Wednesday, August 31

YAYYYYY!!!!!! i can finally get into the new entry page. for years and years, i've made countless attempts at entering the damned page, but alas, to my horror! i am unable, and my attempts at blogging are rendered futile. anyways., haha..sorry, i've kinda been MIA for several light years, but im back, so be thankful =p

went back to ZHSS yesterday! and WHHOA the art gallery looks SO bloody nice!! it has nice doors with a nice cherrywood shade, with nice handles and of course, nice paintings and everything!! sadly though, that is the only aspect which has improved aesthetically. i mean, just LOOK at the ugly colours in which they have decided to paint the school! it looks like its been done by someone with no colour sense. haha. and OH MY GOD, the girls' toilets are VIOLET. violet loo. now, we ALL know where that came from =p in case u were wondering, the VP's name is violet loo too..haha..thats great! maybe she's happy she has a namesake now. as ex students, we should all be happy for her too and embrace Operation paint-the-toilets-to-remind-the-students-of-their-VP *cheers* we were discussing how in time to come, they would probably go a step further and hang her portrait in every cubicle and line the walls with her famous 'walk briskly and purposely' quote.

the chem labs are painted pink! heehee..in my biased opinion, thats kinda cool. =D hopefully, that will inspire the girls to do their chem pracs with more gusto and enthusiasm. i think mr won instructed the painters to paint it pink before he left. how can we not remember his trademark pink shirt? and red basket. haha..he seems inclined to the various shades of red.

mr yeo is piling on the pounds! haha..everyone noticed it, but he made us shout "mr yeo, ni shou le!" across the staffroom! haha..saw miss ow too!! my favourite english teacher =p except for when she gave me 0 for that stupid compre for telling cheryl who told emmalyn, the vocab words in advance. haha. she asked me how i was doing for gp, cuz its the only subejct shes concerned about, and i went, uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhh..its okaaaaaay. acually, NO its NOT okay. my marks have been steadily decreasing since the first test. which is downright weird. the more she teaches us, the worse my marks get. haha.

and i should have given miss ow something!! =( the guilt is tearing my heart open and crushing it with its mighty fist. haha. i SO need to thank her for getting me through olevel english. besides, her lessons were ALWAYS so amusing and they really were worth looking forward to. i mean, considering the situation NOW, gp lessons arent altogether something to scream about. i dont exactly dread them either, cuz..english words are fun? haha..i find bio tuts an absolute dread though, but the reason is unfathomable.

we saw mr choo too, but unfortunately, he doesnt remember us. well then, guess i didnt have to tell him that i got a B3 for his subject (physics. blehh)..haha..i was shocked to know that mr won become a teacher with the autism school instead!! i mean, that is one big change. haha, i think patrick's hair looks way better now =p he has that slight fringe thingy. it adds a certain tinge of softness to the overall look. i know some of you might already be puking over this =D but im just being impartial and objective. there was that guy from 4T1 i think, who thought little of his generuos dollop of eyeliner. it was SO good charlotte! and like, every other rock band who has decided to follow the lead of good old good charlotte. but then again, u gotta admit, he does have guts.

tammy was there too, and by golly, she looked mature to the highest degree. haha..adeline said she had a presentation. i really envy mass comm students. sometimes i wonder if ive made a mistake not taking mass comm after all..you know..i used to want to be a like, a newscaster and stuff..haha..and there probably isnt a very chance of me becoming that anymore. and adeline looks way cool =D

i wish ear piercing werent so laden with risks, because i want one at the top of my ear (that would be FIVE on my left!!) but then, u hear all these stories about how people can go blind getting their ears pierced cuz the thing hit a nerve or whatever, and thats a pretty big deterrent. of course, there are success cases, but really, maybe those people just got lucky. perhaps i should just content myself with a 4-2 =p OR i could get my RIGHT ear pierced, there's still space below the risky portion.

