Monday, November 15
a lumbering mass of blubber

hey bloggy.

i feel SO goddamned fat today. i drank milk in the morning, then mom gave me strawberry milk in the afternoon and then after that in the evening she gave me milo. all this fat! it cant be good. ok, so the strawberry milk was low fat hi cal or whatever, but honestly, how low can the fat content get??? i suspect she's trying to make me fatter and fatter and fatter. what is wrong with her?! yup. so today i feel like (title).

my goddamned phone isnt working yet! i think its cuz its a public holiday today, so the singtel people havent processed the bills yet. haha. THATS IT. im going to do 60 sit ups later. its a start for operation Lose Weight! i daren't stand on the scale for fear that it might shatter. to the people reading, im sorry it seems like the same old issue everytime =p

im really really REALLY worried for the exams which are over. i was so FREAKING careless in my amath, i could kill myself. i mean, if i hadnt been careless, i would have gotten it right! but NOOOOOO i just HAD to screw up on the NINE MARK question. i calculated the thing wrongly!!!!!!! groaaaaaan. now im worrying like crazy, my hair's turned white! worried that all that carelessness will cost me an A1. worried for the results next year. worried for EVERYTHING. that explains the wrinkles on my forehead. haha.

oh MY, pantene rocks. it like, dissolves all the gel in my hair. haha. leaving it feeling soft, smooth and silky. the advertisement was right! plus, it smells totally awesome. i'd try to smell my hair, but its too short to pull across my cheeks to my nose. oh YEAH! my hair's growing at a frightening speed. i cut it like, when? on the 30 october. so thats like, about 2 weeks right? and now its grown kinda long! im gonna hafta cut it everyday from now on. haha. im going to change my template! the pink one doesnt look as nice as i thought it would be >.<

excuse me :X
3:59 AM

Sunday, November 14
why whyyyy??

dear bloggy

ahhhhh! why, oh whyyyyy did i have to be distracted by the guy playing piano on the telly?! i was doing physics before that! in my room! when alas! i heard the melodious tones of the piano emmanating from the living room. curious, i bounded out hurriedly, leaving my half-completed physics work to rot on the room desk. mesmerised, i made my way to the sofa, sat down and basked in the oh-so-lovely music. haha.

plus! the pianist was this chinese guy who was this guest star on some billy joel concert. yes, billy joel! the guy who sang uptown girl! haha. my phone STILL does not work! oh, the frustration, the torment, the anguish of it all. i was SO SO totally bored out of my wits today. i study better in company! i wonder if anyone tried to message me. haha, that may just be self flattery on my part. heck, who knows? maybe EVERYONE was trying to message me cuz everyone likes talking to me. hahaha. yeah right =p

oh cool now i have this tagboard thingy. emily taught me how to get it. good ol' emily :)

today was the last day at math tuition :( i've been going there for 4 years now..such a pity that its all over now..sigh..the fun we used to have..=) im gonna miss weiling. we used to do stupid at-the-spur-of-the-moment stuff. haha. like, take shelter under the table =p where's mily?! she left *snaps fingers* just like that! zl's telling me stuff but i dunno what he means. haha.

i had fish mcdippers for dinner tonight. thats rather healthy, dont you think? so today i dont feel as huge as i did yesterday. haha.

i hafta tell jing bout my blog! dad is cui-ing me off the net. mom actually asked me whether i wanted to watch SESAME STREET LIVE. i think she was joking. i said, 'yes, with all the other kids.' sesame street's kinda fun to watch on tv, really. except when they start like, counting all these stuff really slowly, like, onnnnnne, twooooooo, threeeeeee.

i hafta go now. my chem book is just begging to be opened. haha. byebye, people.

excuse me :X
8:00 AM

Saturday, November 13
iron chef won!

heh..i watched iron chef yesterday, the challenger guy was up against the japanese iron chef. i was TOTALLY rooting for the iron chef, cuz 1)he was kinda good looking, for a middle aged man. haha. and 2)nobody was cheering him on or anything. it was different for the challenger. practically all his colleagues were yelling their heads off. plus! they were all really really obnoxious. they were claiming how fuji knew what REAL japanese cuisine was. i mean, he chose to use this old fashioned rice cooker instead of an electric one. and he snorted when he heard the iron chef was using an electric one. well it doesnt matter does it? THE IRON CHEF WON! his victory contributed to my short term happiness. haha. speaking of which, i've been feelin kinda happy lately. like, my normal self. like nothing happened. and im GLAD :) cuz it high time i stopped moping. right now, im totally, oh puhLEEZ. which is awesome. i like feeling happy.

i feel SO totally fat and humongous today. i went to math tuition, and mr leow offered us these muruku strips, what with it being deepavali and all, so i ate 2 of those. then he gave us these chinese pear slices, which were really big, and i ate 2. and i ALSO ate THREE of those longevity buns. GOD i feel like such a pig. what am i?! a glutton, thats what. sigh. im going on a diet starting from now. and after the exams, i am SO going to lose weight. i could shed at least 2kg to make it 43. which is better than 45. argh. i feel so..huge.

i should probably go do my amath now. i studied geog in the morning. then after dinner, ill do physics and chem. what another lonely day. i hate all my friends. nobody wants to talk to me :( im so..unwanted. sob.

excuse me :X
1:37 AM

Friday, November 12
a new blog!

Oh cooool i have a blog thingy now..haha..its really late..like, 1.40am..today was a really lonely day..noone replied my msgs! not jk, not a, and huilin was gone most of the time! her phone is like, half dead. i do admit, i am desperate for company. i mean, you cant blame a lonely girl for wanting to be with people. Oh nonono, i shouldnt be saying this on the first day of my blog! haha..actually, i was kinda happy today, for the most part. i dunno..mood swings i guess, sometimes im positively BURSTING with happiness and at other times i just sink helplessly into a state of nostalgia. but ANYWAY! think ill go now, its getting obscenely late, and o hafta wake up early tml to start STUDYING. oh, groan..the thought of it..but whatever, its but 3more days! haha zl is testing out something in the conversation window now. i havent the faintest inkling what he's up to. whatever. weird wabbit boy. lives up to his name. heh..bYe!

excuse me :X
9:35 AM

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