Wednesday, March 30

i have purchased just about the ugliest, most dull and boring looking skirt in the Universe. (we bought uniforms today) the shirt's pretty okay, its really long, which is good, cuz i dont want to look like a toot wearing it all tucked in..haha..its been ages since i've worn a tuck-in kinda shirt!! anyway. back to the skirt issue. its downright sucky. its A-LINE CUT, FOR GOODNESS SAKES! and its pale dark blue, which looks dead and lifeless and BORING. i hate the uniform. me and joan went to try it on, and all we did(or could do) after that was stand in front of the mirror cringing at the horrendous sight. i mean, SERIOUSLY, i do not have any nice comments about the skirt at all. oh, and it doesnt even hook on! you have to BUTTON IT!!!!!!! what kind of STUPID uniform has buttons instead of hooks?! do they think everyone has an acute sense of touch with which to button the uniform from the back?! and not to mention the amount of effort that would take. mornings are always a rush (for me, cuz im utterly hopeless at eating breakfast fast), there isnt time to waste on mundane things like buttoning a stupid skirt which doesnt look the slightest bit nice. i like the shirt though, it fits nicely =p plus, its too long for me (like how skirts always are). so mom's gonna take it to the tailor later. i know, im short, we took our height yesterday and its still a miserable 153. will i never advance vertically physically? but whatever. the skirt issue is too depressing to even worry about my not-so-depressing-but-still-quite-pathetic height. im quite dreading to wear the uniform. sigh..i like green skirts so much more than blue skirts. green is such a pleasant colour, i SO cherish ZH uni now. =(

haha..i woke up at the bus stop today! my timing could not be more perfect. =D the CCA carnival was today, it was quite funny =p we wrote all the guys' names down and gave them ridiculous previous CCAs. chris is from Pervert Club, ballet and something else..i forgot what we wrote, but its something only girls would join..haha..he said he wanted to get the list of girls who signed up so that he could have their numbers -.- ooh! aw chee yao is aw chee yang's brother!! haha! they even look alike! heh..me and weiling sorta brought the rest to see chee yao, to see how he resembles chee yang. mr goh, our new pd tutor, says aw chee yang may be our pd tutor! but i highly doubt, cuz chee yao said he's going to the army soon =p he plays good chapteh, though. yes yes, so do you, WINNIE, if u are reading.

the pd tutor is such a square!! he's like a My Job Is To Teach, Fullstop. My Life Is As Boring As Hell kinda teacher. and his name is vincent goh. reminds me of vincent van goph. haha..anyway, he is probably THE squarest teacher i have ever seen, with the exception of mrs kuah and that lady chem teacher. OH MY GOD, i just realised they're all chem teachers!!! what is it with chemistry teachers and squares? plus, his face is squarish too. =p he's basically this walking rectangular block who goes around teaching chem..haha..but i think hes pretty nice. that SUPER SUPER SUPER enthu guy from altjira signed up for air rifle!!!! yeah, the one who was practically dancing to save his life and who went on stage when altjira won the best cheer and was totally dramatic during the cheer..haha..hes quite friendly though, in a weird way =p

excuse me :X
2:54 AM

Saturday, March 26

ahhhhhhhh! i was totally glowing crimson yesterday after the beach outing. like a piece of red hot coal, i found myself emitting heat. i was a walking radiator for the night =p my face was really red and lobster/tomato/beetroot-like and just plain freaky. haha..fiona said i looked healthy though =p but then others said i looked drunk..haha..the stupid toilet queue at the siloso toilet is so ridiculously long. i mean, seriously. there are only FOUR shower cubicles, and it being a PUBLIC HOLIDAY and everything..well, you can just imagine the situation. we were dabbling with the idea of taking a bus to palawan just to bathe! we waited close to an hour to have our baths! yes, all sticky and sandy and plain gross. standing on the sticky and sandy and plain gross toilet floor. without footwear. haha. we did lotsa AJ cheers while waiting, totally funny =D i started the kermama cheer and thaimun and yanling were the answerers. ole ole ah ah! haha. i bet WE were the fastest bathers there!! the people behind us owe us many.

anyway i have an ulcer on my gum. its a big, fat, juicy, tender, disgustingly annoying ulcer. and its not showing signs of leaving! my bottom lip is torn too! i mean, its cracked =p so like, it hurts. =( all i have left to protect my lips from the harshness of the outside world is my trusty, handy dandy..lipbalm! mentholatum rocks! woo! give it up for mentho! strawberry flavoured too! =p if only it were edible. haha..then maybe i could survive on strawberry flavoured lip balm for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

i bought a shiny new purple hairband =D it's shiny, purple and new. oh yeah! danced the dreaded slam dunk da funk thingy on thursday. which turned out to be quite enjoyable, actually, cuz after each verse, me and fiona hi fived =D hee..like it was some major achievement. and to think i kept cursing the stupid dance before that! i guess its the who u dance along with which determines the amount of fun u'll have =) 18 is such a SUD class!!! and tanka is a SUD dwelling! woohoo! i was on a super high yesterday night! not only did i LOOK drunk, i WAS drunk! on seawater probably..haha..i even talked to the bear-in-the-big-blue-house statue on the kiddy ride. it didnt reply though. so dao. =(

excuse me :X
8:23 AM

Wednesday, March 23
orientation was blasty!

