Thursday, May 26

we had PE today!! and everyone thought we would be let off. anyway, i had to buy shorts and a pe shirt anyway, so i wore that. haha. oh my god, cotton is just totally THE best material in the world to make shorts. today, i have been introduced to the comfortable world of cotton shorts. i always thought silky shorts rocked! until TODAY. today is a major turning point in my life.i now prefer cotton shorts. theyre just SO comfy. my new ambition and goal in life is to become a cotton shorts endorser. haha.

today's PE was pretty cool. at least there wasnt any damned circuit training. i LOATHE and DETEST and ABOMINATE circuit training. its like on their agenda or something you know, 'Kill Students by Making them do Circuit Training because it's Sadistic and Murderous'. but mr sanuse was kinda mad at us though, at our blatant disregard for punctuality. anyway, we ran 2 rounds warm up and then 6 rounds. i was totally in shock when he said that though. it reminded me of 2.4, an experience i do not wish to relive. but surprisingly, today's 6 rounds run wasnt as lung-bursting and leg-breaking and sweat gland-overworking as the 2.4 one.

oooh tml is be yourself day! our class theme is Punk. joan is supposed to buy the fluorescent green hair spray! and jared is supposed to bring HIS cans. mr chua is the most sentimental guy teacher i have ever had. he made us all these tiny little paper bags and put a paper crane and a note inside. i so couldnt believe it! i mean, i would have thought that was the kinda thing lady teachers would do, not a guy teacher. he's so thoughtful. frankly, i was surprised he could fold a crane =p

we painted our nails black in school today =D its kinda creepy. haha. i bet yanling took extra care when painting hers =p shhhh. my fingers are quite fair, so the black contrasts starkly with the um, white? haha. i saw huilin at mac yesterday! it was all fate's doing! thank you, fate. =p i actually saw this bunch of pp in black shirts with green words on the back, and i thought ZHSS reused their sec 3 orientation T shirt! and THEN, on a second, more observant look, i saw her! walking with yen ming. and so i called her, and blah blah blah we just stood there talking for an eternity. it wasnt till our hair turned grey and we heard the distant bells of the cows coming home that we parted ways. it was so cool seeing her!! i havent seen her for so long.

oh, while coming home, i saw erkee and whatshisname(no, i do not imply that his name is not worthy of my mentioning. i really cant remember! damn. come to think of it, have i ever known his name?) at the ice cream uncle cart thing. =p harassing him, i suppose. haha. nahhh i think they were just like, playing around with him. i think i kinda stood there watching them for some time. yes, in the middle of the carpark. i didnt say hi =p i wonder if my didi was there!! there was this other guy, but i couldnt see if it was him!! think ill msg him to ask. justin has just requested that i remove my unsightly previous webby references =p i could not agree more with him.

excuse me :X
4:01 AM

Sunday, May 22

okay, now im pretty positive its true. in fact, i can ALMOST guarantee a hundred percent that its true! i hope nobody knows what im talking about. and dont bother asking, because you will yield no answer, and your sorry attempt will prove to be an utter waste of energy and time. its pretty darn obvious, you know? i dont have to have even 1/10000000000th of einstein's brain to figure out what it means. now, people, dont jump to conclusions about what you think this mysterious entry is about. do not assume anything. it may not turn out to be what u thought it was. i am very sure your assumptions will be wrong. i could be talking about ANYTHING! so just take it and leave it. =p i dont know what to think. hell yeah, i knew it would come to this. all that crap about you-know-what, and all that crap about it being bullshit. ITS NOT CRAP! not once have i believed that you were right. you did NOT expect me to be taken in by that rubbish. how could it be?! i always knew it would never happen. all talk and no action, thats basically what it is. WELL, f.y.i, i may feel a bit weird right now, due to the dawning realisation, but dont worry. no harm has been inflicted upon me. much to your regret, perhaps? the thought of it makes me sick now. if you need any advice, maybe you can come to me. i'll give you ALL the advice that you could posibly want. in fact, im glad that you do. i just experss my joy differently from others.

excuse me :X
2:09 AM

Friday, May 20

dear blog,

today was a sad, dreary, melancholic day. we found out that miss resma isnt gonna teach our class anymore..she couldnt take too many classes and the school made her drop one class, and surprise surprise, it just HAD to be us. i could tell it was hard for her too..she didnt want to drop our class..in fact, she cried..i was kinda shocked at first, but that shock soon turned to nostalgia. seeing her cry made ME wanna cry =( the tears just.. filled up, but dont be mistaken, i wasnt reduced to a whimpering, snivelling heap or anything. silent tears, thats what i call them. i cant believe it. she didnt even have the choice of dropping another class.

