer me up shall not be entertained.

excuse me :X
9:36 PM

I KILLED A FLY!!!!!!!!

i couldnt help it! it was an accident, i swear. the accursed insect flew in the window, landed right smack on the table and was practically challenging me to a duel. so i accepted its challenge graciously and won. HAH! that'll teach the rest of the Fly Clan to mess around with me. oh, but again, i must stess this. i didnt mean to KILL it in coldblood. i actually wanted to scare it away with a touch of my highlighter, but who expected the highlighter to drop on it =p so thats the story of the squashed fly and its repentant murderer. i say, be glad it wasnt a highlighter with spikes.

oh shit oh shit oh shit. THANK YOU WINNIE for reminding me about bloody I and R. i keep getting fricking AE for it, i dont see how im going to do well for it. stupid damned 'guidelines' paper! its all a bunch of crap! which somebody drew up to mislead people like me. after i wrote the second draft she said dont write about group dynamics. im like, oh for GODS SAKE. its supposed to be my bloody INSIGHTS AND REFLECTIONS, its title being self explanatory. why cant i reflect on the way my group members work in a group?! INSTEAD we're writing about stupid STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS of our project, which seems suspiciously like a mere regurgitation of EOM. I and R my foot. they should consider renaming it EOM 2.

i was on a tv marathon today!! since i am so greatly disliked by many and nobody wanted to go out with me today, i had no other companion aside from the trusty tv set to accompany me in my solitude and loneliness. haha. uhhhhh i hope that the former is not true. =p anyway. i watched lotsa shows, the more embarrassing ones include sesame street and hi five. haha..seriously, sesame street gets me all hyped up and happy! and makes me feel like a kid again and makes me want to count along to their childish learn-your-numbers games. x men and ghostbusters are fun =p

i sent an sms dedication to young on say it with music just now but he didnt play my song =( WELL. im going to get even with him after completing this! gonna mug him. haha.

msged aaron to ask how olevels were, and he was like, ure talking to me?! omg, is the sky falling? i asked him if he was chicken little in disguise. haha..i admit, i am a very very slow replyer, so sometimes i forget to reply him and then we dont talk for a very very very very long time. haha.

just did my i and r. im SO annoyed with it. once the OP is over, i shall print out a fresh copy of it and set it ablaze, and watch the flames devour it savagely, rip it ruthlessly into microscopic smithereens for which there will be no use, and stand as spectator, relishing every sadistic moment of it. good riddance to i and r! despite all this, i really really really hope i dont like, fail it or anything. haha. thanks a million hui shan for sending me yours as reference =p you shall be rewarded hansomely one day! haha. i first heard of the term 'rewarded hansomely' in the story of king midas. is it that story? the one where everything he touches turns to gold? yeah, that =p

gotta go to school tml for OP practice with my PW mates. dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. i dont feel like wearing school uni during the holis.

excuse me :X
6:49 AM

Friday, November 4

hello, my beloved and loyal readers =p

stupid I and R! it deserves to DIE! and DIE it shall. ill rip its guts out! tear its fibres apart! reduce it to a pathetic heap of shredded paper. i hate I and R! i hate anything we have to do individually, actually. haha. oh, damned nails. joan, how can you stand scratching everything you touch? it gives me the shudders. =p like, right now, im trying to type and my nails just keep scraping against the keys, which hinders the efficiency of my typing. haha.

*cries* OH THAI MUN!! she's such a gem! =D she called me when i was sleeping today! haha. but thats not the reason for her gemliness, of course. she went to heeren and bought the clippety clips for me! 10 for $2.90 too! what a bargain. haha..she asked if i wanted the neon ones or the pastel kind, and i said very loudly and convincingly, I TRUST YOU, THAI MUN, YOU LITTLE GEMMITY GEM! THE FATE OF MY HAIR LIES IN YOUR HANDS ALONE! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE WAY I LOOK! and moved by my very loud, very convincing speech, she decided that the pastel ones were more appealing. well, thats true. i wouldnt want too much attention drawn to my hair. me and Hair have been at loggerheads with each other of late. i dont like the way it looks and it doesnt like me either. mutual hatred. i really dont like it you know. just LOOK at it! acting all smug and thinking it looks so damned good when it doesnt. how DARE it grow on my head! such audacity! the safest thing is to just let it grow of course. i bet id look worse if i cut it. haha. but long hair is so typical and like, everyone has long hair and stuff. on the other hand...*dances* i have hair clippety clips now!! (clippety clips and gemmity gems. justin, i know ure reading this and its all your fault im speaking like this now!! you and your beddity bed. hahaha.)

cheeyao sent this totally adorable song called xi shua shua =p it is so cute! and it makes me happy just listening to it! haha happy melody, happy words. i think i listened to it 7 times straight after he sent it to me =p and now im grooooovin to it again =p I THINK HE SPIKED THE SONG. i get so hiiiigh listening to it =p heeeheeee. *giggles* actually..it sounds like some hokkien/thai song!! oh did anyone watch table for 3 yesterday? one of the guests was joshua ang from.. the various jack neo movies. haha.. you know, the good looking one. and he really IS good looking, especially now that hes older and stuff. haha..XI SHUA SHUA XI SHUA SHUA XI SHUA SHUA OOH OOH! file transfer, anyone? i take it upon myself to spread the love for xi shua shua =p it should be our school song! heehee then ill get high every wednesday morning.

oh shit, can someone teach me how to play music on my blog? for gods sake, i was supposed to change template immediately after promos ended =p

ARGH. haha. i feel sad. =( i think i wont be able to go to the e1 chalet afetr all.. =( why oh WHYYYYYYY..i have this work attachment thingy starting on the 21 Nov and i highly doubt that itll last for just a week. im seeped in immense sorrow now, awashed with grief, engulfed in disappointment. im a magnet for misfortune. everyone will be having fun without me. and NOBODY WILL MISS ME ='( quick, someone convince me that im better off not going before i sink into depression and have to call the hotline. haha have you seen those depression advertisements lately? i must take down the number, in preparation for a rainy day.

DID YOU KNOW that some people are immune to the HIV virus?

excuse me :X
7:37 AM

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