haha..orientation was cool =D yesterday when the guy called me up and said i was in wakonda, i totally went, huhhhh! then i quickly adapted it to a sort of, oh okay tone..haha..cuz like, wawa used to be super annoying and overly enthu last time =p im sorry wawa people. and doesnt wawa remind you of some doll?! or some crying baby. haha. but hey, im lovin it. =) what sucked the most was the subject talks which lasted a whole FIVE hours! i mean, sitting in the audi, listening to people yak on while you freeze your butt off in the chattering cold is not a very desirable thing to be doing. huey eng and joan went to the toilet like, after every talk..haha..they're like The Toilet Girls =p ruby/bobby is Toilet Boy. he didnt come today! there are only about 5 guys in our dwelling!!! mambo's gonna be weird. dancing with a girl is weird! haha..i dont wanna end up doing the guys' steps!! hee. i had this sudden impulsive thought to want to take lit, but then..i guess im not a very writy sorta person, and imagine the exams! im gonna be writing like my life depended on it. haha..im taking back BCME. there's this guy in my OG, ruixiang who's from RV, and he actually looks really innocent and like, decent and all, but who would have thought?! he's just another patrick =p haha..actually, hes just a funny guy. =D his friend came and crashed, and now they call me panda -.- AS EXPECTED. W. =p and they said something bout how being tall has its setbacks, and so does being short. and then they looked at me. i was like, what?! im 1.9 okay! haha..

haha i was in the bus and i was standing between this guy and girl from peicai. i think they're a couple..hee..so sweet..i notice that i find the sight of couples having fun together very..sweet. =p ok, so anyway, they were trying to talk to each other and stuff, and i was kinda blocking their way. haha. they smiled at each other too..thats incredibly cute =) so finally i was like, okok ill let you two lovers be together. and so i graciously moved aside to let romeo and juliet unite as one. heh.

excuse me :X
7:14 AM

Tuesday, March 22

haha i got lucky this time! i woke up about a few millimetres before the bus reached the busstop. im such a total total softie. can u believe, i cried in class today! when tiffy and bryan were going off. cuz i thought, oh my god im never gonna see these people again, except for class outing and all =( in fact, i may not even see them for like, forever. bryan's going v and tiffy's going ac. tml is gonna be such a sucky day! i am SO dreading orientation. have i already mentioned this? is this old news? well if it isnt, i honestly do, believe me. its not that i dont like making new friends or that im anti social or whatever. its just..wont you like to go to school knowing that u'll meet your friends and all, people whom you already know and dont hafta go start new friendships with?? oh mannnn, and think about all that cheering!! they told us to bring a black shirt again cuz there are 'water games'. oh puh-leeeez. the only amount of water thats ever gonna get on your shirt is as much as about 5 drops. hardly enough to render a white shirt transparent and hence get yourself exposed. haha..

pe was fun today! we played captains ball with the guys too. patrick is so horribly tall, and he was the defender for the other team! so like, can u imagine how difficult it was to score?! with him blocking the ball-catcher-person's face with his long arms?! okay okay, i dont mean his arms are particularly long, i mean, he's so tall and all, his arms could stretch to like, above the ball-catcher-person's head. hahah it was really funny everytime he hit a ball away! he would go like, nooooooo! and smack! he'd hit it out. =p funny little starfish, he is. he's also a SICK, WEIIIIRDO starfish! bad starfish! *whacks patrick* haha.. i asked him how come i dont see flowers on orchids, and he was like, 'cuz no one wants to pollinate you' cuz like, vanda's an orchid and all. haha..PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!! horrible, terrible starfish. willy and patrick went on their hot date to the nursery =D hahaha..willy wants to buy a living rock or something. and patrick was kind enough to follow =p

im watching happy tree friends again to relive the memories of my sec 2 days =p or was it sec 3. i think it was sec 2, cuz i remember we were all in the com lab, and then hong wei or someone started watching it and everyone else gathered around him to watch. haha..its freaking gross! i wonder what kind of sick mind the creator has! but its so funny. =D gives you ideas.

i think i sprained my side-of-the-back or whatever its called during pe! its like a constant stabbing pain. i tried rubbing it with feng you, which i have begun to carry around in my bag ever since the unforgetable x-country incident, where i puked my guts out only about a gazillion times. axe brand rocks!!! yeah axe brand!!!

excuse me :X
2:22 AM

Monday, March 21
chirpitty chirp chirp!

haha i feel so happy and chirpy today! a far cry from yesterday, i must admit. we went to J8 today, to eat the 3 dollar ice cream thingies at swensons. its the second time this week ive been there -.- the last time was on thursday, after badminton. its also the second time i ordered banana split! *whispers* i have a thing for bananas =p haha. that sounds sick.