this sucks, you know? THREE teachers are leaving us. teachers whom we have gradually begun to accept and forge bonds with. honestly, i didnt really like miss resma in the first three months, cuz i saw her as this strict, rigid, inflexible teacher who gave out offences like we were serial criminals. but THEN, my whole perception of her changed totally, especially since she became our PW teacher. i guess time really can make a difference, in how people behave in the presence of others, and in the opinions that we have of others. as she got to know us better, and we her, she began to loosen up a little. she laughed (smiled, at least), and even cracks the occasional joke, something i would have thought was impossible for her before. and i realised how efficient she is! she would finish marking our PIs about a fraction of a second after we handed them in to her. she's a good teacher. and as i was just starting to like her, POOF! she has to go. ditto mr chua and mr ong.

mr ong is just like this box, bursting at the edges with new and 'fresh' ideas. his views of life really dont fail to amaze us. if i had to describe him, id say he's sensible and yet, goofy. =p hes the kind of person who thinks out of the box, the exactly the kind of person who SHOULD be a gp teacher. he gets us thinking! lately, we've been pondering about questions which have never crossed our minds (mine, anyway) before. i mean, this is sort of thing which gets our brain juices flowing!! i know i shouldnt judge the new teacher before we even see her face, but i cant stop myself thinking that she wont be as fun as mr ong. mr ong really clicks with the class, and hes SO open about everything. hes more like a friend than a teacher.

mr chua's different. he's more like a father. =p he said so himself, in his farewell transparency presentation thingy. he called it the end of his dynasty. haha. he said he treats us like his daughters. that is so cute! maybe his paternal instincts are kicking in. even though he's but 21. =p we took photos with him today too. he actually REQUESTED to take photos with us! quite the opposite of ong eng wen, who flatly refused to be seen in a photograph. he gave in in the end anyway, possibly due to our persistent (and effective!) pleading. he opens his eyes really big in photos! to display that goofy look!! i told angeline we were gonna have a new master. haha. i liked rep-ping for him and mrs tan. AS I WAS SAYING, mr chua again whipped out his ever-so-cool oakley shades just to take photos with us. =D he looked totally totally cool. heh. i got really sad when he said we were gonna have many pd tutors in JC, but for him, its only 1 PD class. =( that made me tear again. oh my god, i realised i teared everytime each teahcer made his/her going away speech. thats me, an emotional weakling through and through. im so relieved i passed math.

excuse me :X
3:21 AM

Wednesday, May 18

fricking sadists!! PE was like one hell of an energy drainer. its exactly the same thing we did last week! and like last week, i nearly died on the track. my lungs were so active, they nearly suffered from overwork too. it was SO bloody tiring. we were timed again. i think its called circuit training. thats what cy said it was anyway. =p he made us do 50 legups! it was horrible. everything was horrible! then he let us off late, after which joan and i made a beeline for the toilet to bathe once he released us. haha, and he said its harder to motivate girls to run. its not harder, it just takes the right type of motivation. like a cold, refreshing bath. we also had to squat down on the wet track for what felt like a billion gazillion batrillion magillion years. well, you didnt HAVE to, but it was either that or sit down and get your silky, see-through-at-a-particular-angle-with-the-right-amount-of-light shorts drenched. the track should be made of absorbent material, like sponge, in preparation for rainy days. haha. maybe i should propose this silly idea.

ooooooh went to the school library today, with Fioni and Babuna. hahaha. i borrowed the 'singing in the rain' dvd! or was it a vcd. i forgot. ANYWAY. fioni borrowed some DNA dvd, she wanted DNA: The secret of life, but it had already been borrowed! so she got angry, sat down on the library floor and bawled her lungs out. hahahaha. nahhhhhh she didnt. =p i feel like borrowing the Chemical Bonding tape and the DNA dvd too, so i dont hafta read the notes. good idea huh! i absolutely loathe chem bonding. and i prefer the differentiation maths teacher!!!!! the mr yong guy is like, an audio kinda teacher. all throughout the lecture, thats how you learn, by LISTENING. well, i dont see myself as an audio learner. i prefer visual. the differentiation guy like, writes on the transparency, so its easier to understand. HMMPH. oh thank heavens mrs K isnt our chem teacher again, or i swear ill just hate chem so much. i guess thats the sentiment that everyone else shares. she cannot teach for nuts. or maybe thats what shes paid. i think she TRIES,but sadly, all her attempts are effectively futile. our new teacher is a Mr Ng. oh, we've decided on what to give Mr chua and Mr ong!! had a little discussion today. =D you do NOT want to know what the intermediate suggestions were before we came up with the final decision. =p we're gonna give mr chua a parker pen and each of us is gonna bring a pack of tissue =p thats cuz he sweats, what we deem as exceptionally more, than the average human being. haha. so thats like a parker pen and 25 tissue packets. i suggested getting him a dri-fit shirt though. haha.

