Sunday, October 23

It was difficult sourcing for literature review for our written report, as the idea of a pre-ordering system is a relatively new one and there are few articles, let alone books, written on it. Aside from the information we obtained from certain websites, we had virtually no other form of literature review.

Our written report was well balanced as we considered its pros and cons from various perspectives, such as from students’ and canteen vendors’ points of view. Through the numerous surveys and interviews we conducted with the different groups of people, we were able to get a relatively fair reflection of how the people in the school viewed the implementation of the system.

As an alternative approach, we could have interviewed other schools which have implemented pre-ordering systems that work on a slightly similar concept as ours, to obtain an even clearer view of the system.

Working on the GPP was the most time-consuming and mind-wrecking period of project work, as we had to think of an entirely new idea, complete with details, to work on. We had to decide on the information we wanted to obtain and subsequently come up with surveys to distribute to our target group. It was also hard deciding on the number of people to survey in order to get a fair representation of the general opinions of all the students.

Our brainstorming techniques included jotting all the ideas that the group members brought up during discussions, whether they seemed useful or not. This ensured that all suggestions were included and we were able to sieve out all the useful ideas to be included in our project.

The difficult part about preparing for the OP presentation was allocating appropriate parts to the various members. We found out that sometimes, parts of our speeches would overlap with another member’s, and we had to decide which to exclude. Also, we had a hard time structuring our presentation and deciding which points should go first, for example, whether our research or modifications should be presented first.
Our OP slides are easily understandable as we only included the main points in the slides. The slides look neat and uncluttered and are easy on the eyes. This will ensure that the audience is paying attention to the content of our speeches and not merely the slides.

Throughout the preparation of the project, the members were cooperative and were open to suggestions during discussions. The appointed leader of the group made sure that all discussions were productive and beneficial to the progress of the project. For each discussion, we listed the targets we wanted to achieve that day and completed them so that everything went according to plan.

Through the preparation stages, I have learnt that there is always a way to tackle a problem, especially when brainstorming for ideas to overcome the limitations our project faced. I have also learnt of the need for open communication, as only then can group members express their ideas to others effectively. It is important to be tactful and sensitive when rejecting someone’s idea as disagreements between members can result in unproductive group discussions. As members often had conflicting views, it is necessary that each is given the opportunity to validate his view so that others may see the logic in it, and hence preventing conflict.

i love my blog i love my blog muack muack muack! it is SO handy and SO useful! i love you bloggy. haha..

excuse me :X
8:40 AM

Friday, October 21

i look stupid in photos.

right now, im sprinkled with a dash of sadness, some traces of disappointment and a generous dose of exasperation.

i went out with the air rifle people today, to pizza hut to eat..pizzas. haha. cheese crust could possibly be one of the greatest innovations of pizza hut. cheese crust rocks. i eat the crust last, of course, given its smooth, mozarella interior. a heavenly form of indulgence indeed. my grades are quite mediocre i guess. i mean..they're not exceptionally good and yet they're not disastrous either. or maybe i shouldnt expect any Armadillos because after all, i probably dont have an Armadillo-worthy standard. its all Bob the Builder for me this time. not a single Armadillo in sight. haha. i should wake up and accept the fact that perhaps Armadillos werent meant for my taking, and that Bob the Builders can be considered quite a jaw-dropping feat already. oh no..what if it was all a fluke? maybe i just got lucky and poof, i got Bob the Builders. what if actually i cant even get Bobs?? okay admittedly, i did improve for all the subjects except econ. but maybe that has somethign to do with the way they calculated the marks during mid yrs and now. i failed my gp essay too..wrote about inner beauty which apparently shouldnt be something that is discussed in the essay. failed by half a mark lah..haha..thank goodness my compre pulled me up totally. oh maybe that was a fluke too. everything is a fluke. haha.

theres PW tml. we're gonna do our OP slides. ive just typed out my speech. oh and she played back the video of our individual speeches and honestly, i thought my presentation sucked!! i kept looking at the cue cards and i think i kept smiling. haha..looking at people looking at me makes me feel shy and one way in which this shyness is expressed is through the constant upturned frown on my face. =p

oh did i meantion already..cheese crust is cool. and the air rifle outing was really fun. =) and OH MY GOD i love lime, they put franz ferdinand on the poster!!! yippee. the only bad thing is..there isnt anymore space on my wall to accomodate an extra poster.

