Saturday, February 26
imagine that!

we went to play badminton after school yesterday, at the kebun baru cc. by we, i mean me, fiona, alethea, weiling, alex him, ivan, joan and reuben (or ruby or bobby). hahaha..it was totally fun! and i felt so fit after that, like, whoa, dont mess with me cuz i've been working out! haha..anyway, we headed to macs after that, and we talked and ate till 9. alex said my voice is quite high and sounds very act cute!!!!!!!!!!! for the record, I DO NOT FREAKING ACT CUTE! its just stupid, isnt it. so insulting. and then he also said he finally figured out what was wrong with my face. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he said i have short eyelashes. -.- its THAT obvious?! okay, i have ugly eyes and eyelashes, happy?!!!!!!!! i cant quite put the act cute thing past me. for gods sake, i most certainly do not.

anyway, gotta go out now, so this one is kinda short. i was just itching to update my blog, so i came on..heh..O LEVEL RESULTS ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think im going to burst into tears.

excuse me :X
2:41 AM

Tuesday, February 22
what a horrid pe lesson!

today's pe lesson was SO unthinkably, unspeakably, indescribably, utterly, goddamned bloody BORING. we just sat there in the mph listening to a talk by that mr lim dude, the head of the pe dept. i hate talks! all we ever do is sit there like stones, listening to some guy yakking on, when we're supposed to be out in the sweltering heat, sweating buckets as we tough it out on the track. i was totally looking forward to today's pe, to lose any excess calories that can afford to be lost. im so heavy! i think i have heavy bones. HEAVY BONES! even lao shi is lighter than me, by 1 or 2kg.

i like mrs tan the econ teacher's teaching. no! i like mrs chong better. dont tell, but i dont really like the young teacher! experienced teachers are way more..i dunno, easier to understand. I CANT PRINT THE PRE U SEMINAR THINGY!!!!!!!!! and i cant send it to anyone either! dammit! *curses everything in sight. nothing is spared the slew of vulgarities* hahaha. nahhhhhhh, i dont curse.

sometimes, i dont find lao shi's jokes very funny, so like, i dont see how my peers seated around me can laugh so hysterically. ivan, for one. hahahaha. he laughs like, totally easily! he's such an easily amused boy. and i absolutely loathe it when she gets all boasty. like how she used to get first in class all the time in the past and other crap like that. she also seems to have a slight grudge against aj or something. she's always putting aj down. whats her problem???? like, oh for gods sake, if you hate the school that much, dont teach here. please dont tell her i said this. haha..she's okay sometimes, really. i think i have an attitude problem. i cant stand it when she says something, and everyone nods their heads in unison, in approval of her spectacular speech. and that time when she scolded us for being late for her class and wasting her precious time, i totally couldnt stand it when everyone else went back to normal, laughing at her jokes and apologising so sincerely and stuff. okay, so the apologising part was, shall we say, compulsory, cuz she wouldnt let us budge till we had ying zhe tou pi said sorry. i wasnt sincere bout it, honestly, though of COURSE i had to say it properly. she seems quite spoilt. (maybe i do too) but i mean, come ON, we were only late for a teensy while, not as if we committed a grave, unforgivable crime. most of the time, she comes to class and teaches us stuff bout life, like bout marriage and all..heh..its quite useful, i suppose.

well i gotta go, im supposed to be searching for pp to print out my pre u seminar thingy! the stupid thing wont send! *screams bloody murder*

excuse me :X
5:55 AM

Saturday, February 19
seeped in confusion and apprehension

the title speaks for itself. it all boils down to 'should i or shouldnt i?' and 'do i or do i not?' i shan't reveal too many details here. people who know, know. haha. so mysterious.

excuse me :X
8:02 PM

Wednesday, February 9
first day of CNY!

im so pissed at this thing! why dont i have any colour and font choices anymore?! im SO a colour-and-font person. unfortunately, my desire for a colourful, fonty blog entry cannot be satisfied. oh, W. =D

today's first day of chinese new year! unbelievable how its already here, and almost gone, for that matter, its 1030pm now. got lotsa ang pows today! heh. i let the suspense build, though, so i didnt open em up till i had collected everything from the guests! so far, i have...more than a dollar. haha. i shall not disclose details of the accumulated amount of money, for obvious reasons. =P

WELL. i studied some bio yesterday and today, honestly, can u believe it? haha..thats cuz im planning to go out on saturday to watch constantine! alex asked me out. =p actually he said monday, but monday got test! and anyway, going out in uni is so not fun. and then sunday, but i gotta study for bio on sunday. haha..man, i sound like such a nerd. oh my god, that reminds me, fiona said she thought i was those nerdy type when she first saw me, and ivan says i look 'maternl and homely'. and tiffany seconded it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOK OLD! I LOOK LIKE A MIDDLE AGED MOM! (no offence to middle aged moms) AN AUNTY! (no offence to aunties either) WHAT IS MY LIFE COMING TO?! somebody, comfort me.

its so cool, alex's bday is on 12 march! mine's on the 11th, by the way. yeah! pisces rocks! woo! go pisces! haha. i think the kueh lapis got to my head.

i feel so incredibly guilty and..fat. i ate lotsa pineapple tarts and little kueh lapis slices today. maybe they didnt amount to much, cuz they were tiny and all that, but im certain they will play a part in expanding my wasitline! i hope there's PT for air rifle on friday, to burn off all that luggage.

i just LOVE flowers! have i said how much i love flowers? well, i do, they're just so pretty! heh..i like flowers more than i like animals. that sounds quite heartless and like, non animal-friendly. haha. but i like animals too! i just dont go like, ooh! look at that dog! its so cute! and i dont like stuffed bears and dogs either. actually, i dont really like stuffed toys. haha. WHY?! AM I NOT A NORMAL GIRL?!

do i really look maternal and homely? =(

excuse me :X
6:16 AM

Saturday, February 5
abstinence is the intent, but not the result.

i feel like SUCH a pig. i ate laksa, and then some fried rice for dinner, and then lots of fruits, and a tronky bar and 4 little mini chocolate bars. !! i could just imagine all the lipids separating into fatty acids and glycerol and then being absorbed into my body, which, obviously, could do without the extra blubber. and im wondering, what is the cause of this sudden hunger pang? i mean, normally, i wouldnt eat so much. today was exceptional.

there was this guy at the busstop yesterday, and he was shouting and swearing at nobody in particular. it was kinda creepy, because he was just hurling vulgarities on end. he kept saying, you butch, you total idiot, and stuff like that. i was afraid he would do something stupid and like, pick on me or something. haha. initially, it was clear that he was annoying everyone with his impressive (if not, offensive) slew of words-we-do-not-normally-use. but then a strange thing happened. i began sympathising with the guy. he must have been dealt a Very big blow, big enough to make him lose his marbles. and he's only in his twenties. he should be out..partying or something (or whatever it is that 20-somethings do), not standing at a busstop by the roadside cursing someone who's not there. just think, he was once a perfectly sane, inarguably normal man. now he's just freaking the hell out of commuters. anyway, i have to go. it is imperative that i go to sleep now. haha. bye babes and dudes =)

excuse me :X
8:25 AM

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