OH YEAH!! yesterday we had this phototaking thing, and when it was informal photo time, mr chua whipped out his shades from his pocket!! oh my GOD, u will not imagine the shock on 24(jared wasnt there!) different faces. he looked super cool in them!! haha. nobody knew he had a surprise up his sleeve =p and to think that all morning, all through civics, the shades were hidden, tucked snugly away in his pocket, just WAITING for that opportune moment to exhibit his hidden cooooolness =D that is one sneaky teacher! moral of the story: there is more to mr chua than meets the eye. and i think the guy is really passionate about chem or something. hahaha. we're so gonna miss him. =( ooh, dinners a-calling!

excuse me :X
3:50 AM

Monday, May 16

i. feel. like. a. sponge. which. has. just. been. squeezed. of. its. contents. i have been wrung dry of all that bio knowledge and gp techniques (whatever gp techniques there are)

had bio and gp today! in the same LT, on the same seat. i hope my gp essay isnt out of point =( because my content SUCKS. can you believe it??!?! tests are over! woohoo! on second thought, theres nothing to rejoice about because A)there's CHINESE oral tomorrow and B)i have to do a chinese compo tonight. ewwwww. just IMAGINE the dread. chinese oral!! i sorta fear for my conversation, cuz everytime i try to speak in chiense to my friends, like, have a perfectly normal daily conversation in chinese, they either laugh or say i sound weird. THANKS. thats a BIG consolation! haha. i think my problem is that i can only speak chinese under exam conditions, and only wheh talking bout serious stuff concerning our society and all that crap. =p im just afraid ill lapse into english or something. okaaaay, so like, its only a school thing, not counted for Alevels, but STILL, its important to take pride in your work! =D AND!! its SO indescribably unfair how some lucky people get to have it on friday! thats like, 4 days more of oral practice! why cant we have english orals instead! although i dont think they're any less nerve wrecking!! i remember how we were practising oral using the english TYS! like, all those pictures and passages behind =) and me, emily, and tricia i think, would all be practising just mere seconds away from the actual thing. and who can forget that sinking feeling when the person before you is done and its UR TURN!(in my case, zhiliang =p) ah yes, that familiar yet unwelcome rush of adrenaline. my picture description absolutely SUCKED, though. i got like, 9/12 before. how horrible is THAT. it totally pulled everything down. oh no oh no oh no. i cant start speaking chinese to mom and dad! besides, as i believe i have mentioned, i CANNOT hold decent and comprehendable DAILY conversations in chinese. its probably one of those things in life whose reason is unfathomable, yet it happens.

excuse me :X
4:50 AM

Saturday, May 14

debates suck.

did anyone cry over my absence the past week? no? FINE. >=( haha. there was bio SPA that day! the minutes leading up to it were kiiiinda nervewrecking cuz like, its gonna be counted for As!! we did microscopy again. we viewed an onion cell. AGAIN. im sick of onions! why do we ALWAYS have to use onions! and talk about wasting food! we were each given half an onion, and when we were done, we threw the whole thing away!! hey, tsunami victims and the starving poor in africa may well be THANKFUL to have onions to eat, you know! this is no way to treat a vegetable! and to think we only have to use like, 5mm by 5mm worth of epidermal layer. but i must admit, im getting quite hooked on its smell =p they said peel the INNER epidermis, and like, its WHITE, i.e. very hard to see if plasmolysis has indeed taken place. i sorta faked my results =p heheh. i took one reading for each sucrose concentration, and for the next reading, i just put like, a consecutive number. i mean, if its SUPPOSED to be consecutive, theres really no point in taking a second count! besiiiiides, i didnt wanna write that i had anomaly. miss resma stopped at my bench somtimes, i think she was observing me!! i dont like it when teachers do that, cuz it makes me feel like im doing the whole experiment wrong or something! i also didnt wanna look at her, for fear that she may shake her head in resignation. ooh, we call her hashie now, please dont tell her =p it allll started with a cetrain rabbit by the name of Bobby. so if ur blaming instincts are itching to work, blame HIM. =p just talked to mr chua, i was pleasantly taken aback when he didnt start his message with his trademark 'so hows chem?' hahaha. he said tonight was very cooling =p i told him i bathed 4 times today. my actions are justifiable! it was hot, so i bathed. its NOT a waste of singapore's resources, as what chee yao says. oh yeah, mr ong called me a grasshopper again! what on earth!! perhaps i should cut down on the grass. haha.

