Saturday, July 23

my cheek is peeling! pretty soon, i will have zero cheek skin. what will be left is a prominent patch of bald, unprotected area of flesh on my face. its all the clearasil's fault! and its not like its a worthy price to pay! its not even removing my pimples! without removing the entire patch of skin along with it. haha. its so rough there now! like sandpaper. in fact, if i rub my finger against it long enough, it will probably generate enough friction to start a small fire. my head will be in flames =D

mom is nagging at me again. because of surprise surprise, my PROGRESS REPORT. mr ng is like a harbinger. you know, like a bearer of bad news. thats harbinger right? haha. he wanted to see us individually, to like, talk about our results with us. it really exhibited his caring-teacherness. she's like this nag machine with no stop button. every time she senses a bad grade, she goes to on mode and doesnt stop until the pigs fly home. i REALLY hate it and cannot stand it when she does that. she doesnt give me credit at all for the things i do well in! i've told her a zillion and one times before that time was not on my freaking side for chem, so i didnt manage to do all the mcqs, but its like talking to a brick wall. and she seems to understand other people better than her own daughter! like, when we met huilin that day and she asked, 'how was exam?' and huilin was like, quite difficult, she went all, 'oh, first term is like that.' wtf man!!! ill do a triple back flip if she ever said that to me. and when i do well, or better than before at least, suddenly she's so proud of me. like during olevels. *fumes* maybe she thinks im a dumbass or whatever. i just wish she wouldnt pass any sarcastic comments if she doesnt have anything nice to say. like, if u cant encourage me, the least u can do is not to discourage me. i should stick one of those '101 things to say to encourage your children' posters on her mirror. i saw it once at the doctor's, and i thought it was really cool =p think some genius kid must have come up with it. ooh my chinese teacher gave quite bad comments. haha. for promtness of handing in work, she gave me an average. haha..well, i must admit, she's right. its just, with her, chinese is becoming so dry and i now have zero interest in it. believe me, i used to like chinese. now its like, the only reason i feel that going to chinese is worthy is that we get to sit right under the air con and soak in all that water vapour. =D this is a BAD attitude to don. and anyway, i got below average for chinese. haha..sad case..

i feel like running away. but there's nowhere to run to. i mean, seriously, i could take my wallet and all the money i have and probably take a little walk around the neighbourhood, live on the streets at night, go to school in the morning and never come back so that they cant find me, but i need to bathe, and i cant take showers in public. i wish my room had a secret passageway. i wish she were more understanding. i wish they had this like, secret centre for troubled teens to take refuge and seek comfort and shelter in. maybe i should start one. haha.

excuse me :X
9:33 AM

Thursday, July 21



this HAS to stop!

i cant go on like this anymore!


i know they tell us not to fabricate results for practicals, but really, considering the pace i go about doing my practicals, its a wonder i ever get to FINISH the experiement, let alone the questions. SO me and jessie have begun on our little faking spree, starting from yesterday =D yesterday was chem prac and we were supposed to do the thermochem experiment twice, and take 3 readings for the gravi analysis thingy. but we took 2 readings and did the thermochem once. i mean, honestly, its probably gonna be about the same anyway right? haha.

and today, i did the find-the-water-potential-of-the-radish-discs experiment once only. there was so no time at all. the radish cylinders, like the potato cylinders are absolutely the most adorable things on earth. they could possibly be cuter than babies. haha. nahhh. and during break, i found out that jessie did what i did! that is, faked the results for exp 2. hooray for jessie! =D now now, im not saying that what we're doing is necessarily acceptable, but desperate times call for desperate measures. there is ALWAYS a way out. =p

shake it, shake shake it, shake it. oh MAAAAAN i have a bio file to pack. if you want to continue reading new entries on this blog, lets all hope that my papers are where i think i've left them. i wonder if miss abraham is like, annoyed with us or anything. it does get pretty dead in class sometimes. wonder if she is irritated with the lack (or rather, absence) of overenthusiastic participation. haha. we were imagining her complaining about us in the staffroom, or wherever teachers go to complain about their students. =p

