Saturday, April 30


excuse me :X
10:00 AM

Friday, April 29

i hate them. i bloody bloody hate them.

(unrelated to above)
flowers and leaves complement each other. maybe thats why they're always found together. i think the stalk minds though. but of course it will. perhaps it masks its envy well, aware that jealousy is obvious to the other plants. but that doesnt mean that the stalk is unaffected by the close proximity of the flowers and leaves. i guess it struck a bad chord in the stalk. it told me so. i felt for the stalk too. time has lessened the impact that seeing the flowers and leaves together has on the stalk, but it has not, and will probably never erase it. the stalk makes a conscious effort to maintain the nonchalence that resides currently in its cellulose-chock, lignin aligned walls. it will not put too much significance on how flowers and leaves conduct themselves before it. it feels that it is the only way to ever quicken the effects of time. and forget, it will.

(unrelated to above)
mrs tan lu hoon a.k.a. mrs claus has left the teaching profession!! DAMMIT! i really liked her, yeah, the jolly ol' bundle of..joy. or whatever. anyway, she's kinda lenient, she let us do our gp typewritten, and gave us so many grace periods..haha..but alas, she's gone, GONE!! out of the class, out of the school, out of our lives!! yeah yeah, so we can keep in touch with her and all that, but seriously, its not the same as having her in class, with her round jolly face and jovial disposition. haha. and the new gp teacher looks kinda..geeky =p at least, for today! he said he wore his younger brother's shirt in the morning, in his haste to come to school, which explains the tight-fitting, too-small-for-comfort shirt. he wears his pants really high too!! but he talks fast, which makes us think fast. haha..according to mrs tan, he's really good. but hes strict too! he said if we dont hand in the newspaper article/do a crappy clip shod version of it, we'll have to do it twice. which is horrible. i didnt do my cutting yesterday, cuz i figured bio essay HAD to be more important than THAT. my essay has 2500+ words, but sad to say, most of it falls under plaigiarism!! =O i SO have to add references at the end of it! what if miss resma decides to sue me for violating copyright laws! haha.

excuse me :X
7:26 AM

Monday, April 25

The meeting

She strolled in
With a gait which hollered unwavering confidence
Commanding utmost respect
She perched elegantly on her four-inch heels
A striking contrast to the drab interior of the conference room
Slicing through the dense quietude
She acknowledged the stares of reverence
And the cold shoulders
A myriad of opinions, it seemed
But aloof she remained, albeit with silent knowledge
Retrieved the folder, extricated it with calculated care
Lay it down with equal caution
And then she began

im in school now, virtually turning into an iceblock in the utter frigidity! brr. haha, we were supposed to be doing our gp essay. me, joan and jared are playing rubberbands! im typing this at the risk of being shot! haha. ooh gotta go! mrs claus is coming. =p

excuse me :X
10:49 PM

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY cant i ever come out of a test knowing that i havent made any careless mistakes?!!! cuz the opposite always seems to be the case for me. i put hydrogen peroxide as LIQUID STATE, for gods sake!! what on EARTH was i thinking?! its bloody aqueous!!! that cost me a whole mark! a whole precious mark! a whole fat, precious mark! DAMMIT. i've since lost 2 marks for my chem test. who knows how many more i will lose?! this sucks. in fact, i've compiled a whole list of the gist of what happened today.

what sucked

1.i had a tummyache on the way to school. in the bus. with no one to turn to for comfort in my time of need.
2.for a fleeting fraction of a second when my brain was malfunctioning, i thought hydrogen peroxide was in the liquid state.
3.that fleeting fraction of a second just HAD to happen during the test.
4.my bag was SO impossibly heavy, i was practically crawling back, hence hurting my poor pitiful left shoulder which had to bear the full burden of the load. HENCE taking longer than usual to reach home.
5.i think my hair was totally and utterly messy after school, cuz weely came up from behind and messed it up. and i didnt take out my hairband to re-kiap it, so i effectively looked like a walking lump of hair. AND i have a nagging feeling that the girls sitting opposite me were talking about me!! i can tell when pp are talking about me, girls.
6.i got shot by a rubberband across my face!!!! although the mark's gone now, otherwise i can use it as evidence to sue him!
7.i have CHINESE HOMEWORK to do, and there's no trusty shou ce to aid in my learning!!
8.two econs essays to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY, BLOG, WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

what didnt suck (surprisingly)