theres bio and gp tests on monday! as u can tell, im not very enthusiastic about going to school. i dont want a gp test =( i SO cannot brainstorm given a time frame. mitochondria look cuuuuute. =D ooooh the pre u sem camp starts on 30 may! for a whole week at NTU. i REALLY hope my group members are nice, friendly, lovable people. and i hope my roommate isnt some stuck up, act cute girl. oh that reminds me, i cant stand it when guys are all cutesy and stuff. i dont mean the kind who are naturally cute, i mean, they make an attempt at BEING cute. its just totally disgusting. this is not about a hypothetical guy. but dont worry, it doesnt refer to any of you who read my blog. OH, and i realised that its true how Some People can get annoyingly whiny and whinigly annoying. i didnt use to mind at first. IN FACT, i didnt even notice it at first. i mean, why does it(true gender shall not be revealed, as if it is, there will no more secrecy) have to do that?! it makes my hair stand, goospimples appear frantically, and me to cringe. IT should be more conscious of how others around take to whining, and realise that IT'S annoying the hell out of..us. i dont know, or maybe its just a minority. at other times, ITS okay, though. STOP THE WHINING.

excuse me :X
9:20 AM

Saturday, May 7

What the hell! My keyboard works selectively!! I tried signing in to my blog, but to my complete horror, nothing appeared!! It was as if my keyboard wasn’t connected, when it is! I know, because these words are appearing as I type. I thought typing my ID and PW on word and then copying and pasting it wouldn’t work, but alas, it did!! Woohoo!! Im typing this in Word too! Notice all the caps and apostrophes at the appropriate places cuz they appear automatically. =D the printer man came today to have a look at the printer, and he fixed it!! Woohoo! Its not actually SPOILT. Rather, I think I didn’t install it properly.

Mr call-me-eng-wen-in-the-class Ong called my a grasshopper twice! He wrote in my newspaper article review “good job, grasshopper!” haha. for BOTH of them! do I look like a grasshopper but am unaware of it? Or is it some English phrase which, apparently, my limited vocab lacks? Haha. anyway, I realized I forgot to hand in my newspaper article thingy yesterday!!!!! how silly. I collected everyone else’s but my own. =(

so I msged him “my ong!! I didn’t hand in newspaper article yesterday! I swear I did it! can I hand it in on Monday?”

and he goes “ha ha! So is it one or two you owe me?”

“but I did it!!!! there are two tests on Monday! Please?”

“you have an innocent face, so I guess I have to believe you. Go and study, young human!”

im serious, he called me a young human. Hahaha. Not that im resenting it and wished he had called me Aunty, of course. I think the grasshopper thing is sorta like an alliteration thingy or something! You know like, how Grasshopper starts with G and so does Good job? Whatever. I SO do not have an innocent face. Right? Haha.

did you know mr chua’s email has ‘akuma’ in it? hahahaha. Me and joan were thinking up some OTHER streetfighter names for him. Like, chunli or whatever. haha. I told her I liked Charlie =D cuz he looks so cool in his specs, and when he wins the fight, he takes them off! So coool. =p we were dissecting his email, “cs7akuma”. My version was, CS stands for his name(obviously) and 7, his I dunno, former soccer jersey number??? And akuma, cuz that’s his idol. Haha!

I KNOW who watchtheproplay is!! Initially he said he was calvin, and I gullibly believed! But at the end, he admitted that he wasn’t! and I kept asking, cuz like, what if I cant sleep, trying to figure out who he is?? (yeah right. Haha.) but he refused to tell me! So I said FINE, keep me in suspense! But –I- have thus solved the mystery of the anonymous contact adder. It like, SO tallies with the fact that kaifeng added me to friendster! I KNOW ITS YOU, KAIFENG!! Haha. for a fleeting fraction of a second, I thought it was daryl.