everyone thought today would be the last day of school! and like, lotsa pp brought stuff to give to the rest of the class as a sort of going-away gift. bryan gave us bears! haha it was so unexpected when he came up and gave one to me. its limbless too!! it doesnt have hands or legs! haha, it looks like a bu-dao-weng. i hung it on my pencilcase =D its white, so it'll probably dirty itself really fast. but thats okay! i could give it a bath whenever it gets all grimy and slimy and grey. =) we made the bears mate! haha..SOMEONE from another table was shouting, mate! mate! so SOMEONE else (names shall not be disclosed to protect the identities of said SICKOS!) got hold of 2 poor, innocent, ignorant and oblivious bears and then made them do it on the table. haha. it was damn disgusting =p hilarious though..heh. whats more, the bears were both white, instead of a white and brown, so i guess theyre homo or something. =p

boohoo, my favourite favourite glittery pink hairband broke this morning =( bryan suggested that i had a sudden surge of knowledge, so my brain expanded till the hairband could tolerate no more of it, and exploded. haha. but i got a newwwwwwwwww hairband!!! woohoo!! its red and glittery =p like, really red. haha i hope it doesnt attract too much unwanted attention. the glitter's all in chunks, not the fine kind, UNLIKE MY FAVOURITE PINK HAIRBAND. WHICH BROKE. DUE TO MY BALLOONING HEAD.

i think i made the biggest boo-boo of all by wearing the double-coloured aj pe shirt with my zh skirt. i was like a total walking fashion faux pas!!! i mean, just imagine wearing a half-blue-half-yellow shirt with a green skirt. haha, damn right i looked like someone with an atrocious colour sense!

yayyyyyyyyyyyyy i just feel totally totally high and excited right now! must be the sugar-filled, fat-rich ice cream. i feel..HAPPY! like, whoaaaa dont mess with me, man, becuz IM HAPPEEEEE!! haha. *does a happy dance* we didnt go for PW today, which i do not regret at all! for one, i cant stand the way the teacher talks. she speaks like there's a fullstop after every word. let me cite an exmaple. she'll go like 'to do your project work well. you must. know the right way. to do your research.' and whatever else crap she babbles but noone has the interest (or the respect) to listen to her drone.

oh my GOD, i love mcfly.

excuse me :X
2:38 AM

Sunday, March 20

why wont you talk to me?
or even look at me anymore?
i wish things werent like what they are right now, because honestly, it sucks. we're almost like strangers. i wanted to say bye. but you had already left. its like you dont know me anymore. does it have to be like this? maybe you dont feel the pinch..but i do. i dont think things will ever change. guess i'll just have to live with it and move on. got kinda sad yesterday night.

anyway..I HAVE BEEN TO WATCH SPONGEBOB!!! with emily and MF, before we went to marina bay. it was so stupid, ridiculous and dumb! which is what i like bout it =p haha, there was this part where they were caught by this scuba diver guy and put under a lamp, so they just lay there, drying up under the intense heat. it was so sad! i am ashamed to say that..i teared at that part..=p i know, it sounds stupid, tearing at a KIDS SHOW!! but it was sad, really, watching them drying. i liked the show =Di think MF thinks its lame though. haha..i think its funny! great, if u like silly stuff.

oh no, i think i had one too many chicken wings just now. =( its all MOTHER'S FAULT! she really should not have bought so many. the evil birds. i think i ate a lot of fruits too. haha..apple, papaya and a mango. i can feel the excess skin/fat on my arms, under my chin, arms, neck, head, fingers, toes, legs, EVERYWHERE! its like what you see on extreme makeover, when the doctor pulls on the excess baggage for the camera to get a closeup look. haha.

oh d-d-dear, tml's the last day that 1805 will be together as a class! =( i am so gonna miss the people, the friendly environment, and most of all the class spirit that everyone has contributed to. =D sigh..you guys totally rock, and i will always luv and cherish all the fantastic, wonderful, great, magnificent, marvelous, happening, in, cool, on, enthu, fabulous babes and dudes of EIGHTEEN O FIVE!!! =D

excuse me :X
5:56 AM

Friday, March 18
pissy ol' me

i feel so annoyed now. like, in a bad mood. for no particular reason. or one which, to me, is unfathomable . i dont know why! i should sit down and search for the root of this moody problem. went to marche's today, it was lao shi's treat =D 311 bucks..haha..i had pasta, half a rosti, and 1 slice of salmon sashimi.haha..me and willy shared it with 3 other people =) are we generous or are we generous? =p oh, and 2 chunks of sausage that thick sausage thing. it was awesome! ruby/bobby/reuben dropped his knife on his shirt, which was white and easily dirtied by sauce from roast chicken or whatever it was that he was trying to eat. i am so STUFFED right now. i could not eat another bite. theres a 4e1 outing at marina bay tml, but i dunno if im going. i feel so unenthusiastic, not in the mood for jokes and laughs, grumpy, moody, down, melachonlic for some stupid obscure reason. cheer me up, somebody. =( oh, we didnt watch spongebob today, which is a big disappointment. i was kinda getting used to the idea of watching the sponge in action. maybe i'll never get to watch it. went to the botanic garden too. it was hot, humid and tiring. i liked the cool house the best! cuz there was aircon. and i took a photo of the vanda miss joaquim too. its so small and unnoticeable. i didnt there were so many kinds of vandas before today..haha..and apparently, it was discovered by this miss joaquim woman in 1981, who then showed it to the then director of botanic garden who then declared it would be our national flower. haha. unimaginable. as i was saying, im feeling like a zillion notches down on the happiness scale. damn everything. so stupidly full. i wont be able to have dinner. daphne says she could watch spongebob with me, one day. thanks, daffy, ure cool.