1.my PI got accepted!! which is totally cool cuz that means no more brain dismantling for me! woohoo!!

well guess what!! thats the ONLY THING that didnt suck today! with all the evidence, i hereby conclude that i had a sucky day.

oh right, miss resma said im 'passive'. i think she means im a passive learner. AM I? i miss my purple hairband. =(

excuse me :X
2:55 AM

Friday, April 22

i hope nobody has read my halfdone gp essay!!!! i had to save it in this blog, cuz i didnt bring the diskette to the lab today, and i wrote one more paragraph other than the intro..haha..oh wow, my shoulder hurts billions now. today's air rifle training was okay, i found out a new new new better technique of aiming! heh..it wasnt my off-day today, and i was glad. its actually better than last week's! i hope i never get another off day. =D anyways, cant blog much today, i have a gp essay to complete, afterwhich i will proceed to do my PI. =( but before i do any of those, i hafta go rub some muscle ache relieving cream thingy. theres a chem test on monday too! hmmph. AND i also lost my shiny purple hairband today! which sucks, cuz the silvery one broke that day! i think i dropped it on the bus on the way to school!! haha..k gotta go..

excuse me :X
6:05 AM

Thursday, April 21
my halfdone gp essay-do not read

Just how useful and relevant do people in today’s constantly evolving society perceive the family life to be? Granted, with the onset of globalisation and the world advancing at such shocking rapidity, there could be a possibility that the family today is not as close knit as before. However, to say that the family has outlived its usefulness is being presumptuous, and in my honest opinion, this statement is flawed, as I believe that the family is still relevant in today’s society.

As we pause and survey the situation around us, it is indubitable that a very many people nowadays view marriage to be unnecessary and sometimes even troublesome. The blind pursuit of wealth stemming from the high levels of education attained by people is becoming ubiquitous. Their lives are dictated by the desire to excel in their careers, so they choose to focus more on their careers and less on setting up families. Furthermore, as women rise the ranks in the corporate world, they are more financially able to provide for themselves, and this independence has led them to believe that setting up a family is no longer relevant.

excuse me :X
11:56 PM

just got back from our little trip to meet the president of south africa! =p before today, i didnt even know what his name is! the speech was welllll..rather boring, cuz i slept through like, half of what he said, and only woke up 10 minutes before he ended. haha, actually, i woke up several times, but then i unconsciously slipped back to oblivion. i couldnt help it, his voice is rather lulling =p in a monotonous kind of way. haha. the senior minister was there too! we were looking out for him, expecting him to be like, towering over everyone else, but he wasnt really, cuz like, there were all these tall caucasian guys who matched his height.

meixi was there too!! whoa. havent seen her for ages. she, tiffy and i were in the same chinese tuition before =D anyway, i made a new friend on the bus today! his name is justin. hes kinda friendly too! weiling and i went sorta late, so there werent anymore double seats and i sat with him. anyway, i cant stand awkward silent busrides with strangers, so i initiated conversation. haha. nice guy, he is. i asked if he knew bryan and jared, from the same sec sch, but he said they're jus acquaintances. DO YOU KNOW HIM, BRYAN? haha.

there is just SO much homework to do! (one wonders why im still typing this) theres like, PI, chinese compo and newspaper article to hand up by tomorrow! so far, only my chinese compo's done! heh..i think its crap anyway, i wasnt really into it. but i peppered it with some nice cheng yus. haha. though given my lousy plot, im sure it wont amount to anything significant. oh, the pilot show is getting to be quite boring!! you know, the one with the totally dishy bloke, takuya kimura! haha. but then he has eye bags sometimes, and looks quite old =p other than that, he looks really good. but like, the show is SO preposterously slow moving!! most of it is just people looking at one another, like you know how the camera has to focus on their emotions and stuff? yeah.

oh god theres air rifle tml, my shoulder is still suffering from the pain caused by last week!! i took the 105 bus home just now, and the driver was being really horrid!! he drove his really horrid bus as if he was drunk or in a rush to meet his wife back home or something, it was so jerky and puke-inducing!! and i figured that opening up the axe brand oil and dousing myself with it wasnt such a good idea, as due to diffusion, the entire bus will be reeking of it. SO i did the macho thing and endured the giddiness. haha. horrid, nasty, evil little driver! bet he has horns growing out of his head.