okay, time for the second meal of the day. aw shucks i still have to do gp corrections for the essay. which suuuuuucks. may i get through this day in one piece, untainted and untarnished by the barrage of homework to complete.

excuse me :X
9:53 PM

Tuesday, August 9

yesterday was kinda funy, having that picnic thing and swaying (vigorously) to the music and dressing up the mascot!! jared was the mascot. haha. we made him wear a 'manhunt singapore' sash and stapled 'I LOVE SINGAPORE' on the sash on his behind. haha. joan sprayed on some lingerie for jared on his white shirt =p which was considered decent, if u know what angeline initially intended to spray..hahaha..it was really funny, she even sprayed a belly button! and she sprayed on a g string!! =p YES! bright red g-string, bryan! haha. and then we wanted to spray some for jessica, who finally gave in due to our fine persuasion skills and let us ruin her hair. BUT the red spray paint ran out, so like, there were only white straks in her hair!! so she looked sorta like a skunk. haha. well, so did everyone's, until the red was sprayed on! it makes ur hair really stiff! it felt like i was wearing a wig. i love temp hair sprays! perhaps i shall set up a stall selling em next time. haha. fioni looked old cuz of the uneven white straks! =p we did PW yesterday too, which i thought was pretty sianish until we started doing it. i really wanted to watch charlie and there was supposed to be a class outing..sighhhhhhhh..oh well. this is what u get for not completing your WR!!! i think in total, we spent 8 hours writing WR, on 2 days. we're not SLOW, we're PERFECTIONISTS =p haha. AMK library is a fun place to do pw. i ate fish and chips yesterday! i used to love fish and chips, and everytime i wrote in autograph books, i'd always put my favourite food as fish and chips. haha. somehow, over the years, it lost out to pizza and spaghetti, but yesterday, my lunch rekindled my love for fish and chips =p the baby carrots were sorta hard, but disgestible, i hope. fioni didnt like her carrots and was passing one little slab to me, when it dropped into her latte =p haha. and she dug it out with a fork, all foamy and unappetising!! heehee. steffi liked the carrots too! the fish was good. haha..reminds me of a certain teacher called..=p well, weiling said you could order it in a restaurant!! =D MMMMMMM my mom's cooking curry. i like curry. so i shall go eat some curry. haha. thank you justin the muffin for the hair spray!! =)

excuse me :X
3:58 AM

Thursday, August 4

oh my GOD!! i have another bruise! this time, on my arm. haha. im turning into a walking bruise myself. and guess WHO caused it!!!!!!!!!!! mary jane again!! haha. okay, so it was probably my fault for shooting the rubber at him during econs first, which subsequently made him want to snatch the band out of my tightly clenched fist, which THEN led to him refusing to let go of my arm, HENCE explaining the new bruise. you know, like, internal bleeding or whatever. some blood vessels broke or something, possibly due to the pressure on my poor arm. and FIONI too!! she um, whacked my leg during lunch =p hahaha what for, i forgot. see? TWO MORE concrete examples of how the class leaders are harbouring more violent tendencies these days.

we had to do this gp presentation today on the countries we researched on in groups and BOY did she look pissed!! like, probably cuz we were taking up the whole two periods just presenting. i think she looks kinda friendly, so sometimes she looks like she's hiding her annoyance (though apparent) behind her expression of extreme calm and amicability. but today it was blatant and clear as day, SO NOT unobtrusive and SO VERY obvious. i asked fiona and fong ee but they didnt seem to detect any of that irratation which i (and my gp group) felt was glaring. haha. maybe it was cuz we were actually facing her. =p oh my god dont tell her i said this.