excuse me :X
3:46 AM

Monday, July 18

WHOAAAA f.y.i, this blog is still active. its me thats been inactive this whole week. haha. there was listening compre today. it was kinda cool, much easier than the school's! the schoo's listening compre left you totally frustrated, i could only shade the answers when they played the passages the second time. but they SO should not have let us listen to 92.4 just minutes away from the exam! do they not realise how sleep-inducing harp music is?! i was practically falling asleep at my desk, or as jessie says, suffering a brain shutdown. she suffers a brain shutdown everyday! haha. it only resumes working mode during break or lunch. she must meet her shutdown conditions pretty easily. where blank space is proportionately > functioning brain cells.

we went to this humorous speech contest on saturday, sponsered by mrs tan! =p we couldnt very well refuse her kind invitation, could we? nope, not when she presented us with the admission tickets. the first few contestants were SO not funny. i mean, even watching a lump of gold rust would have been funnier. of course, it isnt easy trying to make ur audience laugh (see, balanced argument, eng wen.)

there was this guy who was hilarious, but in the wrong way =p like, he was animatedly illustrating how he was having chilli crabs for dinner or whatever meal (couldnt be breakfast, i suppose), and as he said 'chilli crab', he made this crab action of walking sideways with his arms acting as pincers! i totally burst out laughing in the way that people do when they see others being silly on stage. i mean, seriously, the crab action was probably uncalled for, in an attempt to inject humour into his humorous speech =p

one guy was funny, and for that, i give him credit. me and weiling referred to him as the roti prata man, cuz that was, i dare say, what stood out most in his entire speech, the part bou him being called roti prata. haha.. you know what else i noticed? that people are generally interested in the love lives of others =p simply put. like, the speaker can be assured a giggle or guffaw or two when he says 'back in my college days, i was very popular with the girls!' or how this woman had a crush on a gorgeous dude..heh..stuff like that get people amused =D just a leeeeetle observation i made. the food was good! haha..it reminded me of pre u sem, actually. like, during the parallel discussions and stuff, where ministers and People of High Authority would attend, the food would be finger licking scrumptious. and after that, standards would plummet. haha.

i forgot to hand in bio prac on friday!! ms yap DID mention she would give a zero to whoever handed in late. and yes, that would unfortunately be ME. thankfully, she understood that hey, people do forget, and so she let me off after a warning of 'next time, ill take action.' haha. phewwww. or maybe i looked pitiful, like maybe my ears were drooping.

we interviewed the canteen vendors for our PW today. the response was, to our UTMOST relief and joy, very positive! oh yeah, jared did a cut and paste zhou ji! haha. he cut mine and pasted it to his. then everyone tried to draw stupid stuff like hearts (me) and lips (also me) and other girly stuff on his paper to hand in to lao shi. haha. fioni wrote 'lao shi, wo ai ni!' and i wrote 'muack' beside it. we thought she'd probably be flattered that she should have an admirer among us =p he really did hand it in to her! but sadly, she didnt think it was funny, and told him to redo it. haha..sigh, whatever happened to her sense of humour?

i ate like, a muesli bar which was jam packed with carbohydrates and half a stick of roulette sweets, on top of lunch today. =( i feel utter regret. i mean, all that is probably going to accumulate to form a new layer of fat over the existing one. i shall probably have to roll and bounce to school tomorrow. =(

see ya. =)

excuse me :X
8:07 AM

Monday, July 11

im back!!

come on, who's glad to see me? lemme see your hands in the air! then wave them like you care! woooooo! fioni, your insanity is infusing into me. we were supposed to interview mr wee today, so we told ms A during PW that we were going to the toilet, al four of us, kinda like a all for one, one for all thing, so that we could go find mr wee and book an appointment with him before he escaped from school grounds. she asked why we had to go to the toilet together..=p what a question! clearly she hasnt heard of safety in numbers. haha. i mean, really, can YOU predict what might happen to one of us, unguarded, alone, in the corridors? i wonder if she suspected anything fishy. i half expected her to peek out the classroom window and catch us running to the staffroom and then she'd shout "the toilet's over THERE, you fools!" haha. but when we came back after a futile hunt for Wee, she was still at group durian's table =p we even walked past every classroom in block 11 to try our luck at spotting him. it was fun! like those adventures the famous five goes on. or secret seven? or whatever. an escapade! and a fruitless one, at that.