excuse me :X
3:49 AM

Tuesday, April 19
a little clarification

let me stress that the poem is not a reflection of my life!! haha..its fiction okay!!

excuse me :X
4:10 AM

The tears
caressed her sullen cheeks
brushed against her charred skin
burnt by the onslaught of the interminable flow

encapsulated the pent up hatred and pain
vowed to be liberated from the eye within
spoke of revenge and merciless unforgiveness
reflected the tragedy that struck from beneath
betrayed the exterior, so aloof with apathy
'twas but a facade that masked what lay under

begged to let flow into the sea of hurt
from where it began, the inner raging storm
the turmoil that ensued from that one fateful night
the torment that arose from that one blasted call


haha..get this straight! im typing this halfway through my chinese compo! i dunno, i was writing it merrily, thinking up nice chinese phrases to put into my compo to spruce it up, when suddenly, BHAM! inspiration hits me like a boulder. so i decided to write a poem =p haha..i dont know why either. inspiration has bad timing! why did it hafta come in the middle of my chinese compo! for which now i have lost my SECOND train of thought!! i lost the first one in school, when the bell rang and all i had was 5 miserable words. ANYWAY, as i was saying, i wrote a poem about..um, well, hurt and pain. haha..its my niche topic, i just LOVE writing bout hurt and pain and all that. its kinda cool, really. not feeling those, i mean, writing bout them. really, it all just came to me. dunno if u understand the poem..tell me what u think its about! new perspectives =p ugh, that reminds me of the dreaded PW. for which i have failed to developed a liking for. anyway, i gotta go now, my unfinished, halfdone chinese compo is calling out my name.

excuse me :X
3:28 AM

Sunday, April 17

wassssssssup! haha. yay, i finished the dreaded PI! like, yesterday! woohoo!! i exceeded the word limit, though. but by only just a teensy weensy, hopefully unnoticeable bit =p chee yao said they probably wont count the words, but then i told him miss ow told us last year that they hire counters to count our english summary words! oh MY, i remember what summary was like, i used to get obscenely low marks for it =( but then i realised how to do it properly, and just in time too =p actually, i used to get obscenely low for the whole compre itself! which is why im so worried for gp =(((((((((((( i have never written an expo in my entire life, not even for like, class work. guess ive always banked on narratives or if worse comes to worst, the personal recount. i miss narratives!!!! i kinda liked writing them, and id get quite happy whenever i thought of a new, chim sounding descriptive phrase to use. but now everything's like expo-like, and im not very confident bout that! i reeeeeeeeeeally dont wanna do badly for gp!! =( i mean, duh. haha..i feel kinda bad, cuz like, i havent been tagging the blogs of my lovely friends, only my own! but not to worry, lovely friends whose blogs i have yet to tag, cuz i will from now on =D like ivan's! i dont feel very paragraphy today, so forgive me, should this entry be difficult and tedious to read. my ear itches something awful! i hope the earhole isnt infected or anything!!!!!! cuz if it did, like, if my whole ear swelled up like a big balloon attached to the side of my face tomorrow morning, i shall just die of the embarrassment. its really itching the hell out of me!! ive been scratching it for ages, so now its kinda red and hot and unsightly. oh, ive been dabbling with the idea of piercing 2 more, so that makes 5 on my right, so i can put V, A, N, D and A for each hole! what do you think? =p tell me, cuz im open to suggestions! haha..if the itchiness doesnt subside, ill scream. im like, type type type, scratch, type type type, scratch. VERY inconvenient. plus, its annoying to the max! i bought a pink pencilcase today! =) its huge, and it looks like a makeup bag! but whatever. my mom can be so annoying!! she was talking to me just now, and suddenly she was like, go and put some oxy later. im like, why?! does the sight of my pimple gross you out?!! actually, the pimples have been rather obedient recently, they're starting to go away!! only a few persistent ones left, but theyre not really obvious. (at least, i dont think they are!) perhaps my little talk with Mr Pimple did work after all! gosh, i realised how chunky this entry looks, im ever so sorry. =p ooooh im quite worried for napfa too, cuz the guy said it may not be the same as in sec sch. he cited this example where this girl did 20+ inclined pull ups in sec sch, but when she went to AJ, she could only do less than 10! which is scary!! i dont like IPU!! alright, who does? hey, i think alethea does! she said she didnt mind them before! i think im going to stop now, the shower beckons. =D

excuse me :X
2:28 AM

Friday, April 15
oh, joy!!

