Sunday, December 26
just another moody day

my mother is trying to make me fat.

i just KNOW she is! its like, on her secret agenda or something! i can just imagine this little bulletin board on her office desk, with computer generated pictures of a fat me and "my short term goal" written all over them. and the worse part is, i think it'sactually working! oh, the horror! i think i felt this new ring of blubber around my middle. thats the main reason i am feeling exactly like eeyore today. poor donkey. i feel for him.

ever noticed how coffeshop chairs always look alike? its like they all come from the same manufacturer or something, and their designers have similar thoughts of how coffeshop chairs should look like. haha. they always have these two elomgated holes at the back, they're made of plastic, and the back rest is sorta roundish at the top. i wonder if such coffeshops will exist in the future too..or will everyone be dining in air conditioned coffeehouses instead. i also wonder if there will still be ice cream sellers riding those little ice cream um, carts. haha..i dunno what to call em, not a truck or a trolley right? =p

what a short blog today!

excuse me :X
5:12 AM

Wednesday, December 22
jing is the best baker on earth!

In my eyes, Jing is the best baker on the face of this earth! =) oh, and i hafta give credit to hui as well! hee..she gave me 2 of the loveliest and most delicious little gingerbread men i have ever tasted (not that i go around eating cute little gingerbread men all the time). haha..i met her at the playground outside mcdonalds today, i gave her a christmas card and this little present, a forever friends bear tucked away in a tiny carrier bag no bigger than an adult's fist. haha. i liked eating those gingerbread guys. they didnt put up a struggle at all. =p i ate their limbs first. first, i ruthlessly and mercilessly plucked off their stubby little arms, then i proceeded to devour their chubby, stout legs, and then the best part of all, the HEAD! HAHAHAHAH! >=) i finished off one walking home, but the other is only half mutilated (it still has its legs!) it's sitting patiently in the fridge now, waiting for me to finish typing this so that i can have it for supper =) haha.

im going swimming tml, with michelle, weiyu, qiaoru , zhiqi and daffy. so i wrote cards for each of them today! how sweet is that! =p the first one i wrote was for daffy, because she has left the greatest impression on me, and because i wanna thank her for being herself, and for being there for me when i needed a..typing hand? =p but i wrote personal messages for all of them, of course. each of them has left her mark on me in some way or other =) i havent swum in ages! since like, 4/more years ago. i fear that i should drown tml. haha. ugh, what a horrible on radio right now.

i spent some of the money that i earned from the mr yeo thing, today. but im not complaining, because it IS for a very very very valid reason, and that is, to maintain my relationships with my peers! haha. i feel kinda bad for not replying jing sooner..today, when i began writing since goodness knows how long ago, i totally couldnt control the pen! it was just flying across the paper, forming words as it went about. haha. my handwriting has seriously deproved as well, its WORSE than ever now! but oh what the heck. i also cut my nails today! they were getting annoyingly long, and they weighed quite a fair bit, i might add, to the extent that i had to drag them along behind me. haha.

i have a confession to make. the call of the gingerbread feet was too hard to resist. the thought of them lying pathetically on one of the shelves in the fridge, yearning helplessly for the familiar chomp chomp of my teeth was unbearable! i just HAD to eat them right here, right now =p note to self: swim like hell tml to burn off those unnecessary, unwanted fats.

i have to go now, eager eyes are waiting to read my blog. =p byebye everyone, but rest assured, you have NOT heard the last of me. *whisks away*

excuse me :X
5:52 AM

Thursday, December 9
www-it isnt ALL that bad!

oh wow!

i havent blogged in like, a hundred million years. hee..but never fear, blog readers, because i am BACK! (from outer space..) haha..WELL, we just got back from the chalet today, it was really sad..eric wrote this song for our class, and i thought it was very touching..it made me cry..i thought of us having lessons, and how in the past, it was just part of the usual daily grind, something we all had to grit our teeth and endure, but now..sigh..the memories..sleeping in class, not doing math homework..heh..there was this period of time where i hadnt done math homework for like, the longest time..and i had to resort to copying. =p

i luv wild wild wet! i was rather having second thoughts about going, because of all the bad opinions most people had of it, like how it was 'boring' and 'not worth it', but boy am i ever glad i went! maybe its just because i like frolicking around in the water. haha. i havent swum in what, 4 years? haha..it was not a waste of money at all! we were there for 7 hours! the ular-lah slide was awesome! ooh ooh, and Slide Up! it was totally thrilling! i was screaming my lungs out! no, make that me and emily =) i just LUV thrill rides! oh, the exhiliration! if adrenaline were harmful, i'd be dead. haha. i got sunburnt too! my shoulders are crimson. haha..and man they hurt something awful. yesterday i was rubbing ice all over it at swensens. it was worse today cuz i had to carry my bag home..the straps were cutting into them! i hurt my back on Slide Up, there's a little bruise there now, i cant lean back!

zhiyang may be a 'coffebean kid', or as he puts it! =p i want a job like that too! comfortable working conditions, getting to serve people..but its only 4 bucks an hour! well, we cant be too greedy, now can we? =D

excuse me :X
7:55 AM

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