oh woww, the girls and guys teams got champs in north zone or something, for air rifle and the girls clinched all 1st 3 places! heehee. i heard they practised everyday during the june holis! like, whoaaaa. if i did that, my grades would suffer tremendously. i didnt fail math. yippee =D haha..she remembers! sweet =p haha..weiling, i hope you are reading this. remember every contour, and every pustule. DID YOU KNOW? pustule is another word for pimple. haha. it sounds gross, doesnt it? brings to mind a pus-filled zit, ripe, poised and ready to burst. ewwww. i bought a concealer stick yesterday, of which its invention is something i am very thankful for. it conceals my hideous zits, for one. i have 2 zits now =( they're not at bursting point yet. they're still pupating, red and they hurt! like, if you touch them. BUT! apply a tinge of concealer and voila! blemish-almost-free face.

oh i think i forgot to mention that on the way to the staffroom to find mr wee, F was singing the weewee song. haha. and today, me and joan were in a national-day mood! we sang, with the pride and honour that comes with being a singaporean (...), songs which required a great deal of patriotism and lack of embarrassment. that is, the embarrassment that arises from having people look at you singing national day songs a month in advance. sometimes i think he can be really curt and rude. whether or not unwittingly, im not sure.

thankssss eng wen, for that detailed and im sure, very effective, description of how to cure headaches. =D i had oral on thursday! it was..fun, to say the most. the question wasnt like what the school gave me, thankfully. AND i dunno why, but strangers, such as those in the form of oral examiners from other schools, make me smile even more. like, i was getting up from the prepare-your-passage seat and walking over to the examining table and this huge grin was just plastered onto my face. like i was happy to see them! so i walked over, grinning from ear to ear like a mad idiot. they smiled back, though, but maybe they were just being patronising. haha..my accent was so horrible! whatever happened?! can my chinese deteriorate to such an alarming extent in a matter of months??!! i mean, i spoke like one of those english-speaking pp! i mean, okaaaaaay so i do speak mostly english and all that, but i could do it last year! i just lost the ability for it =( i think..i think they were laughing at my predicament! sinister fiends! i didnt know how to say some words in chinese, like 'single child'. i said DAN shen nu. which is stupid, cuz it sounds like dan shen ma ma. which is like, single mom, right? and i am SO not a single mom. haha..WELL i hope they had a good laugh while examining me. it's always good to destress. oh, apaprently, im a high I =p so i destress by interacting with people. haha.. the night has lost its youth, in the process of me writing this lengthy (somewhat) blogtry. blogen? enblog? tryblog? or whatevre's the short form for 'blog entry'. SO i better go sleep =)

excuse me :X
7:46 AM

Sunday, July 10

haha..im now entertaining a request for me to blog more often. courtesy of..*drumroll* IVAN! =D heh. ive gotten lazier recently (is that even vaguely possible?) so ive lost the passion and urge and motivation and impetus and drive to blog as often as daily. WELL, got my results back..they look bleak, i must say, but im quiiiiiiite okay with them. =p low standards and expectations, perhaps? haha..or rather, knowledge of my abilities. oh dear i need to go now! but i promise ill be back soon. u havent seen the last of me! hafta go take the third square meal of the day now =p

excuse me :X
4:59 AM

Monday, July 4

oh woooo got back from bangkok yesterday. bought lotsa stuff =) they were all so much cheaper compared to singapore stuff, now that im back, i think everything is expensive. haha. i took a photo of the roadside hawker!! cuz like, how often do u see real hawkers hawking their hawkery ware on the streets of singapore? apart from roasted chestnuts. heh. i didnt really like roasted chestnutsies at first, but now that im well, more acquainted with their burnt taste, i think they're passable =p just your average nut.