excuse me :X
9:24 AM

Friday, October 14

haha! just got back from air rifle. today wasnt so bad, at least, it was WAY better than wednesday, when my shots were so hideous i cant even bear to look at them. i mean, how can you not think about other stuff when ure aiming at the black dot??!! im constantly attacked by thoughts, ruthlessly, mercilessly every single time i look into the aiming picture thingy. today's was kinda nice though =p heehee. well, out of the 3, ONE of them was really nice. i hate it when i have bad shooting days. it just totally sucks when you have like, stray shots and then you go like, shhhhhhhhhit after pulling the trigger and then you SO know that its gonna ruin the entire overall grouping.

just went to visit zl's blog today!! haha. and i wanna thank him a whole lot for putting up that tagboard for me!! =D didnt wanna bother ivan, who's been doing it for me for the last two times, AGAIN. there was the J2 farewell assembly today, and it was really sad..reminded me of sec 4 days. im relieved they didnt play 'graduation', cuz that would have made it even worse. of course, the level of sadness cant hold a candle to the farewell ceremony at pre u sem! i mean, that was waaay over the top. the sad, miserable, atmosphere, the crying..we were like floating logs in a sea of depression. and they had this guy to play sad piano music in the background! like, LIVE sad music. that just made the entire situation so solemn and sorrowful. and i rememebr the emcee, apple, giving a recap of the week's activities and not to mention, pouring his woes into the cups of our hearts.

open house is tml! and we have to go to school dark and early, when half the world is still snoring their guts out, to prepare the booth. heh..made posters today! and i actually had fun making the poster yesterday! i used crayons, my second favourite medium, the first being markers. =p then i sprayed it with hair spray, cuz some teacher said in sec school that it would prevent the crayon-ed pictures from smudging. what i DONT like about hair spray is how suffocating its fumes can be. haha. not that i spray it into my face and inhale deeply.

OMG we're gonna get back econs and math on monday..this is all very worrying. i mean, MATH!! exactly how well can i do for MATH?!! answer: not very. am i destined to be a math dunce for life?? and you wonder why my email addy is as such. and its not like im very confident of econs and gp either. everything is so worrying!! i bet i have newly developed wrinkles every day, all accumulating on my forehead. do i look old?

i so feel like cutting my hair. maybe i should just cut it myself! haha. i cut my own fringe in primary 2 once, and i even remember which pair of scissors i used, possibly because the outcome of that one fringecut turned out to be so grotesque, the incident is etched in my memory for all eternity.

excuse me :X
3:51 AM

Thursday, October 13

oh NOOOOOO i ate 2 packs of gummies while on the phone with zl. do you know how much sugar a single seemingly harmless piece of gummy contains?? and do you know how many gummies 2packets contain? DO YOU???? oh, did you also know what gummies are called in chinese? 'xiang pi tang', i.e. rubber candy. haha..oh and do you know what else you dont know? i failed chinese badly!! first time i failed chinese. sighhhh. my mother tongue, my culture, my ROOTS!!! i am a tongueless, cultureless, rootless girl!!with a chinese standard too low to even imagine. my chinese cant survive without the aid of tuition. it is in utterly dire straits when left to its own devices. i cant even pass it for gods sake!! i SO dont want to take chinese next year. please, talk to me in hua yu from now on.

oh oh oh i opened the campbell soup tin myself and cooked it MYSELF today. haha!!! how's that for not being independent? =D and what's that you say? opening canned soup with one of today's highly efficient and energy-conserving can openers doesnt make me a responsible, independent girl of the new millenium? well, IN YOUR FACE! haha. *sings merrily* im so capable, im SO capable.

aw shucks. it suddenly hit me that im supposed to draw this poster for air rifle for open house. groaaaan. i just watched hey arnold and as told by ginger. hahah. who doesnt love cartoons? =D oh we had this character profiling thing today in school for the character development programme thingy and guess what!! im a...MELON!! here's what it says:

the sweetheart of all personality types is the golden retriever (melons)- calm, dependable, good natured, and easy to get along with. they are our peace-loving diplomats. they are faithful friends, good listeners and stable. because they dislike any kind of confrontation, they will compromise to keep the peace what whatever costl they can be passive, unenthusiastic, and at times very stubborn. since golden retrievers hate change, their motto is 'lets keep things the way they are'.

golden retrievers make excellent counselors, diplomats, and elementary educators. at home, they love to putter around the house. working wll under pressure, they handle school adequately, but not beyond what is required.