I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

excuse me :X
3:02 AM

Tuesday, March 15

i just heard 'my everything' by 98 degrees on 987, so i changed the station at super lightning speed. reminds me of the time i wrote that entire song out for somebody. in nice handwriting. on nice paper. and put it in a nice envelope. =)

excuse me :X
7:53 PM

new and improved racket!

this is the song that never ends!
but it goes on and on, my friend!
some..people start to sing it without knowing what it was!
and they continue singing it just because..this is the song that never ends blah blah blah.

haha! i suddenly thought of the song the e1 pp were singing that night! =D i msged huishan for the lyrics, but she wasnt sure. i saw patrick on msn but he was like, you dunno meh? im like, DUH, thats why im asking you -.- and then i decided that the best way was to call ZL and ask him. haha.

fiona, weiling and i went to j8 and then weiling's house to do a scrapbook for laoshi yesterday. i bought a new racket grip at royal sporting house yesterday! yayyyyyy! my old grip was disintegrating all over my hand..haha..all the crumbly black bits! we're going to play badminton tml, which is part of the reason i was kinda anxious to regrip the thing before thursday =D

ooh, went out with huilin, sharon and daphne yesterday too! i was totally bent on watching either the lemony movie or hitch, but horror of horrors! daph already watched hitch, and shraon already watched lemony! =( what a disappointment. anyway, we watched 'in good company' in the end, cuz sha said the straits times gave it 4 stars =p i trust ST. haha..it was OKAY, i guess..haha in randy's words, it was a'iight. nothing to scream about. in fact! im going to demote it to 3 stars. i suggested watching the heffalump movie, but NOBODY WANTED TO WATCH IT WITH ME!! ='( i bet it would have been better! haha..they said it was gonna be a waste of money! POOH, I HOPE URE READING THIS! AND GET REVENGE!. haha. the 100-acre wood people are so adorable, how can anyone not want to watch it??!! freaks. =p

i very very nearly had my ear pierced again yesterday. i would've, if sha pierced hers too, but she decided not to in the end..oh well, saved me 4/5/6 bucks =D the next one i DO pierce will be on my left ear! there's only one there, its so lonely and desolate, and desperately needs company.

MINGFEN, the flowers u all gave me are still rather strong! will they live to see their first birthday? =D heh..all thanks to my impressive gardening skills =p actually, i didnt plant them (how do you plant stalks?) i just put em in water, and let them drink up to their hearts content. i think i should have done the same with the flower celine gave us for vday, cuz that one died about 2 days later..haha..but sad to say, the pink ones are kinda..um, well, they're not doing so well =p their petals are falling off and turning a worrying shade of brown. i guess they dont have the impetus! the determination! the iron clad will! to survive in the harsh conditions of..my room. haha..in my moment of anguish, i considered fitting them with respirators and shouting 'stay with me!' till they showed signs of recovery. one of the orange ones is still alive and kicking! the other one has its head bowed. the stalk's not strong enough to confer great structural strength =p or maybe it's ashamed! still, thanks for the flowers =D i like flowers. =)

were gonna play badminton at 9 tml =p OH MY GOD SPONGEBOB OPENS TML!!!!!!!!!! it's number one on my to-watch list!!! hee =D

excuse me :X
7:03 PM

Sunday, March 13

hah! i had the most bizarre dream last night! i dreamt that due to my refusal to wear my retainer every minute of the day, my front tooth got kinda shaky and it fell out! the tooth was incredibly long too =p like, 3 inches!! haha..its a scary thought, come to think of it. anyway, i think i was crying or something in the dream, then i hurried to wear my retainer (not that it would do much help), then to top it all off, one canine tooth got chipped off! it was like a nightmare of the century! i tried smiling in the mirror too, and there was this huge enormous, gap where my incisor used to be =p the damage is irreparable, of course! AND SUDDENLY, all my teeth decided to follow in the footsteps of mr incisor, they became shaky and loose and threatened to fall out too! =( i looked like a toothless old hag. i was SO insanely relieved when i woke up =D but just to dismiss my suspicions and fears, i rushed to the mirror and smiled to check =p haha..sounds stupid, now that i mention it..

went to g and g's house on saturday. they took the hamster-girl (or girl-hamster. haha, 'hamster girl' sounds like girl with a hamster's body) out of her cage, where she was resting quite snugly, and put her on the coffee table. she wasnt stupid, she stopped before the edge of the table. and i half-thought she was gonna do a Superman =p they were sliding her across the table!! the tabletop was glass, so there wasnt much friction to impede her movement =p but then i think they went overboard, cuz she actually puked!!! there was this little puddle of what used to be in her tummy (ex-stomach contents), splattered in an unsightly mess on the table. the poor thing!!! maybe she got giddy or something, after all that sliding.. maybe she's got motion sickness, like me! haha..i remember when we went to Escape, and i puked after sitting on the pepsi revolution thingy =( it sucked! we were at the 2e6 chalet..heh.