yay! i can FINALLY get into this website!! notice why i havent been posting much? i had to type everything in msword, and then get someone to copy and paste it into my entry!! haha..so far, ive given my ID and password away to 2 people =p

air rifle yesterday was a painful experience. haha..we had to stand and aim for 5 or 10 minutes straight a few times, and believe me, the thing seems heavier the longer you hold it in the same position! at one point, the fingers of my right hand were going numb! as in, really numb. i couldnt feel anything for a while. and my left hand!!!! felt like somebody had just sat on it for a very very very very long time. they made us shoot 20 shots and write our names and hand it in =s it was quite terrifying, cuz like, i bet theyre gonna scrutinise every card and criticize them!! i think it was okay. at least, it was better than the 10-shot one =p i found a better way of aiming! and daryl (or was it junhan) put that card which covers the vision of your left eye so u dont hafta struggle to keep your left eye closed while your right eye struggles to keep itself open. it was much better, clearer too! at first i wasnt even planning on wearing the gloves! but im EVER SO GLAD i did, cuz after the thing, even with the gloves, my knuckles were already hurting like hell. my left shoulder hurt like hell too! weiling said her back hurt. but its okay today. =D im still recovering from the joy of discovering that i can access this site again. haha.

oh my GOD. we hafta hand in PW on monday. i hate PW!! in fact, everyone hates PW. (well, the people i asked, anyway.) its so stupid, making us do all this stupid 'group work' stuff, when half of it isnt even group work. i SO hafta write my STUPID PI today, by hook or by crook. i know ill never get it done if i do it tomorrow!

oh, there was AJ idol yesterday! it was totally cool! some of the contestants were shockingly good! haha..but only weiling, willy and i went! heh, alex and bryan tried to get in, but the horrible door people suspected that they werent from AJ. yesterday was kinda cool, i didnt eat during break cuz i wasnt hungry, and i didnt eat during lunch cuz i was sleepy, so i slept. and i didnt eat dinner till 11, while watching twilight zone =) i like twilight zone, cuz like, u can never predict the ending. but i must confess! I was such a scaredy cat, i didnt dare look at the doctors' and nurses' faces in the first story! cuz my dad said he watched the old twilight zone before, and the story was the same and the girl actually looked normal and it was the rest of the world which looked ugly, they had all these wrinkled, sagging faces. but then cuz she's so not like them, they perceive HER to be ugly. get it? anyway, i dont like scary, ugly faces. i was afraid i might get nightmares..heh. i have a weak heart okay! i HATE horror novels/movies/whatever. i even thought GOOSEBUMPS was scary in primary school! while other brave, fearless people were reading those russell lee books, which i found to be worse. speaking of fearless, has anyone read the 'fearless' series of books?? i thought they were really good, back in sec 2 =D me and cheryl used to borrow those books all the time =)

this german woman came and spoke during PW too, which was better than having like, the principal to speak or something..haha..she and some other people run this like, hospital in india, and an orphanage too. (what compassion!) and she showed us pictures of people who had contracted polio, and they couldnt stand up straight, so they were always like, doubled over. and then how they went through a series of operations to striaghten their legs so that they could walk upright to *dramatically* SEE THE WORLD!! there was this picture of an open wound on a child's leg, we could see the muscles and flesh(rather, what little flesh there was) and even the bone =( and u could all these people in the audi being taken aback =p like, they went eeeeee and ewwwwww and like, suck in air through their teeth to um, indicate that they feel the pain. you know, kinda like what they used to do in sec school when someone told a lame joke. haha. i cant spell it out. beside me, joan was totally grossed out! haha. i dunno why i didnt do any of that. i guess like, in light of the seriousness and solemnity of their situation, it didnt seem 'scary'.

haha, i forgot to shut off my phone yesterday before i went to sleep, so like, it was still on the bed in the morning when i awoke from my slumber. so much batt used! =( k, i gotta go have breakfast now. =D and then force myself to do STUPID PROJECT WORK.