i just did my bio tut just now and i totally felt like crying doing the damned thing!! bio stats is like a TOTAL energy sapper. and its so pointless! hours and hours of pressing the keys on the calculator, adding up the figures. yeah, thats REALLY gonna help me in later life. adding up my salary, finding the mean cost and standard deviance of milk powder. haha. uhhhh not like im gonna have a baby. as childish as it sounds, it looks painful. maybe i could adopt children like angelina jolie. i think its so cool how she adopted children from the orphanage. her family is so multiracial. haha..oh that reminds me, we're going to gracehaven salvation army for our service learning at the end of the year! mr ng said because there were so many girls in the class, we probably should not 'work'/play/whatever with the teenage boys category. but like, its quite weird if we go there and only talk to the little kiddies right? haha..besides, how harmless can they be in the presence of the entire class??? you can answer that question if you want.

oh bloody hell! there's gp essay to do! and its not even a topic i would remotely consider under exam conditions. to what extent can poverty be alleviated? DAMMIT. she wants us to hand it in on MONDAY, along with NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS, another unpleasant, headache stimulating task. i dont like essays! besides, i seem to be deproving!! my common test essay was worse than the test. *screams*

excuse me :X
3:38 AM

Tuesday, August 2

i am SOOOO mad right now!!!! i lost my itty bitty concealer stick!!! if that isnt worse enough, tomorrow i will wake up to find a humongous red zit on the tip of my nose. oh please please please let the concealer pop up somewhere when im asleep, and let me find it in my bag tomorrow, even though i've practically turned it inside out and it's still not there. =( AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! this is a nightmare come true. i mean, not that im VAIN or anything, but who wants a bright red flashing lamp at the tip of your nose??? or on any part of the face, for that matter.

i've just typed out our business proposal =p its for the econ business enterprise thing, and we're selling chocolate bars and soft drinks which the schoool does not have. OH OH OH!! they have FINALLY started work on the air cons in the hall! thank goodness! i dont want to have to do my exams wading around in my own sweat at the end of the year. there was a bio test today and horror of horrors or joy of joys (depending on the marks i get), its not counted!!! we have been FOOLED, ladies and gentlemen! into believing that the test was counted!!! haha. well, it figures. didnt think they'd be so kind to leave out the all essential and headache-inducing ESSAY QUESTION.

the chinese teacher told my parents that i dont hand in my work on time!!! how could she!! when our business is up and running, we will practise first degree price discrimination and charge her 10 times higher than the cost price..hahah..i realised i havent been blogging for years!! my blog's grown a nice silvery beard and nice silvery white hair to match.

HEY!! the THREE class leaders are getting ever so violent!! FIRSTLY, jessica kicked my shin at the neoprint station!! well, perhaps i asked for it, by whacking her with the curtain. hahah..but it was a cloth!!! u cant compare the impact which cloth has on the skin to a shoe on the shin!! i've been bruised on my left leg. and TODAY!!! in the computer lab! jared/mary jane/mary was playing around and preventing me from getting to my chair, and in our struggle, the chair leg hit my RIGHT shin. THUS, i have been bruised on both legs. pretty sight, huh? =) ACTUALLY, the impact of the chair on my shin wasnt all THAT great, its just that for some obscure reason, my skin seems pretty thin and like, the slightest touch results in a bruise. oh, whats more, they're both class leaders!! and they both start with 'J'!! J for..juvenile delinquents!! im exclaiming a lot today, arent i? haha.

i donated blood you know!!! isn't that totally cool?! contrary to popular belief, i did NOT donate blood for the mere sake of getting a cool looking dressing thingy. i did it because i truly want to donate blood to the HSA. *big smile* the nurses were really nice! i told her she had really cool hair!! it was all spiky and stuff! she said she was having a bad hair day and it was not so cool =p and the other nurse told me to say bye to my bag of blood!!!! haha. it was so warrrrm against my skin! unbeknownst to me, i have been emitting internal heat. haha. and it didnt hurt a bit =)

oh SHITTTTT theres chem bloody pre bloody spa bloody practice tomorrow. and bio on thursday which is even worse. i so have to read my past practicals. GOODBYE!!

excuse me :X
7:55 AM

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