haha..huilin said she was kinda afraid i wasnt gonna like the prezzie she gave me (the nightmare before christmas wallet!) cuz MF told her that i found jack's creepy face well, creepy. =p haha..but that was cuz the wallet i saw ONLY had his face on it! the one she gave me had other characters, and jack only apprears on the inside of the wallet, where he blocks my ez link photo =p haha, i wont have to paste anymore Qoo stickers to cover the revolting primary 6 picture! =D the pencil case MF gave me has 6 skulls attached to the zip thingy =p hee..they all have different expressions, not say very creepy la..dont worry, MF. my heart isn't THAT weak. =D i luv the design! =) i cant understand how emily and MF like sour stuff! i ate a strip of that red sour thing (the one where there's this lion on the packing) and was totally cringing, my face was contorted into an expression of pain =p i cant take sour stuff! *shudders at the mere thought* i also cant take bitter stuff..haha..its either sweet or salty for me =p WHO LIKES SWEET POPCORN TOO? i like sweet popcorn cuz i dunno, popcorn's supposed to be sweet and golden and crispy! there's no point eaing soft, salty popcorn. its like, biscuits being left in the open for too long and all the air gets in =p haha..i like soya sauce though. mom always scolds me for dipping practically everything in soya sauce at chinese restaurants.

ooh! 1 oclock! too bad there isnt anymore Days of Our Lives! =( interesting show, really. haha, i know some people are going to refute that =p

excuse me :X
8:23 PM


=D not to boast, but i really really loved my birthday this year!!! friday was just about the best day ever! heh..18/05 gave me this totally adorable cloth flower thingy! (which, they told me, bryan picked out!) bryan, you have super super good taste! hahaha..i twined it around my desk lamp, so that it beams at me 24/7 =) it is ever so nice!! magenta petals and all. oh NO, for a minute there, i forgot how to spell 'petal' and had to ask ZL for help!!! im such a loser. haha. in fiona's words =p ANYWAY, after that emily came to aj, and we went off to suntec together, but we walked around citylink mall first, before meeting MF. haha, we went to HMV and listened to franz ferdinand. it is THE coolest band on the planet! its so rocky and all!!!! then we went to meet MF, and then we went o carrefour. hahaha..to play the electric piano!! i quite like electric pianos, but real pianos sound nicer =D

we couldnt go to TJ idol cuz we didnt have enough tickets!!! but huilin and sharon sneaked in anyway =p the rest of us went to marina bay to eat and celerate my bday! it was so cool, theres this shuttle service which takes you from the mrt staton to the place itself, and its only 10 bucks! the food, i mean, not the shuttle service. heh. im sorry,, people who are trying to have a conversatin with me on msn now, but im too absorbed in typing to acknowledge them =p thats right, im MIA. haha. mr wee likes to say that! i really hope mr wee is my math teacher for 2nd intake!!! i hope its not the boring woman or the monotonous woman =( he used to zhao siao everyday! so funny. and me and evonne like to imitate him =p like when he goes, aw-ight? as in, alright? haha!

the marina bay thing was cool! the only downside was that the table was kinda big (9 people- me, emily, huishan, junio, shiuhei, vinnie, Zhiliang, ksoh, patrick) and so we had to stand up to cook the food =p haha. ZL was being super kind! he offered to help us, the People who Have Difficulty Peeling Prawns, to peel our prawns! the prawns were still quite alive, so when they were immersed tail-first into the boilng soup, they jumped =( it was quite a disturbing sight, really..so like, everytime pp wanted to cook prawns, i looked away, for the sake of my appetite. haha..

the 4e1 pp sure can keep a surprise! we were all eating our potong ice creams (mine was durian!) when suddenly! patrick came up from behind me and everyone started singing Happy Birthday! it was so cool! the cake was blackforest too! i love blackforest! =D after that tummy-filling, seam-bursting dinner, we all went to the deck, where emily said she's been before. we walked through this like, forest thingy with absolutely no light to aid our vision -.- haha..quite fun..we got there, amazingly! after that we decided to go suntec, and patrick was all, lets turn right! so we turned right and guess what?? WE GOT LOST. =p we just kept walking and walking endlessly! haha..i mean, we could see the buildings and all, but we couldnt swim across the river could we? i didnt bring my swimsuit. haha.

we got home, of course =p the walk was good, cuz then i didnt feel so guilty for stuffing my face at dinner anymore. haha..IM SORRY, conversation people! i know, i take a super long time to blog!!! im sorry for neglecting you!! haha..ill be done soon, i promise! oh yeah, saw lymon today at central, while i was examining some frozen mini paus =D i wished i could have heard him sing!! i think i had better divert my attention away from this blog to my dear friends now =)


excuse me :X
7:56 AM

Thursday, March 10

hahahah! you are not going to believe this! i actually missed the bus again!! and i woke up just before the next busstop! same as yesterday =p i have a worrying knack for waking up several minutes after the bus has reached the right busstop. haha, and like yestderday, instinct led me to leap off my seat like it was hot coal, and fly down the steps =p

i actually brought an extra shirt to change after bath after pe, cuz i suspected i would be all stinky and glimmering with sweat droplets. haha..but i lent it to huey ying, cuz she forgot to bring hers =D oh no!! i hafta go like, now! will continue..=P

excuse me :X
5:27 AM

Wednesday, March 9
frustrated, and not liking it.