excuse me :X
8:23 PM

Wednesday, April 13

Now now, children, we musn’t be impatient creatures! We should always wait till I find the right time and the right mood to blog =) so stop complaining your heads off!! I put off my homework which is due tomorrow to write this!! Haha..=D kiddiiiiing! Well, actually the homework part is true. =p Anyway, there was heats for the sports day thingy today, and everyone was made to take part!Like, we didn’t even put our names down but they did it for us. I couldn’t believe it. So like, almost the whole class had to run, only people like JOAN didn’t!! bet she was secretly rejoicing! mine was 8x50m, which was okay fiona is totally fast!! We were all screaming like our lives depended on the volume of our screams when she got the baton and overtook the girl and got first!!It was totally cool, plus there is no shortage of girls in our class, so we were the loudest! Woohoo! Eat your hearts out, non-16ers! Hahaha..im sorry..i got a comment from ash saying that I’ve become more CONDESCENDING =p im not condescending!! =( heh..we did the Fiona cheer while running the last lap!! Kinda like a celebratory run! It goes like this: FIONA BANANA!! Ole ole ah ah! FIONA BANANA!!Ole ole ah ah! Etc etc..haha..hey fioni, I hope you don’t mind =) *beams* anyways, it was a team effort, so good job everybody!!

There wont be pre u sem meeting for a long, loooooong time! We were totally rejoicing over this well-received news. Me, corrina (or is it corinna) and Fiona were high fiving! Wel, actually, I only high fived Fiona, cuz corrina/corinna was too far away! Heh.. this rocks! It means I don’t have to crack my head trying to write my speech, (actually, writing the intro was kinda fun!Haha..but the moments leading up to the actual speech was QUITE nervewrecking. Haha. it nearly wrecked my nerves.) or research stuff (which I most absolutely DETEST.) surprisingly, im not so nervous when its time to present stuff now. I think its all thanks to SPEAK EZ!! Woo!! Go speak ez, go!! Im such a lazy bum, though, I hate it when I have to do prepared speeches,cuz that means I hafta write stuff out.

You know what? Ive changed my perception on the pre u sem. At one point, I was thinking of quitting and all that, but then again, it does help u brush up on oral presentation skills, and gets u used to the idea of doing boring, disgusting research. Haha.. they invited the newsradio news presenter woman (or whatever her occupation is) esther ee/yee/yi to like, teach us how to make a good and effect effective presentation. She speaks so well!! so refined and polished. I mean, but of course. She DOES speak for a living. Her articulation and pronunciation are perrrrrfect. I wanna speak as well as her too! Haha..

I haven’t been taking 853 for centuries! The STUPID THING always comes 5 minutes earlier than the usual time. So like, I reach the bus stop at 645, only to realize that it has already zoomed off at 640. cheaters!!! Theyre supposed to be on schedule!! So I am compelled to take the two-bus route instead. Oh yeah, I was going home from pre u sem that night,bout 7.30, and I hadn’t eaten break or lunch, cuz we had phototaking.(another nervewrecking, horrific experience) I DID eat a sausage though. So effectively I had breakfast and a sausage that day from 6am-7.30pm. anyways, this couple sitting beside me had packed FRIES from MACDONALDS!!!! Mmmmmmmm..the aroma, the sweet, delectable whiff of indulgence, was diffusing throughout the entire bus! And they were sitting next to a famished me. I hope I wasn’t leaning suspiciously close to them..Haha..

Mr chua is a nice guy. =) but I think he doesn’t even remember all our names yet!! Last week he could only remember yan ling’s name! So when he was taking attendance, it went kinda like, number? Number? Number? Oh, yanling. Number? Number? And so on. Haha..but at least he’s made some progress! He remembers huey eng’s name now too! Good job!

Joan said her brother used to like, um..how do I put this..stuff his finger in his cheek so that it might create dimples. Haha..and apparently it worked!! WHOA. Does it really work?? We should all give it a shot! I read somewhere or off some website that they’re caused by the development of the cheek muscles. Yes I know, vague explanation number one.I want to find the cause of dimples! I shall henceforth make it my new MISSION IN LIFE! Oh, have you all listened to ‘lonely’ by acorn? Well if you haven’t, you gotta! Its totally cute and sweet, for the chorus part! I found out that its actually a sample of an old song!

excuse me :X
4:21 AM

Friday, April 8

Saturday morning 9.40am

Bloody cold. =( I have been sniffling like a professional sniffler for the entire of yesterday and this morning. Having a blocked nose is THE most annoying thing in the world! In order to breathe and keep myself alive, I have to inhale like, super deep, to take in as much air as possible through the unblocked parts of my nose =p its proving to be a challenge, I tell you. It’s a good thing I didn’t suffocate last night in my sleep. Was getting quite worried bout it yesterday..haha..