excuse me :X
10:29 AM

Thursday, May 5

oh my GOD, i saw shawn poh today, walking near mac, holding his new gf's hand =p i remember asking him before, "i thought u had a gf?" to which he replied "that one no more already." come to think of it, HOW did i know him?? oh riiight, badminton. well, initially i only knew him as sharon's friend. and then sharon graduated! haha. anyway, the girl's from another school..she wasnt wearing ZH uni. they were with a group of his friends. i took this incredibly big detour around them, to avoid being seen..haha..the lengths i go to to save us both the embarrassment. ACTUALLY, i dont think it would have been embarrassment on his part! he probably would have wanted to show her off or something =p anyway, wonder if he recognises me. maybe he'll feign ignorance! but whatever, just quite surprised to see him. did he HAVE to hold hands wearing ZH uni????!! think of the school name, dude. i know, the previous 'posts' are really ugly, cuz they're V.U.W. very useful websites. BUT once the debate thingy is over, im gonna delete them all. they're SO unsightly. haha. mr chua is obsessed with chemistry!! we dont even say the pledge on thursdays in the homeroom anymore =p yes, to him, patriotism is of secondary importance to the mysteries and amazements of chemistry. he's online now, and the first thing he asked was "so how's chem?" hahahah. im like, chems..not bad. i didnt know what to say! i mean, i dont HATE it, and yet its not the love of my life or anything. and then i assured him that he's a good teacher =D MUCH better than mrs smellymarker kuah. i hope she doesnt teach us when mr chua's gone!! =( because that would spell disaster for us.

excuse me :X
6:54 AM

Monday, May 2

So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring

Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had

So you stole my world
Now I'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely

Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't need me back
You're just the best I ever had

And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside
But I can't take it so I
Run away and hide
And I may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right

So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring

What was it you wanted
Could it be I'm haunted

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever

thats vertical horizon's Best I Ever Had =) its a really nice song! i just found the lyrics compilation which emily and i made last year =D oh, how the memories flooded my um, brain. me and mily used to sing all the time =) there's noone to sing with me now =p unless you count celine. she's always bugging me to sing with her! =p haha..no offence, celine and friends of celine, but i just prefer singing with mily.

my ear aches from the after effects of the piercing!! do u know how many thousand times ive accidentally hit the sore area, either while towel drying my hair after bathing or with the comb while combing! i think pain has an affinity for my sore, just-gone-through-a-piercing part of my ear. or maybe this is retribution! the hole i put to sleep is taking its sweet revenge on me! its causing me pain for causing it pain!

i slept for like, an astonishing 3 hours in the afternoon! how is it possible to take such a long nap in the afternoon?! i BET mom and dad drugged me during lunch! oh yeah! that reminds me! i had this bizarre dream last night, about a HUGE bottle of pills floating down the river! haha..and people were perched on that bottle of pills! maybe the pills signify the drugs mom and dad put in my food!! cheeyao says the pills mean that ill get sick soon! -.- touch wood! haha. when i woke up, there was this like sinking feeling of sudden realisation. i thought, oh SHIT! that means i wont be able to sleep at night!! and i virtually sprang out of bed, like a springy spring. haha. oh THAT reminds me, gotta bring rubberbands tomorrow! for emergency attacks on jared. haha. *laughs evilly*

argh!!! fiona forgot to give me her set of bio stuff to photocopy!! and i forgot to get it from weiling the day before!! i resorted to reading the notes first, so that tml when i copy from my beloved friends, ill go, 'oh riiiiiight' and not 'what the hell is this stupid thing about?' and then i will learn, with renewed understanding!

excuse me :X
8:45 AM

Sunday, May 1

i got my ear pierced!! hee. have i mentioned the reason for this sudden urge to vandalise myself again? WELL, i let one of my ear holes close, thats what. it was kinda like pulling the plug on it. euthanasia. =D cuz the thing was getting to be quite swollen and there was this constant flow of..liquid, so i took a deep breath, mustered the courage, and took the earring out for good. it was a tough decision, trust me. but then i thought, for the greater good of myself, i should just let my ear hole die in peace. the swelling's gone now, thank goodness, or it would have been a wasted effort! so i had to get a new one! to like, replace the one that closed. its equal for both sides now, 2 and 2! why cant they have nicer earring choices instead of the same old ones! its SO dead boring. theyre all round with shiny middles, and i always end up picking the blue one..haha..u know something?! if none of my ear holes had closed, i would have 7 now!! damnnnnnnn. but oh well, i wouldnt have got so many anyway. like i said, the max i would get is 5. =) PW today was quite productive, lotsa ideas were thrown around and 'bounced off'. haha. miss resma likes to say that. which reminds me, i ate 2 hashbrowns in the morning! this is totally wrong! now everytime i eat hashbrowns, i think of reshma!! its all bobby the dog/ruby the rabied rabbit's fault. haha. me and joan were thinking up more girly names for bobby! MY personal favourites were bobbina and bobbarilla. but she liked bobbini better!! haha. i was supposed to do math, but then i ended up expressing myself on paper, kinda like a paper blog. =D it was a very LONG paper blog, at that. i darent think of the opportunity cost of writing that paper blog! the second best alternative forgone has been forgone! haha. cooooool im in justin's blog! haha. alrighty, gotta scram!

excuse me :X
7:51 AM

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