Sunday, January 30
go 18! go 18!

wow, this is like, the first time im blogging in a century. haha. school update! i love my class! the people are totally nice and friendly and fun! anyway. we went to send zhiyang off at the airport today, it was mostly the e6ers, and a few e5s..heh..i cant believe he's going to canada! 10 minutes after that msg, i was still reeling from the initial shock. like, zhiyang's going canada for 2 years?!!!! and i didnt even know about it till the day before! he didnt tell me! i was left oblivious, ignorant, IN THE DARK! HOW COULD YOU, ZHIYANG?! haha. wonder what he's doing now! or if they've met with his homestay parents! he said the homestay father was this 'old guy'. the mean little boy.

ughhhhhh my stupid font is so hideous. i mean, just LOOK at it! ugly black words scrawled over a white background. have you seen anything worse?!! i have to go! i was supposed to find out about phospholipids and conjugated proteins for bio, but somehow i realised i was typing my blog. hahaha. BYE!!!

excuse me :X
2:06 AM

Sunday, January 9
what in the world?!

the coloured font icon is gone! i cant colour my fonts! haha. the creepy caller struck again! i rejected his call this time! no more miss nice girl! he asked for my address last time! he thinks im but a stupid, gullible, dense block of wood who wont think twice about giving my address to total strangers. apparently, his friend gave him the wrong number but he decided he liked talking to me anyway. he sounds quite nice, actually, if you can make out what he's saying. he once asked me if i was chinese. i dont think he's singaporean, he sounds very..non singaporean..haha..

oh yeah, i take back everything i said about my mambo partner! remember i said he wsant 'on' and all? well, i was wrong! he is on! he could grasp the stupid slam dunk da funk dance quite well, and in a matter of minutes! while the rest of us were struggling like fools, with all those oh-so-complicated steps. haha. stupid dance! i liked borriquito better! he's a nice guy, my mambo partner.. heh..

school starts tml! i will go to my new class, friendless and clueless. =( i wiiiiiiiish there was someone from my dwelling! i hope the people dont start exchanging hellos with one another. i hope everyone else is alone too! haha..its rather mean of me, but hey, its only natural =D

i have a new bag and shoes! decisions, decisions. i had to choose between the black and white one and the sand-coloured one. and the girly bag and the cool looking bag. haha..i opted for girly =p

i gotta go now, MOM is trying her darndest to get me off the net. SO LONG, BABES AND DUDES!!!!!!!!!! =D

excuse me :X
6:35 AM

Friday, January 7
the good and the bad combined.

this sucks. the people in my class are like total strangers to me. there is not a single name i recognise, a single soul i know. what is the world coming to?! haha. UGHHHHHH oh, how i dread monday. what if everyone in my class goes like, oh hello!-ing everybody else EXCEPT ME?! i dont want to be alone! why can't i AT LEAST have somebody else?! i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. oh, i saw jonathan in school today! didnt know he was here. and i thought his name was ruben, but thats his bro..haha..

excuse me :X
7:05 AM

Wednesday, January 5
what the hell!

DID YOU SEE THAT? THE PREVIOUS POST, THATS WHAT! THE FONT IS OBSCENELY SMALL! how in the world are loyal supporters of my blog supposed to read it?! and THIS! its supposed to be in BOLD, for crying out loud. but its so fine, like that uniball 0.38mm tip pen thingy.

ahhhhhh! i think noone else from iceni chose SC07!! =( i've made quite a number of friends there. honestly, i think iceni rocks! haha..i like when we cheer as a dwelling. we're so loud and united. the people in iceni are cool too. especially lin sien, our OGL. he's so like, motivated and enthusiastic, it's his attitude which spurs us on, really. he lost his voice today! haha..so e had to lead our cheers on our own. oh yeah, we learnt a new dance today! its called borriquito, where everyone stands in a circle (or 4 circles, cuz of lack of hall space. heh.) i especially like the twisting bit! you know, the shake your butt and go down, and shake it when you come up too =p but i like mambo better! it sounds nicer and dancier, anyway. =D (though i wish i had a more on partner..haha..shhh)

i read gabriel's blog. its kinda funny, esp the part where he wrote 'hello, im not deaf, bitches.' hahaha. but why is his font so small?! i like big, in-your-face fonts cuz they're easier to read =) lily made a contact list for all of us. she's our OGL too, she's also really nice. =) i think im gonna pick a again..most probably..my friend, i wont say who (haha), says she really doesnt wanna go back to a again..but i think it will be tougher to restart in a brand new school. and i didnt learn those AJ school cheers for nothing okay! haha. ooooh i love dancing. hahahaha.