Whoa, I have a gazillion bazillion things to update my blog on! Last night, the stupid thing erased my whole entry, leaving me all pissed and frustrated. It was totally long! I took a million years to write it! And then it was gone. GONE! =( but anyways, no sweat! Ill just grit my teeth and retype the whole thing. Haha. oh yeah! I like the gp teacher! Im glad we got her! She’s such a jolly, round woman. Hahaha. Well, she’s not exactly a ball or anything, she’s just so cute and plump =p she reminds me slightly of santa claus. I wonder if she carries all our gp stuff in a huge bag slung over her shoulder. she probably comes to school by reindeer and laughs ho ho ho, for all you know. Haha. plus, she looks perpetually friendly. Shes so..jolly! I cant think of anything else, it’s the best word to describe someone of her character and um, looks. Or maybe my vocab just sucks. =(

I cant even type a proper entry without having to pause, take tissue from the tissue box which is located several million light years away, and then blow my nose, after which my right ear will pop (it seems to ALWAYS be the right!), and I will go partially deaf. AGAIN. I was having slight trouble yesterday straining to listen to what pp were saying! I think I was practically shouting or something in the library, cuz pp were looking at me talking on the phone. Haha..poor poor weiling..fiona’s sick too, so that makes 2 people hanging around a perfectly coldbug-free person. Ooh! Bryan and tiffy came to meet us yesterday! weiling thinks bryan looked like he was wearing pyjamas, when he appeared in his VJ uni. Haha..i thought he looked like an escapee from the mental asylum! He did! His shirt was all tucked out and the top button was UNDONE!! Hahaha..he looked miles neater when he gave in to our persuasive charms and tucked in and buttoned. =p come to think of it, he could also pass off as a gangster. Haha..he can actually count the number of times he’s been to lectures! Haha..what a ponner.

Oh, Vincent van gogh isn’t our form teacher anymore =( he was getting to be really nice. Im so sorry I ever called him a square. Haha. our new teacher’s this mr chua chee siang who’s super young(21) but then older than mr aw..haha..he’s okay, just that the only names he remembers are finoa’s and yanling’s =p mr aw gave us chips! Thanks mr aw! Willy wee!! How could u forget my blog addy! =( haha..but that’s okay. Im all about forgiving and forgetting. =)

Oh my GOD. I have a new pimple, right smack at the side of my nose. =( its calling out my name, succumbing me to the temptation of squeezing and bursting it, like I how I did its ancester. Haha. its immensely grotesque. Im gonna give it a grace period of TWO days. If it doesn’t remove itself or at least make itself less obvious by Monday morning before I go to school and be mocked, I will burst it. Why do I always get pimples?! How come huey eng doesn’t get pimples! So unfair. I must be really unhealthy or something. =( ive got some mosquito bites too! So does Fiona! We high fived on Thursday. She thinks the mosquitoes are from the chem. Lab, cuz thai mun’s got some too. Its weird, they only bite my legs, there aren’t any on my arms. They’re not itchy either! Freaky mosquitoes. Maybe the chem teachers are breeding mosquitoes in the lab and when students come, they set them free to devour our blood silently and unobtrusively.

To tiffy, bryan, weiling, all 1605 people, everyone in the 853 bus yesterday, everyone whom Ive passed on the street, mom, dad, doctor, people in the clinic, im sorry if I passed the cold to you!!! Weiling, especially..=( heh..i hope your immune systems are impenetrable to the dreaded cold bug. Its been going around 1605! Just about everyone’s carrying a pack of tissues and sniffling away into it. Its comforting to know that out there, someone else’s ear has also popped, and im not alone. =) im getting so many bruises too. =( the problem is, I don’t know how I get these stupid things. I think someone sneaks into my house in the middle of the night when im asleep, and bashes my legs up.