im so goddamned pissed right now. my tag board cant open! some stupid gateway error or whatever. on top of that, the SINDA webby refuses to open up. yes, yet another gateway timeout. WHY NOW???!!!! WHEN I HAVE TO DO RESEARCH FOR THE PRE U SEMINAR??!!! BY TOMORROW. at least i can still get mendaki! otherwise, i would scream till my lungs/head/brain exploded. i went to CDAC too, then i realised, all of a sudden, that chinese are not a minority group in this country..haha..i was kinda grumpy today, cuz i have prepared speech tml. on Is abortion ever justified? im going to say yes! i mean, its the individual's choice, and sometimes, circumstances just dont allow the mother to raise the baby. anyway, if the pregnancy is unwanted, the mother would probably have no qualms about aborting the baby. when i told weiling and tiffy that i probably wont feel a sense of loss if i ever aborted, they were all, 'so heartless!' haha..but seriously..why should i feel a sense of loss if i dont want the baby in the first place? perhaps it was an accident! haha..my speech is 5/6 done. 1/6 left to go! =p

the stupid printer isnt working either. everything is out to get me! the tag board, the SINDA website, even my printer! when i need it the most. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HATE ME??!! =( you cannot, even in your wildest dreams, imagine how happy i was when i realised we had already done newspaper cutting for the last time, so we dont have to do it tml. everyone was happy too..haha..miss resma didnt come today, and i was totally jumping and clapping for joy (literally), and we were about to resume our Free-Period-Activities, such as playing chapteh and filming candid videos, similar to those of a PI =p when MR CLEMENT ONG CAME IN! i think everyone's mood dropped about 100000000000%, cuz he noticed it. haha..

we went to the grassroots club to play pool and go bowling. and then after that, fiona and i went to take passport photos cuz the pre u sem thingy wanted TWO and we only had ONE left, so we had to take like, SIX more. =p it was stupid!!!!! i hate taking photos!!!!! my face sucks in the photo!!!!! and i had this SUPER OBVIOUS PIMPLE on my forehead!!!! can u imagine that?! it was practically red and glowing, struggling to make itself even more prominent than it already is! HMMPH. thats why i hate taking photos! they always turn out horribly. HMMPH HMMPH HMMPH. oh, and i also missed my busstop on the way home cuz i fell asleep in the bus! =p if this isnt an unlucky day, i dont know what is. i leaped off my seat and flew down the bus steps at the next busstop and then walked the extra distance back. haha..well, its good exercise! =D

I AM SO DREADING CHEM PRAC TML. i have really really really strong, irresistable and tempting urge to SKIP SCHOOL TML. its like killing 3 birds with a pebble! there wont be 1.stupid speak e-z, 2.chem prac and 3.pre u sem. whoaaaaaaaaa..that would be niiiiiice..haha.. i think im going to confine myself to a small corner and cry. its horrible. bloody printer! if only it could print! bloody speak ez! if only i were the evaluator! bloody tag board! if only it were accessible! I HATE PREPARED SPEECHES!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMMIT.

today is a horrible day. may it end in peace.

excuse me :X
4:16 AM

Tuesday, March 8

oh my god, can u believe it??!!! i couldnt either!!! i was practically gaping when she said that. haha..=p i came to school at like, 7.29(according to the school clock or the principal's watch or whatever), one minute before the second bell, and i was CERTAIN, 100% chop plus guarantee , that she would scold me like hell during chinese lesson. i thought she was gonna waltz into class, looking all grim and stern and then go, LIXIN. NI WEI SHEN MO JIN TIAN CHI DAO? 7.29 is late, by her standards. and i was even planning this impressive speech, where according to kevin and karen's advice, i should not stinge on the parts where i admit that its my fault alone and that nobody else is to blame and that im a loser. even though the freaking bus came late and on top of that, was too packed to even squeeze in an extra person. damned vehicle. haha.

i was SO pissed this morning. i msged ivan several times to complain about my mishap and to tell fiona. i prepared for the worst and braced myself for lao shi's onslaught of Words to Scold Late Students. she calls us losers sometimes, anyway. hahaha..i was rehearsing with kevin and evonne during math =p honestly, it sounded very suck-uppy. hahah..but anyway the good thing is that i didnt have to do it! she came in and was like, totally happy and smiling (thank goodness today is her good mood day) otherwise there would be Hell. she even gave us chocolates =D i took the mon cheri one! im sick of fererro rochet, really. haha..i still havent finished the ones the guys gave to us on vday!! haha..i will, i promise! dont get all teary eyed =p theyre sitting nicely, patiently and comfortably in the fridge, im sure, waiting for me to devour them. haha.