ash says i look like daphne from singapore idol! and apparently, he's not the only one who thinks so. reaally? i wanna know! haha. i hate my eyes. 90 percent of people have double eyelids, but i have to be the unlucky 10 percent who dont! haha..oh well..whateverrrrrrrrr. *makes the big W sign*

oh MY! mily! you're my saviour! haha. she made the font big again! (im only just finding this out from our conversation on msn) she's cool! she's fantastic! she's amazing! she's invincible! sheeeeeeeeee's..MILY! hahah. THANK YOU!!!!! muacks!!!!!! heh.

ooooh i gotta go, i bet mom is gonna step into the house anytime now. haha. she's waiting for The Opprtune Moment. =p byebye all you lovely, wonderful, beautiful dudes and babes!!! man, i feel totally REVITALISED!!! WOOHOO! =D

excuse me :X
2:17 AM

Sunday, January 2
the start of a new chapter!


in just barely 8 hours, i will be waking up, to a brand new day, a brand new beginning, a brand new school! 5.30am. the last time i felt like this was 4 years ago! but i was more nervous last time, i dunno why. heh. im trying to be in a whateverish mood, so that i wont get all nervous and jittery and stuff. noone i know is going to the same dwelling as i am! it's ICELI, by the way. haha..i wonder what it means! im going to check it out now. i found out that Dagda is the Irish-Celtic god of the earth and treaties, and ruler over life and death. sounds cool, huh? =p like, he's all powerful and stuff! jun kiat was just telling me that day how he thinks this kinda greek mythology stuff is cool and how he's starting to take an interest in it! sandy and wm are going to dagda too, but we're in different dwellings. oh boy oh boy oh boy. im half excited, half nervous.

i totally totally cleared my desk today! i kept the books, scrubbed the table with CIF, formerly known as JIF..haha..so everything is squeaky clean now! the table's white, a very very vulnerable-to-all-forms-of-dirt-grime-and-whatnot colour. its so neat now! i feel revitalised, after a hectic day slaving away with the cloth. doing household chores gives me a great sense of satisfaction and achievement and pride! i also emptied all my files of all the work from sec 3 and 4. i found the book of lyrics emily and i bound together!!! i kept it, of course. sentimental value =) it reminds me of the times we used to sing in class. haha..that lyrics collection was like our bible =p just for the record, I ALWAYS LOVED SINGING WITH YOU, MILY!! hee..i hope you're reading this, mily! haha..oh yeah! which brings me to the little crane-in-a-pen thing that mily made for me! i kept it too! the crane's in an orange rexgrip pen that mily liked using. and the flower origami thingy! i always keep everything people make for me! Oh! and i found this note ash gave me, reminding me to um, sit properly in class..haha..i guess i wasnt sitting like a lady =p i sit cross legged at the piano too, unless the use of the pedal is required. i dunno, i like sitting cross legged!

haha..daffy says her inbox has no space, cuz its chock full of christmas and new year greetings, all of which she cant bear to delete =p haha, she's more sentimental than i am! i delete everything at one shot when the time comes, and i dont reread my msges in case i find something worth keeping and then i end up deleting nothing..haha. listening to jay now. i cant find the meteora CD!!

this is the second time i enjoyed the holidays fully, without touching a single piece of work! cuz in the past, we had all these dreaded holiday assignments to complete for the next year. i remember how siani-ish it used to get, and how i would always always leave my book reviews till the last day of the holiday, and then i'd go online to find some..heh..oops..maaaaybe i shouldnt have said that =p actually, it only happened once, and i figured ms ow couldnt have read every single english book there is, so i'd just like, make up a plot or something..haha..i swear, it was only ONCE, when i had no other option!

i dont know what to expect tml..i sure hope there isnt the stand-up-and-tell-us-your-name-age-sex-height-weight-school-interests-hobbies thing. haha..can u imagine? hi im vanda, and if you cant already tell, im a girl. hahahaha. i dont like my name, anyway.

k, guess ill be movin off now. im kinda calm today, arent i? i dunno, today i just didnt have any sudden bursts of ridiculosity to add to this blog. *shrugs* =) maybe another day! heh..toodles!

excuse me :X
5:24 AM

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