their philosphy is to be cautious. they are thoughtful people who like to consider all possible angles and implications before making a move. they prefer to take a back seat in meetings and discussions. they enjoy observing other people in action. they listen to others and get the drift of the discussions before making their own points. they tend to adopt a low profile and have a slight distant, unruffled air around them.

im not enthusiastic!!!!!! and i dont agree with the part where we like to putter around the house. haha. it also says we think a lot, and that sometimes we think too much. well, that much is true. haha. think think think. one thought just leads to another and sooner than you realise, you have a whole host of scenarios. SOMETIMES i wish i didnt think so much either. i guess for the most part the thing was accurate, but certain parts are just SO not me. im a half melon-half grape. =p

oh noooo im starting to feel a slight discomfort at the stomach-area. i think the gummies are attacking me from the inside. sawing/gnawing/slicing away at the walls of my stomach relentlessly, determined to see daylight again. and let me assure you, 2 packets of gummies can certainly get the job done fast.

im sorry, but im trying to put up the tag board now!! haha..i hope its up by the time you read this, so that you know..you can post stuff to me!! hint hint. heehee. i SO need to bathe. i bathed about 4 hours ago. oh shit. i hope my gp marks arent gonna be like chinese.. =( and i dont think ill get any A AT ALLthis time..sighhh.

excuse me :X
2:05 AM

Monday, October 10

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD i saw joshua today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in cine! with his friend! at the food court! as in, we were taking the up-escalators and then i saw this guy who looked oddly like him, complete with wrist band and TJ friend and all, and so i thought, oh what the heck, just wave lah. so i waved and he waved back! it was him!! haha!! coooool. i msged him later to confirm that i didnt wave to a complete stranger =p so exciting! *screams* haha. its been so long since i last saw him..well, only a few months, but still. okay..ill post again later =p t

excuse me :X
6:56 AM

Sunday, October 2

just studied bio and i am just SO tired. like, brain-tired. not like, sleepy-tired. sapped of energy, drained of stamina, rid of enthusiasm. not a sliver of determination, not a thread of cheeriness remaining in me. that about sums up the state im in right now. haha. so exaggerated.

my brain has reached saturation point. all my neurones are saturated with information packets and any extra information packet has to wait for a free neurone before an information-neurone complex can be formed, hence increasing the rate of information uptake. i should also add cholesterol to my brain to reduce any uncontrolled leakage of information ions.

haha..i was reading about inbreeding yesterday and i msged joan to tell her how gross i thought it was, being forced to mate with your sibling. i mean, the poor cows cant choose who they want their cattle to be fathered by. is that the price you pay for having acquired desirable characteristics? haha. oh and i was reading about how sex hormones are made from cholesterol. so does that mean that fatter people have more sex hormones? joan said she sometimes goes to the fridge, opens it, looks around, shuts it again and continues studying! i was surprised! i thought only i did silly things like that =p haha.

i also go the kitchen, look out the window, wash my hands and then go back to my work. it doesnt make sense, i know. i mean, explore the fridge when ure not hungry, wash ur hands when there isnt an ounce of bacteria on them (well, almost) and looking out the window when all u see is zhonghua. haha.

oh gosh i feel totally queasy now..i think it must be all that reading! maybe my adrenal glands are secreting an overload of adrenaline into my..gut or whatever. so i decided to blog =p blogging helps to relieve stress and hopefully, improve my gp. haha. oh my god gp..what if i cant do all 12 questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my content sucks. i feel like this ignorant frog in the well. this stupid frog phrase is getting so cliched. i keep using it. haha.

cheeyao just called me lame. =( haha..i hate it when perfect 10 tantalises you with the prospect of enjoying your favourite song and then they cut it off halfway. they always do that! what the hell is their problem!! ahhhhh!!!!!!! the queasiness is making my tummy squirm. like a worm. with germs. with his hair in a perm.

i have suddenly been struck unconscious with the boulder of reality. tomorrow is GP and bio. and im contemplating how to study for econs and math on tuesday, when by the time i reach home, its gonna be 4pm. luckily its only essay for econs. i mean, not that essays are a piece of cake. but can u imagine if it were paper 1 and 2 instead??? i think i would rather step in front of a moving vehicle. haha. my poor poor brain. i must eat fish tonight! its supposedly brain food, isnt it? anything to help my brain grow big and strong and healthy and muscular! and protrude freakily out of my head!

by the way, if u think this colour sucks, we have something in common.

excuse me :X
3:08 AM

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