excuse me :X
7:18 PM

Sunday, April 3

i just went and did the most stupid, ludicrous, brainless, dumb, foolish, senseless, mindless, loser-y thing on earth. i have the least self discipline on the face of this earth! i woke up this morning and the pimple at the tip of my upper lip looked indescribably revolting, with this white big blob on top. naturally, my hands shot up in preparation to burst the goddamned thing with the aid of my rather long nails. i know, i made a huge booboo. its like, number 1 on the What Never To Do When You Have a Pimple countdown. but circumstances and feelings evoked at that point in time most usually dictate my actions. for example, circumstances: the first thing i did when i woke up was check the mirror, cuz i suspected something like that would happen. since my eyes had just opened and i had just started becoming more aware of my surroundings, i wasnt in the right frame of mind to think rationally and consider the consequences which would entail. feelings evoked: about 50% disgust and 50% repugnance. which are basically the same thing. haha. and how can i possibly go to school with a gigantamous ugly pimple at the tip of my lip?! it wouldnt be so bad if it were in a less prominenet location, say, near my nose. not ON my nose, mind you. that would be disastrous. anyway, ask anyone who has ever had a pimple in his entire life. the temptation to burst the stupid thing is simply too strong. i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that there wont be a scar where my lips are, and i also hope that the pimple will be miraculously gone by tomorrow! or i shall i have to burst it again and run the risk of gaining an extra, unwanted scar. =(

this song TOTALLY rocks! i love mcfly, have i already said this? =D i want their album, hint hint.

Mcfly- its all about you

It's all about you (it's all about you)
It's all about you baby
It's all about you (it's all about you)
It's all about you

Verse 1:
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
So I told you with a smile, it's all about you
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too
Said you'd make my life worthwhile, it's all about you

And I would answer all of your wishes
If you ask me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
Don't know what I'd do
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you, yeah!

(Guitar solo)

Chorus 2:
And I would answer all of your wishes
If you ask me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
Don't know what I'd do
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles
Yes you make my life worthwhile
So I told you with a smile
It's all about you

It's all about you (it's all about you)
It's all about you baby
(repeat until end)

excuse me :X
4:34 AM

Friday, April 1

you know what, the uniform isnt ALL that bad, come to think of it =D chnage of taste! AJ uniform rocks! woo! haha..i must show support for the school. i bought the tie today. we think its kinda nice, blue and gold and all. heh..fiona, wl and i went to the library today, i saw shiu hei there too. we went to sit in the kiddy section, with the cute tables and everything..haha..but it started to get kinda stuffy after a while, and i didnt bring my trusty feng you! there was absolutely nothing to sniff to make the giddiness go away =( haha..but it got better. we're always so silly. =D me and wl noticed that fiona walks in a very eager cum anxious cum po bu ji dai way! haha..which is kinda cute =p

oh, this thought suddenly dawned on me when i saw this quite shuai guy. good looking pp are only good looking on the outside. like, its all an exterior. a kind of permanent mask, which reflects nothing of the person u really are. like that shuai guy? he was just born with good looks. there wasnt anything he did about it. (except go for plastic surgery, which i highly doubt) he could be a beautiful person on the inside, but he could also not be. its hard to tell. people can be deceived by appearances, and be taken in by them. of course, first impressions are formed, and are equally important, but its time people woke up to reality and stopped being so myopic and shallow by basing their opinions and judgements of the person on his looks. i know, all this sounds cliched and duh-ish, but it still happens, doesnt it? all that talk about agreeing with how beauty is only skin-deep, does it really register? not for some people. it wont be fair to say that the majority of people are like that, but trust me, they do exist. haha..k..i bet lots of people have something to say about this, but really, this is just my opinion, its not like i find any of you like that. =) of course la! friends of vanda rock!! hahaha.. =D

its zl's birthday tml! we had the NAPFA test excatly one year ago, i rememebr it was on the day of his birthday, so sway, otherwise can count as the younger age. haha..anyway, doesnt matter, does it? you still got 30 =)

i hate how like this year, people can still be considered a 16-year-old just cuz their birthday isn't over! i find it remarkably stupid! and unfair! haha..sorry, people whose 17th birthdays have yet to be celebrated. but come ON, seriously, what is the difference between someone born in jan and someone born in december?! its not like we're still babies and havent fully developed! so horrible! people like me have to satisfy the requirements for the supposedly 1 year older batch >=( haha..but i guess im used to it now, always have to jump further, stretch further, run faster, do more inclined, whatever. hey, people who are officially 17, dont you agree with me?! *tries to garner support* =p heh..ooh, dinner's getting cold and mom's voice getting hoarse. =p gotta go, byebye! love ya all! mmmuacks ;)

excuse me :X
3:31 AM

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