of course, i didnt go right up to the guy, stick the camera in his face and snap away. it would have been infringing on his privacy. haha. i sneakily took a shot of him from inside the van thing on the way to the airport. the girls are pretty and the guys are dishy! so not fair =p like, every turn you make, there's a pretty girl/good looking dude round the corner. its as if everyone works in a modelling agency. there's so much beauty around them. haha.

the computer's all cranky, its so laggy and the words are appearing so slowly, but im a lazy bum, cant be bothered to restart the thing..haha. well, the exams were sucky, i must say. if i even pass math, i swear i'd jump over the moon and circle the universe a thousand times. i have a sinking feeling im gonna fail. im SO gonna be kicked out of alpha thingy. there was this impromptu workshop thingy today, at 9am, when all was still dark and favourable for sleeping in. but NOOOOO i had to spring out of bed at the wail of my alarm and dash to get ready. actually, my alarm is one of those clock radio thingies. the workshop was fun, except when i had to speak on this dumb topic. i sucked, anyway. =p impromptu speech is NOT my forte. the guy talked about pronunciation and all that. like what miss ow used to do with us. you know, the same stuff about udders and others and all. in sec 3, miss ow once made us say 'the other brother' one by one. REMEMBER, ALCOTT PEOPLE? and ever since then, ive become conscious of my 'th' sounds =D

i have this splitting headache now caused by i dont know what. i got home, bathed and SUDDENLY, i get this headache. a splitting one too. in fact, my head's already partially ruptured. its being held together by a single vein. THATS how bad my headache is. until last year, i never knew what a headache felt like! never really had one before. until now. but no worries, not when i ve got my handy dandy..axe brand medicated oil! heehee i used to love watching blue's clues, even until um, primary 6. *hides her face in embarrassment* i used to wonder what the guy really was like in real life. i mean, he couldnt go prancing around acting all kiddish with his adult friends right? i also used to marvel at the courage the high five guys had. like, to sing all those kiddy songs and dance those kiddy moves, it must take more than money to get em to do it. haha.

oh yeah, i kinda had fun writing my chinese compo! haha. weirdo, freak, whatever =p i havent written a narrative for such a long time, i miss doing em. of course, i'd rather be doing the entire thing in english, but hey, u cant have everything. i didnt read the first two topics, the expo-ish kind which i feel is boring and sianish. narratives give you the opportunity to describe scenes, people's expressions, thought, actions in vivid detaiL! i really wish gp had narratives again. like, what about budding young authors?! should we really quell all that writing talent and creativity just to develop expository writing ability?!!!! SHOULD WE?!!! god i hate retorical questions.

i just read bobby's and liying's blogs and i really feel the same way as they do bout the class. simply put, it has NO CLASS SPIRIT. we will never have the kind of on-ism and cohesion similar to that of 1805. its SO segregated right now, its like a school with different classes in it instead of a whole class. i dunno whether its cuz the majority are girls are there are many cliques or what. but thats not really true! i mean, pp from girls' schools bond just fine. is it because the second intakers feel like they share more in common with each other than us? or do they feel that we're not receptive and approachable enough..its just so natural for the class to be distinctly divided into first and second intakers. no offence to the second intake pp in my class who read my blog. honestly, i dont think there are any! except for liying, but like, liying's very sociable, she goes with everybody, and thats cool :)

i guess when 25 people are thrown into a class together and they all come from different schools (mostly), its easier for them to bond, cuz its like, everyone's on level ground and no cliques have been formed yet, so its like a do or die thing. make friends or be forced to live your school days in solitude. and everyone just..clicked with everyone else! i must admit, we had more chemistry back then than now. so far i only know of bobby and liying who feel like this, from their blogs, but i hope that we wont dwell too much on the differences and segregation within the class. i do hope class spirit is something that can be fostered with time. the situation may not be to our liking right now, but we can adapt, change, and make an effort to MAKE it right.

i have to do my chinese book review now. which SUCKS!! but the chinese teacher already has a black mark on me..its not wise to accumulate too many black marks too fast, you know. because of this, in order to protect myself from other black marks, i think ill do it later today =( procratination is NOT wrong.

excuse me :X
12:00 AM

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