oh my GOD. there are so many things happening on the 11th of march!!!! like, lymon's gonna be singing! heehee..i dunno how to get to tj though =p and like, its the last day our class is gonna be together with everyone present..ivan's going to r..or v (i think. isit? haha..) =( and lijun and karen and serene and alex him and alex goh and bryan are going too..sigh..what is 1805 without them anymore? =(

just for the record, I LOVE YOU, 1805! *muacks* =)

excuse me :X
3:25 AM

Monday, March 7

WE HAD A HALF DAY TODAY!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!! =D apparently, the a level batch did well enough for the principal to be happy enough to want to grant us a half day off! i bet that was what he was hoping for too..haha..the only bad thing about it is that its a monday!!! mondays are quite tolerable, to say the least. it should have been set for tml!! there's like, bio practical =( *grimace* i dreaaaaaaad practicals..haha.. anyway! we went out, of course =D and where to but surprise surprise, ORCHARD! haha..yeah, AGAIN. we walked around aimlessly, admiring the birds and the trees, went pacific plaza, then far east then KFC. KFC! which reminds me, lao shi is gonna treat us to KFC next friday, when we are all going to the botanic gardens =)

haha, i didnt open msn msger cuz if i do, ill be chatting instead of relaying the events of the day on my bloggy blog. oh, then tiff, bryan, alethea and i went to J8! we had cake from secret recipes, the one where there's that cool student offer! its only 3.90 for a slice of cake worth 5bucks, and a drink. which is a totally awesome deal! it made me think of econs, and that total revenue thing we learned today, and wondered if they will earn more by decresing the price. haha. i almost bought the night before christmas wallet with jack's creepy face on it. but then i decided otherwise, cuz like, what if i woke up the middle of the night, saw the wallet and got freaked the hell out? haha, not that i wake up all of a sudden during the night to gaze at my wallet. it looked kinda eerie anyway, so..no new wallet for me =p

what IS new is..my new ear hole!!! woohoo! the third one on my right ear closed by its stupid self! the earring fell out on its own (how on earth??!!), so the hole closed, and i was REALLY dissatisfied with the 2 remaining holes, so i vowed to get another one to replace it..haha..well, i got a new one at J8 =D with alethea, tiff and bryan as bystanders. they were quite shocked i was expressionless, but..i've done this many a time, guys. =p i do not feel pain! i am..invincible! its very addictive really, this ear piercing thing. like, it makes you want to get more and more! but let me allay ur fears by assuring that i will get no more than 5 in total =D i hope i dont look like an ah lian. willy suggested i get one at the top of my ear, you know, the cartilage part, but honestly, it looks scary and excruciating!

I HAVE A BRUISE ON MY LEG!!!!!!!!!! its obscenely big for a bruise on my leg! its so freaking ugly!!!!! 4.3cm, to be exact. i just went to measure =D its on my LEG! which is visible to the public! haha..why do i keep getting bruises for no rhyme or reason that i can recall?? i mean, im pretty sure i didnt fall on the side of my leg or anything. =( perhaps i have thin, papery, one cell thick skin. haha, maybe i only have the epithelium! =p anywayZ. think ill go do chem homework thingy now. OH MY GOD, mrs kuah isnt coming!!!!!!!! you can just imagine the immense joy when we all saw the relief teacher (who's like, 19 this year) instead of mrs kuah. haha. my cheers of happiness were particularly the loudest.

excuse me :X
5:49 AM

Friday, March 4
unexplainable outburst

im not an emotional wreck!

but like, today i was watching this show (i forgot what. some police show. haha) and then this couple nearly broke up, cuz the girl like, lost her marbles all of a sudden and went cuckoo. haha. but then it was cuz she wasnt taking her manic-depression or whatever medication. anyway, after that she explained it to the guy, who was probably still reeling from the shock. and then she said how like, she realised how special he was to her and how she didnt want to lose him and all..and guess what..i started tearing! ='( it was so touching..i know how she musta felt..it just seemed so incredibly..real..even though lines like this are kinda cliched. it still hurts. oh, and i seriously dont believe in that all 'sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me' crap. because thats what it is-Crap. for me, that is. words DO hurt me, probably more than sticks and stones. sticks and stones merely hit and bounce off (haha) but words Stab. and the intensity and the severity of that one Stab could result in varying degrees of devastation. oh nothing. suddenly overcome with nostalgia. emotions can be overpowering. goodbye.

excuse me :X
8:04 AM

Thursday, March 3
every cloud has a silver lining

today was funny yet totally exasperating with a capital E, bolded and underlined! we were already at orchard mrt, all psyched (well, i was) for our trip to the (yes, i know this sounds stupid, but it really isnt!) BOTANIC GARDENS! i havent been there, and i would really like to see what the vanda miss joaquim looks like =p do i resemble it?? hahaha..nah, it probably looks waaaaaaaay better =D oh yeah, back to my story. so i was in the train approaching the orchard station, and ivan calls me and to my extreme horror, tells me that we hafta go back to school. i was totally WHAT THE HELL?! (i have been saying 'what the hell' at things i find hard to believe, lately. i dunno why) i take the effort to dress up only to find out that we hafta go back to school! and GET OUR UNIFORMS, AT THAT. it was madness, and simply too ridiculous to believe. and the principal insisted that we go home to get our uniforms before going to school! have you ever heard a more ludicrous idea?! i was practically cursing everything that crossed my path, like the tree. and the drain. and the cat. (im sorry, kitty. i love cats, i swear i do.) and other objects which at that point in time, seemed to be rejoicing at my misfortune. haha..temporarily overcome with cynicism, was i.

today was fun, we went to orchard after that, cuz it was raining and its stupid to go to the botanic gardens to view plants in the rain. anyway, we went to the arcade first, and i played DDR. =p i dont like the stupid machine at arcades! the stupid sensor is so..not sensitive! i had to stamp with all the might that i could muster just to get the step right. the mat kind is so much easier. i also played house of the dead. TWICE. haha..the first time was with weiling, and we beat the boss guy. you know, the one where u hafta shoot the annoying little monster thingy flying around. then i had one life left, and WILLY CAME AND WENT 'BOO!', WHICH THEREAFTER MADE ME SCREAM AND TEMPORARILY LOSE CONTROL OF MY ABILITY TO HOLD THE GUN. =p and so i died. haha. so wasted, man. ahhhhhhh i havent been to air rifle practice in 2 weeks, i hope i remember how to load and cock the thing! or even what a rifle looks like.

think ill be crashing ny tml! i hope i see all my mates! liiiiiike huilin, zhiliang, emily and jaren! haha..i must remember to bring emily's shirt, otherwise she will not hasten to kill me herself! eating chinese pears now. mm-mm. oh my GOD, i felt so fat today okay. i think im gaining weight, i dunno =( the scale's probably not reliable, or maybe it doesnt want to tell me the truth! i think my face is getting fatter and fatter (like the rest of me). oh no. sighhhh. i must go on a diet.

i bought a bangle today, a big, thick orange one! ooh ooh and i also bought a fat pink highlighter and a cute pencil! both from 'cookie and cookie', the brand from that korean shop at cine. its ever so adorable! and i dont find many things adorable. haha..the highlighter smells delicious! =p like strawberry! i love strawberry! mainly cuz its associated with pink. haha. so like, when i got home and uncapped the highlighter to try, i shun bian smelled it too..hahaha..i should probably stop this bad habit of sniffing newly-bought highlighters. for all i know, the fumes could poison me! we nearly went to watch A series of unfortunate events, from the lemony snickets book. lemony snickets has such a cute name! why couldnt -I- have been called Lemony?!!! WHY, MOTHER, WHY?! Lemony Lim Lixin. haha. it reminds me of lemon biscuits!

im in the mood to express my thoughts today. haha..hence my lengthy outpour of emotions, opinions and more. =p gonna crash ny with emmy tml. but emmy's like, arts and im like, science. we're going to have to call zhiliang later! ZHILIANG, IF YOU ARE READING THIS,WHICH IM 99.99999999% SURE YOU WILL, PLEASE PICK UP THE PHONE LATER. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MUCH APPRECIATED COOPERATION. =D

later, babes and dudes. =)

excuse me :X
4:19 AM

Tuesday, March 1
oh wow!!!

we got the results on monday..i got 7! yaaaaaaay! its gonna be my favourite number from now on! haha. grandma gave me 50 bucks today =D i still cant believe it..i felt so happy that day, cuz it came as a shock. pleasantly surprised, thats the word. oh yay! my class'll be going out tml! haha..okay, so its botanic gardens, but hey, thats not a bad place to be! especially for junhao, the aspiring botanist =p hes really, ever so knowlegeable about plants! that day at the funfair, i brought the 3 plants we bought as prizes, and he was like, naming them in turn! whoaaaaa.. haha, we were asking around yesterday on which guys in our class read FHM =p i was like, junhao (patrick, cuz he reminds us of patrick starfish) probably reads The Botanist's Lifestyle or something..haha..

what do -I- wanna be when i grow up? i havent given it much thought. well, actually i have, but the last thing i really wanted to be was a newscaster, and i dont know if i'll ever get the opportunity.. in fact, i really should be in arts, taking lit or something..i like words. but then again, i also like science, so HOWWWWW?! i watched ray yesterday, it was totally cool! i dunno, i thought it was quite touching and inspiring, especially when he fell and his mom just stood there watching, not saying a word, not offering to pick him up. but the tears were cascading down her cheeks. she knew that she shouldt help him, so that he would learn to be more independent and stuff. boy, was i tearing at that scene. haha..
what i didnt like was the fact that he was a womaniser!!! he went around having loads of mistresses, leaving his wife and kids at home. perhaps it was the norm in those days, but i still think its heartless and insensitive.

we were at KFC yesterday, and we were discussing our results. haha, it was so cute and coincidental, joan and i had the same results for our sciences! i was like, i had 3 for physics, 2 for bio, 1 for chem, she was like, i also! (or was it 'me too') so we high-fived 3 times. hahaha..shes really cute, joan. same height as me too! hahaha. 153 rocks (our height) =p i like high-fiving pp who are as tall and big sized as me. hahaha.

oh, and marcus chua, I AM NOT A PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

excuse me :X
7:56 PM

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